Eighth International Conference on Water Pollution Research
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference, Sydney, Australia, 1976
- 1st Edition - September 11, 2013
- Editor: S. H. Jenkins
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 8 7 9 3 - 8
Water Pollution Research covers the proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Water Pollution Research, held in Sydney, Australia on October 17-22, 1976. This book is… Read more

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Request a sales quoteWater Pollution Research covers the proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Water Pollution Research, held in Sydney, Australia on October 17-22, 1976. This book is composed of 150 and begins with discussions of the different sources of water pollution, including aerosolization, viral contamination, hydrocarbons, and heavy metals. Considerable chapters are devoted to various chemical processes for wastewater management; technical requirements for standard water quality; and methods of pollutant analysis. These topics are followed by surveys of Sydney's design of ocean outfall, an integrated pollution control system, and sewage sludge disposal. Other chapters describe the features of wastewater treatment reactors and other treatment alternatives. The remaining chapters present various case studies demonstrating the performance and improvements of different wastewater treatment facilities. This book will prove useful to water pollution researchers, environmentalists, and design engineers.
Presidential Address at the Opening Ceremony of the 8th International Conference IAWPR, Sydney, Australia 17-22 October, 1976
Spray Irrigation with Wastewater: The Problem of Aerosolization and Dispersion of Enteric Microorganisms
Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
Comparative Evaluation of Commercial Polyelectrolytes for Flocculating Alum Precipitated Domestic Wastewater
Virus Retention by Soil
Localised Destratification of Large Reservoirs to Control Discharge Temperatures
Treatment of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons' Wastewater by Activated Carbon Adsorption with Steam Regeneration
The Removal of Viruses by Slow Sand Filtration
A Multidimensional Analysis of the Results of the French 1971 Surface Water Quality Network Control in the River Basin "Seine-Normandie"
A Fundamental Study of the Removal of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Water during Chlorination
Virus Removal in Activated-Sludge Sewage Treatment
Hydrodynamics of Bubble Plumes and Oxygen Absorption in Stratified Impoundments
Chromium Removal with Activated Carbon
Nitrogen, Phosphate and Virus Removal from Sewage Water during Land Filtration
Technical Requirements and Analysis Methods for Evaluating the Environmental Consequences of Groundwater Contamination
Sedimentation of Dispersed Oil in Surface Waters
Faecel Coliforms and Faecal Streptococci: A Statistical Comparison Using Data from England and Papua New Guinea
Pilot Plant Investigation of the Evolution of Various Pollutants during Artificial Recharge of an Aquifer by a Basin
The Application of a Two-Layer Time-Dependent Model to Pollution Assessment and Control in a Short Stratified Estuary
The Effect of Ozone Bubbles on Disinfection
Hydrochemical Effects of Waste Percolation on Groundwater in Basalt Near Footscray, Victoria, Australia
Preliminary Design of Ocean Outfall at Sydney: Protection of Bathing Waters
Discussions and Replies
Dynamic Nature of Nitrifying Biological Suspended Growth Systems
Continuous Gravity Thickening of Sludges
Dissolved-Air Flotation in Activated Sludge
Design of a Nitrifying Activated Sludge Process with the Aid of Dynamic Simulation
Dewatering Properties of Lime Stabilized Sewage Sludges
Variability of Temperature and other process parameters: A Time Series Analysis of Activated Sludge Plant Data
An Integrated Pollution Control System: Combined Clarification of Wastewater and Incinerator Scrubber Effluent and Utilization of Clarified Effluent for Scrubbing of Stack Emissions
Studies on Pyrolysis Process of Sewage Sludge
Comprehensive Temperature Model for Aerated Biological Systems
Design Approach for Effluent Variability Removal in Wastewater Treatment Systems
Combined Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Solid Wastes by the Pyrolytic Process
The Efficacy of an Equalization Pond in a Water Reclamation System
The Integration of Wastewater Treatment with Water Reclamation
Disposal of Sludge using Solid Wastes as Fuel with Resource Recovery and Creation of Gas End-Product for Utility Use
Scale-up Methodology for Surface Aerated Reactors
Discussions and Replies
Investigations into the Lime Precipitation of Raw Municipal Wastewater
Simulation of Design-Storms with Probable Distributions in Time and Space for Storm Drainage Systems
Fellmongery Waste Treatmentcomparison of Cost and Degree of Treatment
Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Hydroxide Solubility Product Values for Heterogeneous Systems
The Significance of Stormwater Runoff in an Urbanizing Watershed
Treatment Alternatives for Wastewaters from the Tapioca Starch Industry
Advanced Wastewater Treatment by Chemical Precipitation with Lime and Ammonia Stripping in Ponds
Prevention and Protection of Sewerage Systems Against Sulphide Attack with Reference to Experience in Singapore
Process Design Investigations for Alaska Pulp Mill Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Improvement of Tertiary Filtration Efficiency by Upgrading Biological Activity
The Forecasting of Sulfide Build-up Rates in Sewers
Measurement and Treatment of Oil and Grease in Petroleum and Petrochemical Industrial Wastewaters
Wastewater Recirculation Ponds—pilot Plant and Field Studies
Current Status of Research in Automation of Wastewater Treatment in the United States
Pollution Control Regulations and Monitoring Technology: A Review of Research and Development from the Pulp and Paper Industry
Seepage from Oxidation Ponds
A comparison of Pure Oxygen and Diffused Air Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge
Biomonitoring with Fish: An Aid to Industrial Effluent and Surface Water Quality Control
An Integrated High Rate Pond-Algae Harvesting System
The Dynamic Behavior of an Anaerobic Digester
The Use of Ozone Induced Chemiluminescence in Water Quality Monitoring
Discussion and Replies
Development of a Rapid Fish Toxicity Utilizing a Freeze Concentration Technique for Routine Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Monitoring
Removal of Organics in Sewage and Secondary Effluent by Reverse Osmosis
Theory and Design of High-rate Plastic Media Trickling Filters
Compounds Toxic to Fish in Pulp Mill Waste Streams
Series Intermittent Sand Filtration to Upgrade Wastewater Lagoon Effluent
Biological Rotating Disk Scale-up Design Dissolved Oxygen Effects
Nitrification in Free-flowing Streams
Ion Exchange in a Moving Bed of Magnetized Resin
Uptake of Americium-241 by Algae and Bacteria
Consideration of the Efficiency of Attached Organisms in the Simulation of Self-Purification and Oxygenation Capacity of Flowing Waters
Recovery of Zinc from Industrial Waste Water using Chelating Resin
Nutrient Exchange Kinetics in Water Sediment Interface
Comparison of Semi-continuous and Continuous Flow Bioassays
Water Demineralization by Thermally Regenerable Ion Exchange
Mercury Transport Interacting with Bed Sediment Movements
Incineration of Industrial Wastes and Subsequent Effluent Control
Some Causes of Biological Instability and their Effect of Algal Population Levels in Waste Treatment Lagoons
Current and Future Marine Pollution Problems Workshop Convenor
Water Resources Quality Management Workshop Convenor
Ultimate Disposal of Sludges, Toxic Wastes and Strong Organic Liquors Workshop Convenor
Land Treatment Workshop Convenor
Discussions and Replies
Author Index
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 1070
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: September 11, 2013
- Imprint: Pergamon
- eBook ISBN: 9781483187938
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