Electrical Analogues of Pin-Jointed Systems is a compilation of papers from members of the Rostov-on-Don Civil Engineering Institute and of the Taganrog Radiotechnical Institute, dealing with the statics and dynamics of buildings. This collection addresses the problems encountered in building mechanics. This book also discusses the principles of electrical analogues used in calculating solutions to problems involving static and dynamic structural formations. The different methods of electrical analogues are explained such as solving problems related to the resistance of materials. This text then shows the calculations using the equation of three bi-moments for solid beams with different rigidities, as well as other circuits used to calculate stresses in all parts of a static framework. In particular, the text notes that a circuit is capable of calculating the size of the current flowing in other parts of the system the stress found in the main framework. This book further notes the electrical analogues using four terminal networks and for determining the effects of temperature on structural beams and frameworks. For practical considerations, the text points out the analogue built by the Taganrog Radiotechnical Institute . Of interest is an electrical circuit that mimics a beam being shifted out of line during stress encountered from unwanted motion. When the foundation causes shifting of the pillars of a structure, the text explains how the degree of deflection can be calculated by using a formula relevant to electrical analogue use. This collection of articles will prove useful to structural engineers, researchers in structural mechanics, and scientists involved in dynamics and physics.