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This special issue is among the first volumes to examine the topic of early development in children with neurogenetic disorders associated with intellectual disability. It in… Read more
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This special issue is among the first volumes to examine the topic of early development in children with neurogenetic disorders associated with intellectual disability. It includes discussions of theoretical issues regarding the emergence of behavioural profiles during early development, as well as comprehensive accounts of early development in specific disorders such as Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, Williams syndrome, and sex chromosome disorders. In addition, several contributions examine the latest clinical applications of this work for diagnosis, treatment, and education.
Academic researchers in developmental and cognitive psychology, as well as neuropsychology
1. Static snapshots versus dynamic approaches to genes, brain, cognition and behaviour in neurodevelopmental disabilities
Annette Karmiloff-Smith
2. Emerging Behavioral Phenotypes and Dynamic Systems Theory
Deborah J. Fidler, Erika Lunkenheimer and Laura Hahn
3. Developmental trajectories in genetic disorders
Victoria C. P. Knowland & Michael S. C. Thomas
4. Early Development in Fragile X Syndrome: Implications for Developmental Screening
Donald B. Bailey, Heather Cody Hazlett, Jane E. Roberts and Anne C. Wheeler
5. The early development of adaptive behavior and functional performance in young children with Down syndrome: Current knowledge and future directions
Lisa Daunhauer and Deborah Fidler
6. Sex chromosome aneuploidies: A window for examining the effects of the X and Y chromosomes on speech, language, and social development
Nancy Raitano Lee, Katherine C. Lopez, Elizabeth I. Adeyemi and Jay N. Giedd
7. Social-perceptual and social-cognitive skills in young children with Williams syndrome: Evidence for discontinuity
Susan L. Hepburn, Deborah Fidler, Laura Hahn and Amy Philofsky
8. Innovations in the Early Diagnosis of Chromosomal Disorders Associated with Intellectual Disability
Lisa G. Shaffer
9. Diagnosing Autism in Individuals with Known Genetic Syndromes: Clinical Considerations & Implications for Intervention
Susan L. Hepburn and Eric J. Moody
10. Infusing Etiology into Intervention: A Model for Translational Research in Education
Karen Riley