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e-Design: Computer-Aided Engineering Design, Revised First Edition is the first book to integrate a discussion of computer design tools throughout the design process. Through t… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
e-Design: Computer-Aided Engineering Design, Revised First Edition is the first book to integrate a discussion of computer design tools throughout the design process. Through the use of this book, the reader will understand basic design principles and all-digital design paradigms, the CAD/CAE/CAM tools available for various design related tasks, how to put an integrated system together to conduct All-Digital Design (ADD), industrial practices in employing ADD, and tools for product development.
1. Introduction to All-Digital Design 2. Geometric and Solid Modeling3. Mechanical Assembly4. Design Parameterization 5. Product Data Management and Data Exchange6. Kinematic and Dynamic Analyses of Mechanical Systems7. Structural Analysis Using Finite Element Method8. Fatigue and Fracture Analysis9. Failure Probability Estimate10. Reliability-Based Design11. Virtual Manufacturing12. Rapid Prototyping13. Product Cost Estimate14. Design Decision Making15. Design Optimization16. Future Trends in All-Digital Design
Project P1: Solid Modeling, Design Parameterization, and Product Data ExchangeProject P2: Mechanical System Analysis Project P3: Structural FEA and Fatigue AnalysisProject P4: CNC Machining SimulationsProject S1: Solid Modeling, Design Parameterization, and Product Data ExchangeProject S2: Mechanical System AnalysisProject S3: Structural FEA and Fatigue AnalysisProject S4: CNC Machining Simulations