Electron Microscopy
Fifth International Congress for Electron Microscopy Held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 29th to September 5th 1962
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1962
- Editor: Sydney S. Breese
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 7 9 5 - 5
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 5 1 2 0 - 2
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 6 5 0 6 - 3
Fifth International Congress for Electron Microscopy, Volume 2: Biology focuses on the processes, methodologies, approaches, and principles involved in electron microscopy. The… Read more
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Request a sales quoteFifth International Congress for Electron Microscopy, Volume 2: Biology focuses on the processes, methodologies, approaches, and principles involved in electron microscopy. The selection takes a look at some aspects of freeze-substitution in electron microscopy; fixatives for cytological and cytochemical studies; intramembranous localization of succinic dehydrogenase using tetranitro-blue tetrazolium; and evaluation of different methods of auto-radiography in electron microscopy. The book then examines the fixation of nuclear structures by unbuffered solutions of osmium tetroxide in slightly acid distilled water; some electron microscope observations on the contraction mechanism in vertebrate smooth muscle; arrangement of myofilaments in the oblique-striated muscles; and electron microscopic observations of cat splenic nerve fibers after fixation by freeze-drying. The text ponders on differentiation of oligodendroglia from migratory spongioblasts; morphological changes in the Purkinje-cells after orthostatic collapse; electron microscopic observations of the development of the neuroblast in the rabbit embryo; electron microscopic observations on the development of blood vessels in the nervous system of the rabbit embryo; and simple methods for nucleic acid and acid mucopolysaccharide localization in electron micrographs. The selection is a valuable source of data for researchers interested in electron microscopy.
L-Biological Techniques
The Ferritin-Conjugated Antibody Technique
Some Aspects of Freeze-Substitution in Electron Microscopy
New Fixatives for Cytological and Cytochemical Studies
L'Avenir de l' Utilisation de Matières Plastiques Hydrosolubles en Cytochimie Ultrastructurale
Post-Mortem Changes of the Plasma Membrane
Submicros copie Localization of Two Dehydrogenase Systems
Intramembranous Localization of Succinic Dehydrogenase Using Tetranitro-Blue Tetrazolium
Methodische Voraussetzungen der Intracellulâren Enzymlokalisation
Etude des Réactions Cytochimiques du Fer au Microscope Electronique
High-Resolution Autoradiography
Evaluation of Different Methods of Autoradiography in Electron Microscopy
Localization of Norepinephrine in Adrenergic Axons by Light-and Electron-Microscopic Autoradiography
Autoradiographic Studies on the Distribution of Cholesterol H3 in the Hepatic Cell
Fixation of Nuclear Structures by Unbuffered Solutions of Osmium Tetroxide in Slightly Acid Distilled Water
M-Motility Mechanisms
The Contractile Apparatus in Some Invertebrate Muscles and Spermatozoa
Observations on the Circular Movement of Sperm at an Interface
Fine Structure of Human Sperm Tail
Development of the Fibrous Sheath of the Mammalian Sperm Tail
Differences in the Sheath and Core of the Vibrio Flagellum Follett
Electron Microscopic Observations on the Cilia of the Style Sac of Crassostrea virginica DeLamater
Observations on Normal and Abnormal Cilia in Paramecium
Some Electron Microscope Observations on the Contraction Mechanism in Vertebrate Smooth Muscle
Fine Structure of the Smooth Muscle of the Chicken's Gizzard
Elektronenmikroskopischer Nachweis von Adenosintriphosphatase-Aktivität im Herzmuskel
