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The 7-volume Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Second Edition maintains the reputation of the highly regarded original, presenting the most current information available in this glob… Read more
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The 7-volume Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Second Edition maintains the reputation of the highly regarded original, presenting the most current information available in this globally crucial area of research and study. It brings together the dimensions of biodiversity and examines both the services it provides and the measures to protect it. Major themes of the work include the evolution of biodiversity, systems for classifying and defining biodiversity, ecological patterns and theories of biodiversity, and an assessment of contemporary patterns and trends in biodiversity.
The science of biodiversity has become the science of our future. It is an interdisciplinary field spanning areas of both physical and life sciences. Our awareness of the loss of biodiversity has brought a long overdue appreciation of the magnitude of this loss and a determination to develop the tools to protect our future.
University, research, and special libraries; non-profit groups working in biodiversity-related areas; industries with an interest in preserving and utilizing natural resources, from timber and chemical corporations to insurance companies; fish and wildlife exploiters, protectors, and regulators; zoos, zoological societies, and natural history museums.
Acid and Mercury Deposition Effects on Forest and Freshwater Aquatic Ecosystems
Adaptive Radiation
Aesthetic Factors
Africa, Ecosystems of
African and Asian Savannas
Agricultural Invasions
Agriculture, Industrialized
Agriculture, Nutrient Management, and Water Quality
Agriculture, Sustainable
Agriculture, Traditional
Air Pollution
Alpine Ecosystems
Amazon Ecosystems
Amphibians, Biodiversity of
Antarctic Ecosystems
Archaea, Origin of
Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems
Arthropods (Terrestrial), Amazonian
Asia, Ecosystems of
Atmospheric Gases
Australia, Biodiversity of Ecosystems
Bacterial Biodiversity
Bacterial Genetics
Biodiversity and Cultural Ecosystem Services
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Biodiversity and Human Health
Biodiversity and Pest Control Services
Biodiversity as a Commodity
Biodiversity, Definition of
Biodiversity, Evolution and
Biodiversity-Friendly Farming
Biodiversity Generation, Overview
Biodiversity, Human Well-Being, and Markets
Biodiversity Informatics
Biodiversity in Logged and Managed Forests
Biodiversity in Plant Breeding
Biodiversity of Harmful Marine Algae
Biodiversity of the Succulent Karoo
Biodiversity, Origin of
Biodiversity-Rich Countries
Biodiversity State and Trends in Southeast Asia
Biofuels and Biodiversity: The Implications of Energy Sprawl
Biofuels and Biodiversity, Wildlife Habitat Restoration
Biogeochemical Cycles
Biogeographical Models
Biogeography, Overview
Birds, Biodiversity of
Boreal Forest Ecosystems
Breeding of Animals
Captive Breeding and Reintroduction
Captive Breeding and the Evolutionarily Significant Unit
Carbon Cycle
Carrying Capacity, Concept of
Cattle, Sheep, and Goats, Ecological Role of
Census of Marine Life
Central America, Ecosystems of
Climate Change and Ecology, Synergism of
Climate Change and Extinctions
Climate Change and Wild Species
Climate Change: Anticipating and Adapting to the Impacts on Terrestrial Species
Climate, Effects of
Coastal Beach Ecosystems
Commons, Concept and Theory of
Commons, Institutional Diversity of
Comparing Extinction Rates: Past, Present, and Future
Competition, Interspecific
Complexity Versus Diversity
Computer Systems and Models, Use of
Conservation and People
Conservation and the world's poorest of the poor
Conservation Biology, Discipline of
Conservation Efforts, Contemporary
Conservation Genetics
Conservation Movement, Historical
Conserving Biodiversity Outside Protected Areas
