Contributors. Preface. C. Nordling, Four Decades of Atomic Physics. N.F. Ramsey, Spectroscopy with Highly Coherent Radiation. W.D. Phillips, Atoms in Optical Lattices: Cooling, Trapping and Squeezing Atoms with Light. D.J. Wineland, C. Monroe, D.M. Meekhof, B.E. King, D. Leibfried, W.M. Itano, J.C Bergquist, D. Berkeland, J.J. Bollinger and J. Miller, Coherent Quantum State Manipulation of Trapped Atomic Ions. J.T. Hoffges, H.W. Baldauf, T. Eichler, S.R. Helmfrid and H. Walther, Resonance Fluorescence of a Single Ion. P.J. Mohr, Quantum Electrodynamics and the Fundamental Constants. V.W Hughes, High Precision Spectroscopy of Positronium and Muonium. G. Soff, T. Beier, M. Greiner, H. Persson, and G. Plunien, Quantum Electrodynamics of Strong Fields: Status and Perspectives. U.S. Mahapatra, B. Datta, B. Bandyopadhyay, and D. Mukherjee, State-Specific Multi-Reference Coupled Cluster Formulations: Two Paradigms. W. Greiner, Correlations in the Vacuum. S. Svanberg, High-Power Lasers and Their Applications. A. Rosen, A Periodic Table in Three Dimensions: A Sightseeing Tour in the Nanometer World. B. Fricke, J. Anton, K. Schulze, W.E. Sepp, and P. Kurpick, Relativistic and Dynamic Contributions in Ion-Atom and Ion Solid Collisions. S. Svanberg and U. Berzinsh, Atomic Radiative Lifetimes Measured by Pulsed Laser Spectroscopy in the UV/VUV Spectral Region. Y. Zou, T. Brage, and I. Martinsson, A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Quartet System of B I. D. Hanstorp, C. Haeffler, A.K. Klinkmuller, U. Ljungblad, U. Berzinsh, I.Y. Kiyan, D.J. Pegg, Two Electron Dynamics in Photodetachment. J.R. Persson, Collinear Laser Spectroscopy on Radioactive Isotopes. A-M Martinson-Pendrill, M.G.H. Gustavsson, Four Decades of Hyperfine Anomalies. C. Ekstrom, Spins and Moments of Nuclei Far from Stability Determined by On-line Atomic-Beam Techniques. H. Persson, S. Salomonson, and P. Sunnergren, Regularization Corrections to the Partial-Wave Renomalization Procedure. L. Labzowsky and M.A. Tokman, The Reference State Coulomb-Breit QED Corrections for the Few-Electron Highly Charged Ions. P-O. Lowdin, Some Aspects on the Bloch-Lindgren Equation and a Comparison with the Partitioning Technique. J. Sucher, What is the Force Between Electrons. L.R. Pendrill and L. Robertson, Atomic Physics and the Laser Metrology of Time and Length. H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop, T.A. Nieminen, M.E.J. Friese, and N.R. Heckenberg, Optical Trapping of Absorbing Particles. Index.