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Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras, Volume I: Elementary Theory provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of the theory of operator algebras. This book… Read more
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Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras, Volume I: Elementary Theory provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of the theory of operator algebras. This book discusses the finite-dimensional linear algebra. Organized into five chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the fundamental aspects of linear functional analysis that are needed in the study of operator algebras. This text then discusses the continuous linear operators, continuous linear functionals, weak topologies, and convexity in the context of linear topological spaces. Other chapters consider the elementary geometry of Hilbertspaces and the simplest properties of Hilbert space operators. This book discusses as well algebras that have a Banach-space structure relative to which the multiplication is continuous. The final chapter deals with those C*-algebras that are strong-operator closed in their action on some Hilbert space, which play a fundamental role in the subject.
This book is a valuable resource for mathematicians.