Convention on Biological Diversity
Cooperation, Evolution of
Corals and Coral Reefs
Countryside Biogeography
C4 Plants
Crop Mixtures and the Mechanisms of Overyielding
Darwin, Charles (Darwinism)
Defenses, Ecology of
Defining, Measuring, and Partitioning Species Diversity
Deforestation and Land Clearing
Desert Ecosystems
Development by Design: Using a Revisionist History to Guide a Sustainable Future
Dinosaurs, Extinction Theories for
Diseases, Conservation and
Dispersal Biogeography
Disturbance, Mechanisms of
Disturbance Regimes and the Historical Range of Variation in Terrestrial Ecosystems
Diversity and Conservation of Neotropical Mammals
Diversity, Community/Regional Level
Diversity, Ecology, and Biogeochemical Influence of N2-Fixing Microorganisms in the Sea
Diversity, Molecular Level
Diversity, Organism Level
Diversity, Taxonomic versus Functional
Domestication of Crop Plants
Dormancy and Diapause
Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
Ecogenomic Sensors
Ecological Footprint, Concept of
Ecological Genetics
Ecology, Concept and Theories in
Ecology of Agriculture
Economic Control of Invasive Species
Economic Growth and the Environment
Economics of Agrobiodiversity
Economics of the Regulating Services
Economic Value of Biodiversity, Measurements of
Ecosystem, Concept of
Ecosystem Function Measurement, Aquatic and Marine Communities
Ecosystem Function Measurement, Terrestrial Communities
Ecosystem Function, Principles of
Ecosystem Services
Ecosystems of South America
Edible Plants
Education and Biodiversity
Effects of Ecotones on Biodiversity
Elevational Trends in Biodiversity
El Niño and Biodiversity
Endangered Amphibians
Endangered Ecosystems
Endangered Freshwater Invertebrates
Endangered Mammals
Endangered Marine Invertebrates
Endangered Plants
Endangered Reptiles
Endangered Terrestrial Invertebrates
Energy Flow and Ecosystems
Energy Use, Human
Environmental Ethics
Environmental Impact, Concept and Measurement of
Estuarine Ecosystems
Ethical issues in biodiversity protection
Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology
Eukaryotes, Origin of
Europe, Ecosystems of
Eutrophication and Oligotrophication
Evaluation of Ecosystem Service Policies from Biophysical and Social Perspectives: The Case of China
Evolution in Response to Climate Change
Evolution, Theory of
Extinction, Causes of
Extinction in the Fossil Record
Feeding the World and Protecting Biodiversity
Fires, Ecological Effects of
Fish Conservation
Fishes, Biodiversity of
Fish Stocks
Flies, Gnats, and Mosquitoes
Food Webs
Forest Canopies, Animal Diversity
Forest Canopies, Plant Diversity
Forest Ecology
Fossil Record
Framework for Assessment and Monitoring of Biodiversity
Freshwater Ecosystems
Freshwater Ecosystems, Human Impact on
Functional Diversity
Functional Diversity Measures
Functional Groups
Gene Banks
Genes, Description of
Genetic Diversity
Geologic Time, History of Biodiversity in
Global Declines of Amphibians
Globalization Effects on Common Plant Species
Global Species Richness
Government Legislation and Regulations in the United States
Grasshoppers and their Relatives
Grassland Ecosystems
Grazing, Effects of
Greenhouse Effect
Habitat and Niche, Concept of
Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
Habitat Selection
Herbaceous Vegetation, Species Richness in
High-Elevation Andean Ecosystems
High-Temperature Ecosystems
Historical Awareness of Biodiversity
Human Impact on Biodiversity, Overview
Human Impacts on Ecosystems: An Overview
Hunter-Gatherer Societies, Ecological Impact of
Hybridization in Plants
Identifying Conservation Priorities using a Return on Investment Analysis
Impact of Ecological Restoration on Ecosystem Services
Impact of Extreme and Infrequent Events on Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Impact of Past Global Warming on Biodiversity
Implications of Urbanization for Conservation and Biodiversity Protection
Inbreeding and Outbreeding
Indicator Species
Indicator Species: Computation
Indigenous Peoples and Biodiversity
