Proceedings of the First Australian Conference on Held in Sydney, 13—15th February and Hobart, 18—20th February 1963
- 1st Edition - September 17, 2013
- Editors: J. A. Friend, F. Gutmann
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 3 3 4 - 6
Electrochemistry is a collection of papers presented at the First Australian Conference on Electrochemistry, held in Sydney on February 13-15 and in Hobart on February 18-20, 1963,… Read more

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Request a sales quoteElectrochemistry is a collection of papers presented at the First Australian Conference on Electrochemistry, held in Sydney on February 13-15 and in Hobart on February 18-20, 1963, jointly sponsored by The Royal Australian Chemical Institute, The University of New South Wales, and The University of Tasmania. This conference highlights the numerous advances in the field of electrochemistry. This book is organized into 12 parts encompassing 70 chapters. The first parts deal with the solid-state reactions and processes in electrochemistry; the thermodynamic aspects of electrolytes; and the role of electrodic in corrosion control. The succeeding parts explore the concepts of equilibrium and non-equilibrium theory of double layers, as well as the various electroanalytical methods used in electrochemistry, including polarography, potentiometry, and coulometry. Other parts consider the areas of application of electrochemistry, such as in electroplating, anodizing, fuel cell, electrowinning, and electrorefining. The remaining chapters are devoted to non-aqueous electrolytes, molten salts, and electrode and electrochemical processes. Electrochemists and physicists will find this book invaluable.
Solid-State Chemistry
Chairman's Address: Elementary Processes in Sohd-State Reactions
Contributed Papers:
The Interaction of Chlorine and of Oxygen v^ith Evaporated Films of Sodium
The Germanium-Aqueous Electrolyte Contact Zone
The Electrical Properties of Polycrystalline Oxide Semiconductors
Effect of Quench Frequency on the Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of some Compounds containing 35Cl
The Silver Oxides
Microscopic Investigation of the Thermal Decomposition of Silver and Potassium Permanganates
Thermodynamics Of Electrolytes
Chairman's Address: Thermodynamics of Electrolytes in Three-Component Systems
Contributed Papers:
The Ion Activity Function—An Approach to the Study of Electrolyte Behavior in Concentrated Solutions
The Oxidation-Reduction Potentials of Copper Complex Ions
Thermodynamics ofAqueous Bismuth (III)
The Thermodynamics of Ion Association in Solutions Containing Bivalent Transition Metal Ions
Heat Effects at Electrodes
Chairman's Address: Corrosion at High Temperatures
Contributed Papers:
A Potentiostatic Study of the Corrosion ofIron-Chromium Alloys
Anodic Processes on Iron in Neutral Sulphide Solutions
Two Applications of Potentiostats in Corrosion Research
Theory of Double Layers
Chairman's Address: Equilibrium Double-Layer Theory
Contributed Papers:
Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Theory of Adsorption Pseudocapacitance
Effect of Adsorbed Ions and Molecules on the Rates of Electrode Processes at the Dropping Mercury Electrode
On the Impedance of Two Types of Mercury Drop Electrodes
Electroanalytical Methods
Contributed Papers:
New Analytical Techniques Employing A.C. Polarography
Alternating Voltage Polarography
New Developments in A.C. Polarography
Square Wave Polarography in Trace Analysis
Some Studies in the Theory of Alternating Current Polarography
Potentiometrie and Coulometric Determination of Fluoride
The Potentiometrie Titration of Zinc and Cadmium with Potassium Ferrocyanide
Applications (Electroplating, Anodizing)
Editorial Note: This session was planned to give practical information on commercially employed electrochemical processes which need not be new or original
Chairman's Address: Decorative Electroplating
Contributed Papers:
Electroplating of Die Cast Parts
Electrodeposition from the Sulphamate Bath
Practical Applications of Anodic Coatings in Nameplate Manufacture
The Corrosion-Resistance of Nickel/Chromium Coatings: Some Electrochemical and Metallographic Features
Electrodeposited Magnetic Films: a Critical Survey
Some Problems Associated with Architectural Anodizing
The Manufacture of Electrolytic Tinplate in Australia
Non-Aqueous Electrolytes
Chairman's Address: Ions in Non-Aqueous Solvents
Contributed Papers:
The Voltage-Current Characteristics of Benzene
The Behavior of Silver- and Halide-ion Responsive Electrodes in Mixed Solvent-Water Media, and the Influence of Restoring Currents on Electrode Response
Triple Ion Equilibria in Acetic Acid
The Investigation of the Kinetics of the Electrode Reactions of Organic Compounds by Potentiostatic Methods
Molten Salts
Chairman's Address: Solvation and Complex Ions in Molten Salts
Contributed Papers:
Standard Electrode Potentials and an Electromotive Force Series in Molten Magnesium Chloride - Sodium Chloride -- Potassium Chloride Eutectic
A Test of Polarized Electrode Methods for the Study of Diffusion in Fused Salts
Potentiometric Acid-Base Titrations in Fused Salts
The Density and Surface Tension of Molten Fluorides
Transport Numbers in Pure Fused Electrolytes
Fuel Cells
Chairman's Address: Fuel Ceh Technology: A Survey of Advances and Problems
Contributed Papers:
Some Problems in the Construction of Membrane-Type Fuel Cells
An Electrolyte Vehicle Eliminates Many Fuel Cell Problems
The Anodic Oxidation of Formaldehyde on Platinized Platinum in Acid Solution
Fuel Cell Electrolytes
Performance of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell and Battery System
Electrode Processes
Chairman's Address: Progress and Problems in Electrode Kinetics
Contributed Papers:
Hydration, Salting-out and Dielectric Saturation at Simple and Polymeric Ions
Current Conduction by a Flowing Electrolyte
Some Problems of the Quantum-Mechanical Treatment of Electrode Kinetics
Studies on the Effect of Adsorption on Polarographic Curves
High-Speed Cinematography at the Dropping Mercury Electrode
The Mechanism of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Electrochemical Processes
Chairman's Address: Methods of Approach in the Study of Electrochemical Reaction Mechanisms
Contributed Papers:
Differential Electrolytic Potentiometry — XL An Appraisal of the Analytical Applications
The Effect of Monovalent and Trivalent Impurities on the Oxidation of Lead in the Very Thin Layer Region
The Electrochemical Aspects of Some Biochemical Systems — II: Further Investigations on the Glucose-Glucose Oxidase System
On the Structure of Charged Interfaces
Electrowinning and Electrorefining
Chairman's Address: Recent Developments in the Electrolytic Extraction of Light Metals
Contributed Papers:
The Surface Properties of Molten Mixtures of Sodium Fluoride, Aluminium Fluoride and Alumina
Influence of Cobalt in the Electrodeposition of Zinc
Anodic Overpotentials and Mechanism of the Anodic Process on Carbon in Cryolite-Alumina Electrolytes
Multikilogram Electrorefining of Plutonium Metal
Polarization Phenomena in Aluminum Cells
The Effects of Strontium Compounds and Related Materials in the Electrolytic Production of Zinc
Report on the Melbourne Symposium on Tunneling Effects
Author Index
- No. of pages: 1006
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: September 17, 2013
- Imprint: Pergamon
- eBook ISBN: 9781483223346
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