Aspects of Morphology and Cytology of Microorganisms:
M. Muller, Cryopreparation of Microorganisms for Electron Microscopy.
U.B. Sleytr, P. Messner, and D. Pum, Analysis of Crystalline Bacterial Surface Layers by Freeze-etching, Metal Shadowing, Negative Staining, and Ultra-thin Sectioning.
J.R. Golecki, Analysis of Structure and Development of Bacterial Membranes (Outer, Cytoplasmic and Intracytoplasmic Membranes).
J. Lalucat, Analysis of Refractile (R) Bodies.
Identification, Localization, and Quantitation of Low-Molecular Weight Cellular Components:
K. Zierold, Electron Probe Microanalysis of Cryosections from Cell Suspensions.
R. Bauer, Electron Spectroscopic Imaging: An Advanced Technique for Imaging and Analysis in Transmission Electron Microscopy.
Identification and Localization of High-Molecular Weight Cellular Components:
G. Acker, Immunoelectron Microscopy of Surface Antigens (Polysaccharides) of Gram-Negative Bacteria Using Pre- and Post-embedding Techniques.
M. Rohde, H. Gerberding, T. Mund, and G.-W. Kohring, Immunoelectron Microscopic Localization of Bacterial Enzymes: Pre- and Post-embedding Labeling Techniques on Resin-embedded Samples.
J.W. Slot, A.H. Weerkamp, and H.J. Geuze, Localization of Macromolecular Components by Application of the Immunogold Technique on Cryo-Sectioned Bacteria.
H.-D. Tauschel, Localization of Bacterial Enzymes by Electron Microscopic Cytochemistry as Demonstrated for the Polar Organelle.
Isolated Bacterial Membranes and Proteoliposomes:
J. Golecki, Electron Microscopy of Isolated Microbial Membranes.
F. Mayer and M. Rohde, Analysis of Dimensions and Structural Organization of Proteoliposomes.
Electron Microscopy at Macromolecular Dimensions:
E. Spiess and R. Lurz, Electron Microscopic Analysis of Nucleic Acids and Nucleic Acid-Protein Complexes.
W. Johannssen, Interaction of Restriction Endonucleases with DNA as Revealed by Electron Microscopy.
A. Holzenburg, Preparation of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Soluble Proteins as Demonstrated for Bacterial D-Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase.
H. Engelhardt, Correlation Averaging and 3-D Reconstruction of 2-D Crystalline Membranes and Macromolecules.
Contents of Previous Volumes.