Chapter 27. Intracrustal and Subcrustal Environments (Introduction to Chapters 28-32) Chapter 28. Plutonic Granite, Diorite, (Gabbro) Association (GDG) and Its Aureole 28.1. Introduction 28.2. Petrography, Origin and Setting of GDG Plutonic Rocks 28.3. Introduction to GDG Metallogeny 28.4. Mineralization Styles Associated with Phanerozoic (Higher-Level) Granite, Diorite, (Gabbro) Association (Fig. 28-26; Table 28-1) 28.5. "Porphyry" (Stockwork, Disseminated) Cu-Mo Deposits 28.6. Copper Skarns and Carbonate Replacements 28.7. Copper Veins 28.8. Sn (W,Bi,Mo,Be,Ta-Nb) Mineralizations Associated with Granite Plutons 28.9. Tungsten (Wolframite and Scheelite) Veins, Stockworks and Disseminations in Non-Carbonate Rocks in Granite Aureoles 28.10. Scheelite Skarns 28.10. Stockwork Molybdenite Deposits 28.11. Molybdenite (Wulfenite) Veins and Small Pipes 28.12. Molybdenum Skarns 28.13. P0stmagmatic Be Deposits 28.14. Pb-Zn(Ag) Deposits in "Granite" Aureoles 28.15. Hydrothermal-Plutonic Silver Deposits 28.16. The Ni,Co,Bi,Ag,U,(As) Association 28.17. Gold Deposits 28.18. Hydrothermal Iron Ores (Except Skarns) 28.19. Magnetite Skarn and Replacement Deposits 28.19. Manganese Deposits 28.20. Uranium Deposits 28.21. Antimony Deposits 28.22. Mercury Deposits 28.23. Bismuth Deposits 28.24. Arsenic Deposits 28.25. Minor Metals and Metalloids: Se,Te,Tl, In,Ge,Ga, Cd 28.26. Summary Graphs of Ore Distribution Patterns Chapter 29. High- to Medium-Grade Metamorphosed Terrains, Katazonal Granites, Pegmatites 29.1. Introduction 29.2. Petrography, Origin and Setting of High-Grade Metamorphic Terrains 29.3. Trace Metal Geochemistry and Ore Genesis 29.4. Mineralization Styles in Metamorphosed Non-Carbonate Supracrustals (Schists, Gneisses; Fig. 29-1) 29.5. Mineralization Styles in Metacarbonates 29.6. Mineralization Styles in and Related to the Zone of Ultrametamorphism and Granitization 29.7. Granitic Pegmatites 29.8. Retrograde Metamorphics, Mylonites, Cataclasites Chapter 30. Continental Fragmentation, Rifts and Paleo-Rifts 30.1. Introduction 30.2. Stages of Rifting and Recent Examples 30.3. Examples of Modern Rift and Taphrogenic Systems 30.4. Exposed Paleo-Rifts 30.5. assymetrical Portions of Paleorifts Preserved under "Atlantic-Type" Continental Margins; Paleorifts within Shelves Covered by Young Sediments 30.6. Hypothetical, Metamorphosed Paleorifts Chapter 31. Continental Plateau Basalt and Bimodal Volcanic Association 31.1. Introduction 31.2. Geotectonic Setting and Origin 31.3. Ore Distribution and Economic Importance 31.4. Major Sub-Associations and their Metallic Ores 31.5. Examples of Plateau Basalt Provinces Chapter 32. Diabase, Gabbro and Similar Dikes and Sills 32.1. Introduction 32.2. Metallogeny and Ores Associated with Diabase Dikes and Sills Chapter 33. Alkaline Igneous Association 33.1. Introduction 33.2. Dominantly Volcanic Alkaline Provinces and Occurrences 33.3. Peralkaline Granite-Rhyolite Association 33.4. Feldspar Syenite-Trachyte Transitional Association 33.5. Nepheline Syenite and Alkaline Gabbro-Dominated Intrusive Complexes 33.6. Alkaline-Ultramafic Association 33.7. Potassic Alkaline Rocks 33.8. Carbonatites 33.9. Kimberlites and Kimberlitic Diatremes References General Index Locality Index Genetic Indices Metals Index