I Defining the Polluted Environment 1 Air Pollutants in Agriculture and Horticulture 2 Biological Indicators of Air Pollution 3 Exposure to Gaseous Pollutants and Uptake By PlantsIi Physiological and Biochemical Responses to Pollutants 4 Effects of Sulphur Dioxide on Physiological Processes in Plants 5 Oxides of Nitrogen and the Greenhouse Atmosphere 6 Variation in Plant Response to Ozone: A Conceptual Model of Physiological Events 7 Physiological Responses of Plants to Fluorine 8 Effects of SO2 and NO2 on Metabolic Function 9 Effects of Oxidants on Metabolic FunctionIii Air Pollutants and the Growth and Quality of Crops 10 Effects of Air Pollutants on Flowering and Fruiting 11 Sulphur Dioxide and the Growth of Grasses 12 Effects of Sulphur Dioxide on the Growth and Yield of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops 13 the Effects of Fluorides on Plant Growth and Forage Quality 14 Ozone and the Growth and Productivity of Agricultural CropsIv Interactions 15 Air Pollutant Interactions in Mixtures 16 Interactions Between Air Pollutants and Parasitic Plant Diseases 17 Mineral Nutrition and Plant Response to Air PollutantsV Pollution in Perspective 18 Evolution of Resistance to Gaseous Air Pollutants 19 Future Directions in Air Pollution Research 20 Towards An Understanding of Plant Responses to Pollutants Vi Poster Session Abstracts Concentrations of Sulphur Dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen and Ozone in Air at Rural Sites in Great Britain and Ireland A New Method For Exposure of Field Crops to Sulphur Dioxide Design of Plant Exposure Rig to Measure Physiological Responses to Noxious Gases From Combustion Sources An Experimental Design For Studying the Effects of Fluctuating Concentrations of SO2 on Plants Effective Pollutant Dose Deposition of Nitrogen Oxides to Scots Pine (PINUS Sylvestris L.) A Quantitative Study of the Fate of Sulphur Dioxide Deposited on to Plants The Sulphur Balance of An Agricultural Catchment Leaching of Plant Nutrients By Rain Loss of Fluorides From Grass Swards and Other Surfaces The Use of Indicator Plants For Photochemical Oxid Ants in Denmark Acute and Subacute Damage to Vegetation By Ammonia Following Accidental Pollution Ozone Injury to White Bean (PHASEOLUS Vulgaris L.) in Southwestern Ontario, Canada; Correlation With Ozone Dose, Pan Evaporation, Plant Maturity and Rainfall Recent Research on Relationships Between Air Pollution and Plants in China The Relative Sensitivities of Conifer Populations to SO2 in Screening Tests With Different Concentrations of Sulphur Dioxide Studies of Fluoride Pollution Impact on Coniferous Forests Selection of Plants Resistant, Absorptive and Sensitive to Air Pollutants Influence of Aerial Pollution on Crop Growth and Yield Field Trials and Open-Top Chamber Studies of the Influence of Sulphur Dioxide on the Growth of Ryegrass Ozone Effects on Pollen-Tube Growth in Vivo and in Vitro Some Effects of Low Concentrations of SO2 And/Or NO2 on the Growth of Grasses and Poplar An Investigation of the Effects of Fluoride on Selected Moss Species the Influence of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and SO2 on the Growth and Photosynthesis of Early Successional Species Injurious Effects of Low Concentrations of SO2 and O3 on the Leaf Surfaces and Stomatal Conductances of Field Bean Effects of Ozone and Ozone /SULPHUR Dioxide on the Gas Exchange of Vicia F Aba L. Effects of Ozone and Sulphur Dioxide on Soybeans Combined Effects of Salt (NaCl) and Air Pollution (SO2) Stress on Cucumis Plants Effects of H2s on Water-Extractable Sulphydryl Content of Crop Plants The Effect of Sulphite on Light Activation of Fructose 1,6-Bis-Phosphatase in Soybean Chloroplasts The Correlation Between SO2 Susceptibilities of Plants and Ph of Leaf Sap Studies on the Mechanism of SO2 Injury in PlantsAppendix 1: Latin and Common Names Used in the Text and Their Common and Latin Name EquivalentsAppendix 2: Units, Physical Properties and Conversion FactorsList of ParticipantsIndex of Species With PollutantsSubject Index