Indigenous Strategies Used to Domesticate Plants in Brazilian Amazon
Indirect Land Use and Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Biofuels
Insecticide Resistance
Insects, Overview
In Situ, Ex Situ Conservation
International Organizations and Biodiversity
Intertidal Ecosystems
Introduced Plants, Negative Effects of
Introduced Species, Impacts and Distribution of
Invertebrates, Freshwater, Overview
Invertebrates, Marine, Overview
Invertebrates, Terrestrial, Overview
Island Biogeography
Justice, Equity and Biodiversity
Keystone Species
Lake and Pond Ecosystems
Landscape Corridors
Landscape Diversity
Landscape Ecology and Population Dynamics
Landscape Epidemiology
Landscape Genetics
Landscape Legacies
Landscape Modeling
Land-Use Changes and CO2 Emissions Due to US Corn Ethanol Production
Land Use Issues
Land-Use Patterns, Historic
Large-Scale Biodiversity Experiments
Latent Extinction—The Living Dead
Latitudinal and Elevational Range Shifts under Contemporary Climate Change
Latitudinal Gradients of Biodiversity
Life Cycle Analysis of Biofuels
Life History, Evolution of
Limits to Biodiversity (Species Packing)
Literary Perspectives on Biodiversity
Loss of Biodiversity, Overview
Macroscopic Patterns in Marine Plankton
Mammals, Biodiversity of
Mammals, Conservation Efforts for
Mammals (Late Quaternary), Extinctions of
Mammals (Pre-Quaternary), Extinctions of
Mangrove Ecosystems
Marine and Aquatic Communities, Stress from Eutrophication
Marine Conservation in a Changing Climate
Marine Ecosystems
Marine Ecosystems, Human Impacts on
Marine Mammals, Extinctions of
Marine Protected Areas: Static Boundaries in a Changing World
Marine Sediments
Marine Symbioses: Metazoans and Microbes
Marine Viruses
Market Economy and Biodiversity
Mass Extinctions, Concept of
Mass Extinctions, Notable Examples of
Measurement and Analysis of Biodiversity
Measuring and Estimating Species Richness, Species Diversity, and Biotic Similarity from Sampling Data
Mediterranean-Climate Ecosystems
Microbial Biodiversity
Microbial Biodiversity, Measurement of
Microbial Biogeography
Microbial Diversity
Microbial Diversity of the Oceanic Surface Picoplankton: Insights from the Global Ocean Sampling (GOS) Program
Microorganisms (Microbes), Role of
Modeling Biodiversity Dynamics in Countryside and Native Habitats
Modeling Marine Ecosystem Services
Modeling Terrestrial Ecosystem Services
Modern Examples of Extinctions
Museums and Institutions, Role of
Natural Extinctions (not Human Influenced)
Natural Reserves and Preserves
Nature-Based Coastal Defenses: Can Biodiversity Help?
Near East Ecosystems, Animal Diversity
Near East Ecosystems, Plant Diversity
Neotropical Seasonally Dry Forests
Nest Parasitism
Neutral Theory and Beyond
Nitrogen Deposition and Terrestrial Biodiversity
Nitrogen, Nitrogen Cycle
Nomenclature, Systems of
North America, Patterns of Biodiversity in
Nucleic Acid Biodiversity: Rewriting DNA and RNA in Diverse Organisms
Ocean Ecosystems
Oceanic Islands: Models of Diversity
Oil-Palm Plantations in the Context of Biodiversity Conservation
Origin and Diversification of Angiosperms
Origin of Life, Theories of
Origins, Evolution, and Breakdown of Bacterial Symbiosis
Pelagic Ecosystems
Pesticides, Uses and Effects of
Pharmacology, Biodiversity and
Phenological Shifts in Animals Under Contemporary Climate Change
Phenotype, a Historical Perspective
Photosynthesis, Mechanisms of
Plankton, Status and Role of
Plant–Animal Interactions
Plant Biodiversity, Overview
Plant Communities, Evolution of
Plant Conservation
Plant Invasions
Plant Phenology Changes and Climate Change
Plant–Soil Interactions
Plant Sources of Drugs and Chemicals
Pollinators, Role of
Pollution, Overview
Population Density
Population Diversity, Overview
Population Dynamics
Population Genetics
Population Stabilization, Human
Population Viability Analysis
Poverty and Biodiversity
Predators, Ecological Role of
Primate Populations, Conservation of
Priority Setting for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Property Rights and Biodiversity
