Richard C. Selley
Richard C. Selley has spent most of his career at Imperial College, apart from several years working for oil companies in Libya, Greenland and the North Sea. He was a member of Conoco's exploration team that found the Lyell, Murchison and Hutton fields. Selley has provided consultancy and CPD services in Australia, Bahrain, Belize, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Holland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Jamaica, Jordan, Malaysia, Morocco, Libya, New Zealand, Norway, the North Sea, Sao Tomé and Principé, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, the U.A.E., Uganda, the U.S.A., Vietnam and the former Yugoslavia. He holds an Hon DSc from Kingston University and is an Honorary Member of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain.
Affiliations and expertise
Professor Emeritus, Imperial College London, UK