Arrangement of Myofilaments in the Oblique-Striated Muscles
Band Patterns in Frog Skeletal Muscle
Fine Structure of Nematocysts in a Sea Anemone
N-Nerve Cells and Tissues
Electron Microscopic Observations of Cat Splenic Nerve Fibers after Fixation by Freeze-Drying
Electron Microscopic Study of Developing Human Peripheral Nerves
Differentiation of Oligodendroglia from Migratory Spongioblasts
Fine Structure of the Lateral Line Organ of the Japanese Sea Eel
Feinstruktur heller und dunkler Zellen
Morphological Changes in the Purkinje-Cells after Orthostatic Collapse
Fribrillogenesis by Reactive Schwann Cells in Regenerating Dorsal Roots
Electron Microscopic Observations of the Development of the Neuroblast in the Rabbit Embryo
Ultrastructure of Ranvier's Node in Central Fibers, Analyzed in Serial Sections
Further Studies on the Mossy Fiber System in the Hippocampal Region of the Cerebral Cortex
The Fine Structure of the Crayfish Nervous System
The Blood Vessels in the Central Nervous System of the Opossum
Electron Microscopic Observations on the Development of Blood Vessels in the Nervous System of the Rabbit Embryo
Electron Microscopic Observations of the Rat Pituitar
O-Nucleic Acids and Proteins
Studies on the Structure of Natural and Synthetic Protein Filaments from Muscle
Electron Staining and Fine Structure of Keratins
Molecular Features of Fibrinogen and Fibrin
Simple Methods for Nucleic Acid and Acid Mucopolysaccharide Localization in Electron Micrographs
Considerations of Nucleic Acid Morphology in Fixed Tissues
The Selective Staining of Nucleic Acids in a Model System and in Tissue
The DNA Component of the Nucleolus, Studied in Autoradiographs Viewed with the Electron Microscope
Intrazelluläre Desoxyribonucleinsäure von Bakterien
Actin in Contractile Systems
Ribbons of α-Helical Fibrous Protein
P-Biological Techniques II
Use of Negative Staining in the Study of Subcellular Fractions from Brain
A Collodion Sandwich-Film Technique for the Study of the Growth of Ice in Very Thin Layers of Aqueous Solution
Electron Microscopic Study of Microorganisms Subjected to Freezing and Drying: Cinematographic Observations of Yeast and Coli Cells
Freeze-Substitution Method Using a Water-Miscible Embedding Medium
In Vitro and In Vivo Fixation of the Retina for Electron Microscopy
Effective Simultaneous Fixation of Host Spleen Tissue and Infecting Bacterial Spores and Vegetative Cells
On the Preservation of Gastric Mucos
Further Observations on a Phosphate Buffer for Osmium Solutions in Fixation
Some Characteristics of Mixed Embedding Media for Biological Tissue
A Study of Cellular Swelling and Shrinkage During Fixation, Dehydration and Embedding in Various Standard Media
Maraglas Epoxy Embedding Media
A Method of Dehydration for Improved Visualization of Lipids, Membranes and Other Cytoplasmic Inclusions in Tissues to be Embedded in Epon
A New Spray Mounting Device
On the Distortion in Dimensions Produced by Shadowing
The Effect of Fixation Technics on the Appearance of Ultra Thin Sections of Various Nocardia Cultures
Q-The Nephron
A Unique Structural Component of Mitochondrial Cristae
Acid Phosphatase Localization in Renal Protein Absorption Droplets
Structural Variations in the Glomerular Capillary Wall Under Different Functional Conditions
Mikromorphologie des Nephron nach Temporärer Ischaemie
Electron Microscopic Studies in Human and Experimental Renal Diseases
The Significance of the Mesangial Region of Glomeruli
Extracellular Compartments in Renal Tubules Associated with Polyuria
Presumptive Formative Stages of Glomerular Endothelial Fenestrae
Mitochondrial Changes and Cytochrome Oxidase in the Frog Nephron
Contributions to the Cytology of Dugesia tigrina (Turbellaria) Protonephridia
Cellular and Extracellular Morphology of the Glomerular Stalk
R-Lipoprotein Structure
Wall Structure as a Guide to the Nature of the Surface Membranes in Plant Cytoplasm