Proteorhodopsins: Widespread Microbial Light-Driven Proton Pumps
Rainforest Ecosystems, Animal Diversity
Rainforest Ecosystems, Plant Diversity
Rainforest Loss and Change
Range Ecology, Global Livestock Influences
Rare Biosphere
Religious Traditions and Biodiversity
Remote Sensing and Image Processing
Reptiles, Biodiversity of
Residents and Transients in the Fossil Record
Resource Exploitation, Fisheries
Resource Partitioning
Restoration of Animal, Plant, and Microbial Diversity
Restoration of Biodiversity, Overview
Riparian Landscapes
River Ecosystems
Role and Trends of Protected Areas in Conservation
Role of Botanic Gardens
Scale, Concept and Effects of
Slash-and-Burn Agriculture, Effects of
Social and Cultural Factors
Social Behavior
Soil Biota, Soil Systems, and Processes
Soil Conservation
South American Natural Ecosystems, Status of
Southern (Austral) Ecosystems
Speciation, Process of
Speciation, Theories of
Species–Area Relationships
Species Assemblages, Macroecology, and Global Change
Species Coexistence
Species, Concepts of
Species Distribution Modeling
Species Diversity, Overview
Species Interactions
Stability, Concept of
Stewardship, Concept of
Storage, Ecology of
Stress, Environmental
Subspecies, Semispecies, Superspecies
Subterranean Ecosystems
Succession, Phenomenon of
Sustainability and Biodiversity
Systematics, Overview
Taxonomy, Methods of
Temperate Forests
Terrestrial Ecosystems
The Global Environment Facility: Financing the Stewardship of Global Biodiversity
The Multiple Benefits of River–Floodplain Connectivity for People and Biodiversity
Thermophiles, Origin of
The Value of Biodiversity
Threatened Birds
Threatened Species: Classification Systems and Their Applications
Timber Industry
Tourism, Role of
Traditional Conservation Practices
Translocation as a Conservation Strategy
Trends in Nature Recreation: Causes and Consequences
Trophic Cascades
Trophic Levels
Tropical Forest Ecosystems
Tropical Forest Regeneration
True Bugs and Their Relatives, Diversity of
Ultraviolet Radiation
Urban–Suburban Biodiversity
Valuing Ecosystem Services
Vertebrates, Overview
Vicariance Biogeography
Water Funds: A New Ecosystem Service and Biodiversity Conservation Strategy
Wetland Creation and Restoration
Wetlands Ecosystems
Wildlife Management
Worms, Annelida
Worms, Nematoda
Worms, Platyhelminthes
Zoos and Zoological Parks
Simon A. Levin is the Moffett Professor of Biology at Princeton University and the Director of the Center for BioComplexity in the Princeton Environmental Institute. Previously he was the Alexander Professor of Biology at Cornell University, Director of Cornell’s Center for Environmental Research, and the Princeton Environmental Institute. He has served as President of the Ecological Society of America and of the Society for Mathematical Biology. His principal research interests are in understanding how macroscopic patterns and processes are maintained at the level of ecosystems, socioeconomic systems, and the biosphere, in terms of ecological, behavioral and evolutionary mechanisms that operate primarily at the level of organisms.
Levin is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Philosophical Society, and a Foreign Member of the Istituto Veneto. He is a University Fellow of Resources for the Future, a Fellow of the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, and a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. He has nearly 500 publications, and is the Editor of the Encyclopedia of Biodiversity and the Princeton Guide to Ecology. He serves on the Science Board of the Santa Fe Institute, which he co-chaired from 2007-2010, and was formerly Chair of the Council of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
Levin’s awards include: the Heineken Prize for Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences, Margalef Prize for Ecology, the Ecological Society of America’s MacArthur and Eminent Ecologist Awards, and the Okubo Award of the Society for Mathematical Biology and the Japanese Society for Theoretical Biology