PrefaceAcknowledgementsChapter 1. Fixed and Variable Resistors Essential Characteristics of Fixed Resistors: Size, Stability, Temperature, Coefficients, Noise, H.F. Performance, etc. Non-Linear Resistors Essential Characteristics of Variable Resistors: Linearity, Tolerances, Maximum Operating Voltages and Powers, etc.Chapter 2. Fixed and Variable Capacitors Classes of Fixed Capacitor—Characteristics of Paper Dielectric, Mica, Glass, Glaze, Ceramic, Plastic, Electrolytic, etc. Variable Capacitor Types—General-Purpose, Precision, Transmitter, Trimmers, etc.Chapter 3. Magnetic Materials and Devices Inductors Properties of Magnetic Materials Ferrites Wires Chokes Types and Characteristics of Transformers Transducers and Magnetic Amplifiers Pulsactors Radio-Frequency Cables.Chapter 4. Electromagnetic Components Contact Problems General-Purpose Plugs and Sockets Radio-Frequency Types Printed Circuit Connectors Relays SwitchesChapter 5. Electron Tubes and Devices Small Receiving Tubes—Ratings, Mounting and Heat Dissipation, Electron Coupling Effects, Microphony—Design Checks on Operating Characteristics. Special Tubes—Hot Cathode Mercuryvapour Tubes, Gas-Filled Rectifiers, Thyratrons, Medium- and High-Power Tubes, Microwave Tubes, Voltage Stabilizers, Trigger, Counter and Character Display Tubes.Chapter 6. Transistors and Semiconductors Introduction Construction and Properties of Diodes—Pointcontact, Alloy Junction, Zener Diodes, Diffused, Gold-Bonded and Tunnel Diodes. Construction and Properties of Transistors—Alloydiffused Base, Expitaxial-Diffused Base, Planar, Alloy-Diffused, Diffused Alloy and Grown-Diffused Types. Junction Tetrode, Surface Barrier, Micro-Alloy and Micro-Alloy Diffused Types. Semiconductor Controlled Rectifier, Uni-Junction Transistor. Unipolar or Field-Effect Type, Photo-Diodes and Photo-Transistors. Metal Oxide Semiconductor Transistors (MOST).