Consideration of Membranes and Associated Structures After Cryofixation
The Molecular Organization of Photoreceptor
Electron Microscope Observations on the Retina of the Bat (Myotis lucifugus)
A Unique Invertebrate Photoreceptor
Preliminary Observations on the Fine Structure of Müllers Cells of the Avian Retina
A Comparative Study of the Fine Structure of the Inner Segments of Human and Amphibian Photoreceptor
S-Virus Fine Structure
The Structure and Symmetry of Virus Particles
SubStrukturen des Vaccine-Virus
The Fine Structure of Different Forms of Vaccinia Virus
Some Observations on the Vaccinia Viruses Treated with Uranyl Acetate
Structure of Some Simian Adenoviruses
Staining of T2 Bacteriophage with FeCl3
The Molecular Structure of the nT Evenff Phage Tails
Nouvelles Recherches au Microscope Electronique sur la Morphologie du Virus de la Mosaïque du Tabac
The Structural Components of Wound- Tumor Virus
Fortsatzstrukturen bei Actinophagen
T-Molecular Structure of Cell Products
Phytoferritin: A Plant Protein Discovered by Electron Microscopy
Electron Microscopic Studies on the Molecules of Hemoglobin A and F
The Zone of Keratinization in the Internal Root Sheath Qf the Mouse Hair
High Resolution Electron Microscopy of Alpha-Keratin
The Periodic Structure of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Crystals of Dog Liver Cells
Observations of Rabbit Leucocytic Pyrogen
Ultrastructure of Yolk Platelets in the Amphibian Egg
Electron Microscopic Ultrastructure of the Elastic Fiber
Evidence for a Complex Internal Structure in Certain Collagen Fibrils
Ultrastructure of Collagen Fibrils, Variations in Size
Zum Räumlichen Aufbau der Kollagenfaser
Electron-Micros cope Study of Squid Cartilage
Some Aspects of Collagen Fibrogenesis Observed in the Adrenal Gland of Young Rats
Studies of Collagen Formation During Recovery from Scurvy
The Double Nature of the Amyloid Fiber
U-Synapse and Nerve Cell
Granule-Containing Vesicles in the Autonomie Nervous System
Experimental Data on the Termination of the Efferent Fibers to the Inner Ear
Degeneration in the Cerebral Cortex
Specialized Contact Regions of the Myoneural Motor Junction of the Frog
Submicroscopic Bases of Synaptic Organization in Gasteropod Nervous System
Synapses et Boutons Terminaux Végétatifs dans l'Adenohypophyse du Rat
Electronmicroscope Study of a Special Neurosecretory Neuron in the Nerve Cord of the Earthworm
An Axonal Fibrous Component in Some Cockroach Neurons
The Ultrastructure of Satellite Cells and Tunicated Nerve Fibers in Sympathetic Ganglia of the Frog (R. pipiens)
Fine Structure of Red and White Muscle Fibers and Their Neuromuscular Junction of the Snake Fish
V-Virus Reproduction
Ultrastructure and Replication of Insect Viruses
Restricted Diffusion Filtration Through Columns of Chipped Agar Gel, a Model System for the Separation of Various Components Produced in Cells as a Consequence of Virus Infection
Electron Microscopy of Reproductive Mechanism of the Psittacosis - Lymphogranuloma-Trachoma Group Virus in Cell Cultures
The Distribution of Vaccinia Virus in Aggregates
The Time Between Contact and Infection with Vaccinia Virus and L Cells
Surface Examination of Cultured Cells After Rapid Adsorption of Vaccinia Virus
Examination of Rinderpest Virus in Tissue Culture
The Early Stages of Polyoma Virus Infection in Mice Subcutaneous Tissue
Attachment and Penetration of Influenza Virus into Host Cells
Studies on Rift Valley Fever Virus in Mouse Liver
W-The Plant Cell
L'Origine et le Développement des Vacuoles des Cellules Végétables
Sur l'Origine et l'Evolution de l'Appareil Vacuolaire dans les Organes Aériens des Graminées
The Physical Significance of Pit Structure for Inter-Tracheid Liquid Movement in Coniferous Woods
Avocado (Persea Americana) - Cell Wall Structure
Submicroscopical Changes of Cell Wall Structures by Wood-Destroying Fungi
Observations of Chemical Modifications of Cotton Fibers at the Submicroscopic Level
Observations on the Endosperm of Cocos nucifera, L
Veränderungen der Zellstrukturen durch Gamma-Bestrahlung bei Embryonalen Wurzelzellen des Hafers
Ultrastructural Effects of Mineral Deficiencies in the Meristematic Cells of the Cereal Shoot Apex
Observations on Membranes in Plant Cells Fixed with OsO4
Cytoplasm in Mature, Non-Germinated and Germinated Pollen
Developmental Changes in Cytoplasmic Organelles
Negative Staining of Gross Leukemia Virus in Thinly Spread Cells and After Partial Purification
Electron Optical Studies on Immunological Reactions of Vaccinia Virus Particles in Suspensions and in Broken-Up Cells
Quantitation of Papova Virus Particles in Human Warts
Particle Counts on Herpes Virus in Phosphotungstate Negatively Stained Preparations
Functional Factors in Virus Structure; A Guide to Grouping
Two Types of Polyoma Virus Particle
Studies on Street Rabies Virus Infected Mouse
Attachment of Coliphage T2 to Escherichia coli B
Elektronenmikroskopische Befunde an Gehirnen nach Infektion mit Tollwutvirus
Studies on a Virus Isolated from Eyes of Cattle with Infectious Kerato-Conjunctivitis ("Pink-Eye")
Cell-Virus Relationship in Mouse Lymphomas as Observed by Electron Microscope
Acrolein - A Fine Structural Fixative for Viral Microcytochemistry
LL-Cell Surface and Function
Some Observations on the Fine Structure of the Interstitial Cell in the Human Testis
Transport of Colloidal Particles Across the Corneal Endothelium
Incorporation of Electron-Opaque Tracers by Cells of the Renal Glomerulus
Specialized Sites on the Cell Surface for Protein Uptake
Formation of the Brush Border by Fusion of Vesicles
An Observation on the Thickness of Unit Membrane
The "Hemato-Thymic Barrier" Examined with the Electron Microscope
Die Oberflaechliche Konfiguration des Uebergangsepithels bei dem Meerschweinchen und Ihre Bedeutung
Observations on the Relations Between Intestinal Epithelial Cells and Cellular Components of Luminal Contents in the Distal Ileum of the Mouse
Modifications Ultrastructurales de la Vessie du Crapaud Traitée in Vitro par des Hormones Neurohypophysaires
Studies on the Surface of the Erythrocyte with an Electron Microscope and Microcataphoresis
The Ultrastructure of the Cuticle in the Cestodes H. Nana and H. Diminuta
Electron Microscopic Studies on Vital Stain as Compared with Phagocytosis. A Concept of Segresomes
MM-Tumor Viruses
Avian Nephoblastoma Induced by BAI Strain A Virus
Leukemic Cells and Etiological Virus in Long-Term Culture; Their Interrelationships with a Consideration of the Distribution of Viral Antigen
An Intracellular Mode of Formation of Rous Sarcoma Virus. The Role of Temperature on the Multiplication of this Virus
Substructure of Viruses within Cells Studied by Negative Staining
Electron Microscope Studies on Mouse Lymphomas
Purification and Subsequent Studies of the Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus
Type C. Particles in Tissues of Mice with Nucleic Acid Induced Leukemia
Submicroscopic Morphology of Mouse and Rat Leukemia Induced with Mouse Leukemia Virus
NN-Mitotic Structures
The Effect of Mercaptoethanol on the Mitotic Spindle
Spindle Fibers in Meristematic Cells of Pisum sativum
Conditions for Osmium Fixation of Fibrils in the Mitotic Apparatus
The Metaphase-Figure in Saccharomyces
Premières Observations sur la Structure Fine du Nucléole Révélées par des Méthodes de Cytochimie Ultrastructurale
Sécrétion Nucléolaire au cours de la Spermatogenese de l'Ascaris
Formation des Constituants Figurés du Cytoplasme à Partir du Nucléoplasme du Zygote chez le Proembryon du Pinus Laricio Poir. (Var. Austriaca)
Studies on the Ultrastructure and Metabolism of Nucleoli in Amphibian Oocytes
Persistence of Nucleolar Material in Mitotic Erythroblasts
Observations on the Fertilized Egg and Two-Cell Stage of Mytilus edulis
The Ultrastructure of the Centromere
Species Specific Functional Structures of Spermatocyte Chromosomes in the Genus Drosophila
OO-Cytoplasmic Organelles
La Formation de Mitochondries Nouvelles dans les Spermatocytes du Rat
Surface Structure of Whole and Sonicated Mitochondrial Membranes from Beef Heart
Accumulation of Divalent Ions in Mitochondrial Granules of Intact Cells
Micro-Centrifugal Processing of Isolated Mitochondria for Electron Microscopy
The Observation of Unusual Membraneous Structures Associated with Liver Mitochondria in Thyrotoxic Rats
Enzyme Activity and Electron Microscopy of Mouse Liver Mitochondrial Subfractions
The Ultrastructure of Human Epithelial Cells (HEp2) Grown in Vitro
Ultrastructure of Normal Human Thrombocytes
Ultrastructural Features of the Ovine Placentome
Fine Structure of the Endoderm Cells of an Ascidian Gastrula
The Fine Structure of the Rat Rete Testis
The Fine Structure of Mesenchymatous Cells in Regenerating Limbs of Larval and Adult Triturus
Preliminary Observations on the Ultrastructure of the Lymph Gland Cells of Drosophila Melanogaster
PP-Tumor Viruses and Neoplastic Cell
Localization of RNA, Protein and Lipid in Rous Sarcoma Virus by Electron Microcytochemistry
Preliminary Studies of Cytochemistry of Avian Tumor Viruses in Electron Microscopy
Application des Techniques de Digestion Enzymatique et d'Autoradiographie à l'Etude de Virus Cancérigènes
The Fine Cytology of Human Malignant Hepatoma Cells
A Comparison of the Structure of Individual Tumor Cells
Die Cancerogenese in der Rattenleber nach Verfütterung von Buttergelb
Electron Microscopic Studies on Human Brain Tumor
General Ultrastructure and Differentiation in Human Epidermal Neoplasms
Observations on Human Malignant Lymphoma Cells
Ultrastructure of Avian Sarcomas
Electron Microscopy of the Mouse "Myeloma" Kidney
Intracellular Duct Formation in Human Breast Cancer
Observations on the Fine Structure of Slow and Fast-Growing Rat Hepatomas
Further Observations on a Chicken Pancreas Agent
Electron Microscopic Study of Uicerogenic Tumors of the Pancreas
QQ-Extracellular Matrices
Some Recent Results on the Electron Microscopy of Tropocollagen Structures
Development of the Basement Lamella
Features of Extracellular Matrices which Mineralize
The Relationship Between the Apatite Crystals and the Organic Matrix of Rat Enamel
Preferential Mineralization of Elastin in a Matrix Also Containing Collagen
The Fine Structure of the Ameloblast-Enamel Junction in Rat-Incisors; Epithelial Attachment and Cuticular Membrane
Observations on the Relationship Between the Inorganic and Organic Phases in Dental Enamel
The Formation of Collagen Fibrils in Bone
Investigation of the Erosion of Tooth Sections with an Argon Ion Beam
The Fine Structure of the Osteocytes in the Adult Compact Bone
On the Bone Induced by Estrogens in Birds
Some Problems in Bone Pathology
RR-Bacterial Morphology
Fine Structure and Function in Bacteria
The Electronmiscroscopic Evidence in the Study of Bacterial Sporulation
On the Morphology of Conjugation in Bacteria
The Fine Structure of a Fruiting Myxobacterium
Fine Structure of Mycobacterial Cell
Intracytoplasmic Membranous Organelles in Cell Division of Mycobacteria
Protoplast Morphology and Chromatophore Formation in Rhodospirillum rubrum
Electron Microscopic Observations on Cells of Bacillus megaterium Dissected with Bile Salts
Studies on the Residual Cell Wall Structures of E. coli and B. megaterium Spheroplasts and of L-Forms of Proteus Mirabilis
The Initial Formation of Para-Sporal Inclusions in Bacilli
Demonstration of Structure-Bound Mineral Constituents in Thin-Sectioned Bacterial Spores by Ultramicroincineration
On "Permanent Prophase Chromosomes" in Non-Dividing Bacteria
E.M. Study of Atrophy by Denervation in Red and White Muscles of Rat
The Fine Structure of Macrophages in WhippleTs Disease
Observations of Human Leucocytes from Patients with Naturally Occurring Fevers
Observations on Senile Elastosis Using the Electron Microscope
Electron Microscopic Study of Ganglion Nerve Cells Undergoing Hypertrophy
Ultrastructural Studies of Metastatic Calcification
A Propos des Modifications Ultrastructurales dans les Tubes Initiaux du Rein lors de Diabete Alloxanique
Acute Anuria and Osmotic Diuresis E.M. of Human Kidney Biopsy Material Embedded in Epon
Elektronenmikroskopische Befunde zur Cytopathologie der Astrocyten im Zentralnervensystem der Säugetiere: Reaktive Veränderungen und gliöse Defektdeckung
Electron Microscope Studies of the Homograft Reaction
The Earliest Changes in Acute Normergic and Allergic Inflammation
Synovial Tissue and the Uptake of Iron Following Intra-Articular Injection
Pathologic Alterations of the Mesangium (Intercapillary Space)
Experimental Ulcers of the Fundic Mucosa in Mice: Some Observations on the Early Stages of Regeneration
Cytological Responses During Thyroxine-Accelerated Metamorphosis
Über die zelluläre Differenzierung des Menschlichen Magencarcinoms
Inclusion Bodies of Human Plasma Cells in Some Myeloproliferative Disorders
TT-Intracellular Membrane Systems
Physico-Chemical Behavior of Inner Membrane Systems
Enzymic Activities of Cytomembranes
The Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Insect Muscles
The Fine Structure of Triads from Swimmerette Muscle of A. salinus
The Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Macrocyclops albidus
The Effects of Various Ions on the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Crayfish Muscle
Ergastoplasmic Changes Associated with Glycogenolysis
Properties of the Ergastoplasm of Seminal Vesicle Epithelium
The Fine Structure of the Seminal Vesicles in Normal and Castrated Rats
Maturation of Plasma Cells After Antigenic Stimulation
Morphological Variations of the Cytoplasmic Membrane System in Gland Cells of the Adenohypophysis
The Fine Structure of Rat Testicular Interstitial Tissue
Fine Structure of the Mouse Testicular Interstitial Cell
UU-Ultrastructure of Microorganisms
Recherche de Cultures Portant sur des Germes Microbiens apres Examen en Microscopie Electronique sous Différentes Tensions d Accélération
The Surface Envelope of Lampropedia hyalina
Membrane Systems of Actinomyces bovis
The Fine Structure of the Nuclear Apparatus of Saccharomyces
The Fine Structure of Streptomyces cinnamonensis
Ultrastructure of the Septal Pore Apparatus of Rhizoctonia solani
Characterization of the Golgi Dictyosome of the Fungus Neobulgaria pura
Some Observations on the Nucleus and the Kinetoplast of Leishmania donovani - the Kala-azar Parasite
The Structure of Particles Isolated from the Chromatoid Body of Entamoeba invadens
Ultrastructure du Pédoncule Fixateur chez les Ciliés Péritriches
The Genesis of Basal Bodies with Special Reference to Stentor
The Fine Structure of the Feeding Apparatus in Tokophrya infusionum
Structural Changes in the Mitochondria of Tetrahymena pyriformis During the Growth Cycle
The Non-Siliceous Fine Structure of a Diatom
Details of the Fine Structure of the Primitive Blue-Green Alga, Anacystis Montana Var. Minor
VV-Experimental Pathology
On the Ultrastructural Changes of the Thyroid in Experimentally Radiothyroidectomized Rats
Immediate and Delayed Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Hepatic Cells
Alterations in Frog Skin after Heavy Gamma Irradiation
Study of Regenerated Cortical Nervous Tissue After Alpha Particle Irradiation
Ultrastructural and Enzymatic Changes in the Liver of the Riboflavin Deficient Rat
Liver Cell Degeneration with Ethionine Administration
Modifications Ultrastructurales des Hépatocytes au cours de l'Intoxication Chronique par la Thioacétamide
Mitochondrial Alterations in Liver Cells Following Vitamin E Deficiency
Early Cytoplasmic Changes of Mouse Liver During In Vitro Necrosis
Electron Microscopic Studies on Vacuolar Degeneration
The Nature of Inclusion Bodies in Lead Poisoning
Distribution of Acid Phosphatase in Liver Tissue of Dextr an-Injected Mice as Observed with the Electron Microscope
Changes in Renal Microvilli and Mitochondria After Phlorizin Treatment
Lysosomes in Prostatic Epithelium of Older and Castrate Rats
The Toxic Effects of "Habu" Snake Venom on the Renal Glomerulus
Correlation Between Ultrastructural and Histochemical Changes in Experimental Hemoglobinuric Nephrosis
Pathogenesis of Glomerular Ultrastructural Changes Induced by Nephrotoxic Serum
Submicroscopic Study on Cells Isolated with Chelatings from Normal and Regenerant Livers of Rats
WW-Ultrastructure of Cellular Systems
The Fine Structure of Parafollicular (Light) Cells of the Rat Thyroid Gland
Electron Microscopy of TSH-Stimulated Embryonic Chick Thyroids
The Origin of the Thyroidectomy Cell in the Salamander
Histogenesis of White Adipose Tissue
Ultrastructure of the Blood Air Barrier of the Neonatal Human Lungs
Pulmonary Epithelium in the Human Fetus and Newborn
Structural Variation in Epithelial Cells from the Tip and Sides of Intestinal Villi of the Rat
The Reticular Connective Tissue Cells of the Rat Spleen
Electron Microscopy of the Female Rabbit Adenohypophysis
Internal Structures Observed in Bovine Erythrocytes
Nectar Secretion and Cell Membrane
L'Origine des Inclusions en Bâtonnet des Macrophages
Organization of Frog Oocytes Before the Yolk Synthesis
Electron Microscope Observations on the Excretory Organ of the Pulmonary Molluscs
XX-Self Duplicating Components
Ultrastructure of Certain Self-Dependent Cytoplasmic Organelles
The Fine Structure of Chromosomes of Ascites Tumor Cells as Revealed by Electron Microscopy
Centriole Replication
Observations Préliminaires sur la Structure et la Cytochimie du Centriole
Light and Electron Microscope Studies of Tritiated Thymidine Incorporation
Fine Structure of Grillus argentinus Spermatocyte Chromosomes
Electron Microscopic Studies of Giant Salivary Gland Chromosomes
Lampbrush Pachytene Chromosomes of Pigeon After Enzyme Treatment
Chromosomes of Rat Testis
Evolution de l'Infrastructure Plastidiale d'un Mutant Chlorophyllien du Chlorella vulgaris
Electron Microscope Studies on the Development and Structure of Plastids in Cabbage Leaves
Osmiophilic Granules of Spinach Chloroplasts
YY-Synthesis and Secretion of Cell Products
Some Morphological Aspects on the Secretory Activities of Various Glandular Cells
An Analysis of the Secretory Process in the Exocrine Pancreatic Cell
A Secretory Function of the Golgi-Apparatus in Certain Plant Cells
The Fine Structure of the Histamine Stimulated Oxyntic Cell of Bullfrog In Vitro Gastric Musosa
The Rectal Salt-Gland of Elasmobranchs
Gas Secretion in Physalia, Involving Cells Lacking in Golgi and, Possibly, Mitochondria
Experimental Production of Electron Dense Intramatrical Bodies in Adrenal Zona Glomerulosa Cells of Calves
Studies of the Secretory Process of the Apocrine Gland of the Monkey
Morphological Studies on the Catecholaminic Synthesis in the Adrenal Medulla
The Fine Structure of the Mouse Anterior Pituitary During the Estrous Cycle
Changes in the Ultrastructure of the Exocrine Pancreas of the Cat After Stimulation by Secretin and Pancreozymin
Formation of the Acrosomal Process in Echinoderm Spermatozoa
Index of Contributors for Volumes I and II follows article YY-12
- No. of pages: 682
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1962
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9781483227955
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483251202
- eBook ISBN: 9781483265063
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