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Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, Second Edition, Six Volume Set is an authoritative resource covering all aspects of atmospheric sciences, including both theory and applicati… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, Second Edition, Six Volume Set is an authoritative resource covering all aspects of atmospheric sciences, including both theory and applications. With more than 320 articles and 1,600 figures and photographs, this revised version of the award-winning first edition offers comprehensive coverage of this important field. The six volumes in this set contain broad-ranging articles on topics such as atmospheric chemistry, biogeochemical cycles, boundary layers, clouds, general circulation, global change, mesoscale meteorology, ozone, radar, satellite remote sensing, and weather prediction.
The Encyclopedia is an ideal resource for academia, government, and industry in the fields of atmospheric, ocean, and environmental sciences. It is written at a level that allows undergraduate students to understand the material, while providing active researchers with the latest information in the field.
Energy balance model; Global Change; Hamiltonian Dynamics; Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology; Biogeochemical Cycles; Buoyancy and Buoyancy Waves; Climate; Climate Variability; Cloud Chemistry; Cloud Modeling; Deserts and Desertification; Clouds; Drought; Evolution of Earth's Atmosphere; Fronts; Forensic Meteorology; Angular Momentum of the Atmosphere; Antarctic Climate; Acoustic Waves; Aerosols; Aircraft Icing; Air Pollution; Air-Sea Interaction; Anticyclones; Arctic Climate; Arctic Haze; Aviation Weather Hazards; Baroclinic Instability; Boundary Layers; Bow Echos and Derecho; Carbon Dioxide; Chemistry of the Atmosphere; Clear Air Turbulence; Climate Variability; Cloud Micro Physics; Clouds; Cold Air Damming; Convective Storms; Coriolis Force; Critical Layers; Cyclones; Cyclogenesis; Data Analysis; Density Currents; Diurnal Cycle; Dust; Dynamic Meteorology; Electricity, Atmospheric; El Nino and the Southern Oscillation; Flooding; Fog; General Circulation; General Circulation Models; Glaciers, Topography and Climate; Gust Fronts; Hadley Circulation; Humidity Variables; Hurricanes; Hydraulic Flow; Hydrology; Instability; Ionosphere; Isotopes, Stable; Jet Streaks; Katabatic Winds; Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability; Kelvin Waves; Kinematics; Laboratory Geophysical Fluid Dynamics; Lagrangian Dynamics; Lake Effect Storms; Land/Atmosphere Interactions; Land/Sea Breeze; Large Eddy Simulation; Lee Waves and Mountain Waves; Lidar; Magnetosphere; Marine Meteorology; Mesoscale Meteorology; Mesosphere; Meteors; Methane; Microbursts; Microclimate; Middle Atmosphere; Monsoon; Mountain Meteorology; Valley Winds; Lee Vortices; Noctilucent Clouds; Nuclear Winter; Numerical Models; Numerical Weather Prediction; Observation Platforms; Kites; Observation Platforms; Observations for Chemistry (In-situ); Observations for Chemistry (Remote Sensing); Ocean Circulation; Operational Meteorology; Optics, Atmospheric; Downslope Winds; Orographic Effects; Ozone; Palmer Drought Severity Index; Paleoclimatology; Parameterization of Physical Processes; Permafrost; Planetary Atmospheres; Polar Lows; Prediction; Predictability and Chaos; Quasi-geostrophic Theory; Radar; Radiation (Solar); Radiative Transfer; Radioactivity; Radiosondes; Rossby Waves; Satellite Remote Sensing; Satellites; Sea Ice; Severe Storms; Snow (surface); Solar Terrestrial Interactions; Solar Winds; Solitary Waves; Soot; Spectral Models; Standard Atmosphere; Static Stability; Stationary Waves (Orographic and Thermally Forced); Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition; Stratospheric Water Vapor; Stratosphere/Troposphere Exchange; Clouds; Synoptic Meteorology; Teleconnections; Thermal Low; Thermodynamics; Thermosphere; Atmospheric Tides; Tracers; Tropical Meteorology; Tropopause; Tropospheric Chemistry and Composition; Turbulence and Mixing; Turbulence, Two Dimensional; Turbulent Diffusion; Urban Heat Island; Ultra-violet Radiation; Ultra-violet, Surface (inc. Forecasting); Volcanoes; Vorticity; Walker Circulation; Waterspouts; Wave Mean-Flow Interaction; Weather Modification; Weather Prediction; Weather Regimes and Multiple Equilibria; Wind; Wind Chill; The Greenhouse Effect; Climate; Feedbacks; Global Change; Laboratory Kinetics; Land/Atmosphere Interactions; Lightning; Mesoscale Meteorology; Frontogenesis; Wildfire Weather; Hail and Hailstorms; Dynamic Meteorology; Biogeochemical Cycles; Hurricane Dynamics; Convective generated gravity waves; Convective Storms; History of Scientific Work on Climate Change; The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ; Model Physics Parameterization; Parameter Estimation; Ensemble Data Assimilation; Hurricane Predictability; Gravity waves from jets and fronts; Air Pollution Meteorology; Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models; Radiative Convective Equilibrium Models; Madden--Julian Oscillation -- Skeleton and Conceptual Models; Remote Sensing: Cloud Properties; Typhoons and Western Pacific Tropical Cyclones; Jet and Fronts in the Stratosphere; Tropical Cyclones Genesis; Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change; Tropical Cyclones: Secondary Eyewall Formation; Global impacts of the Madden-Julian Oscillations; Cloud System Resolving Modeling and Aerosols; Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition