Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies 1983
Proceedings of the 4th IFAC/IFORS/IIASA Conference and the 1983 SEDC Conference on Economic Dynamics and Control, Washington D.C., USA, 17-19 June 1983
- 1st Edition - May 17, 2014
- Editors: T. Basar, L. F. Pau
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 3 3 1 - 5
Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies 1983 contains the proceedings of the Fourth IFAC/IFORS/IIASA Conference and the 1983 SEDC Conference on Economic Dynamics and… Read more

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Request a sales quoteDynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies 1983 contains the proceedings of the Fourth IFAC/IFORS/IIASA Conference and the 1983 SEDC Conference on Economic Dynamics and Control held at Washington D.C., USA on June17-19, 1983. Separating the 65 papers presented in the conference as chapters, this book covers a broad class of problems or notions arising both in economic theory, control applications to planning, and implementation issues. Some chapters discuss multi-level interactions of government and private sectors in economic development; inflation and economic policy in an open economy; foreign debt and exchange rate stability in a developing country; and expectations in numerical general equilibrium models. This book also explains a rational decision-making process for resource policymaking; inference of the structure of economic reasoning from natural language analysis; modeling and analysis of a national economy; and methodological issues in global modeling. Econometric analysis of the economic effects of population change, aspects of optimal estimation control strategies in econometrics, and optimal policies for interdependent economies are also discussed. This book will be useful to those engaged in economic and control theory research.
Plenary Lecture
International Model Building and Coordination of Economic Policies
Game Theory for Planning I
Policy Solutions for a Linked Model for Two Common Market Countries
Open-Loop Nash Strategies for Extracting Exhaustible Resources by Oligopolists
Multi-Level Interactions of Government and Private Sectors in Economic Development
Rival Models: Min-Max Problems and Algorithms
Open Economies
Wage Contracting, and Exchange Rate Volatility
Inflation and Economic Policy in an Open Economy: Some Simulations with a Dynamic Macroeconometric Model
Foreign Debt and Exchange Rate Stability in a Developing Country
Optimal Stabilization Policy in a Model of Elasticity Dynamics
General Equilibrium Modeling of National Economies
Expectations in Numerical General Equilibrium Models
Welfare Measures for General Equilibrium Analysis of Economic Policies
A Model of Energy, International Trade and Capital Flows
Real and Nominal Flows in a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model
Simulation Studies
On the Stochastic Control of Large Nonlinear Econometric Models
On the Sensitivity of Optimal Macroeconomic Policies to Econometric Models, an Empirical Analysis for Austria
An Optimal Control Simulation Analysis of the Oil-Shocked Japanese Economy
On the Effectiveness of Fixed Rules and Indicators
Modeling and Assessment Methodologies
The Concept of Reading as Analysis of Macroeconomic Models
Computer Based Techniques for Assessing Credibility of Complex Simulation Models
Implementation of Socio-Economic Planning Models in Federal Agencies
A Rational Decision making Process for Resource Policymaking
Modeling Languages I
A Modeling Language for Sets of Linked Models
Disaggregated Model-Building Using the IDIOM Software System
Inference of the Structure of Economic Reasoning from Natural Language Analysis
Control Methods
A Comparison of Frequency-Domain and Optimal Control Methods in Macroeconomic Policy Design
On the Dynamics of the LBS Econometric Model
Self tuning Control of a Macro Economic System
On the Modeling and Analysis of a National Economy
On the Markov Stopping Rule Associated with the Problem of Controlling a Dual Economy
Global Modeling
Methodological Issues in Global Modeling: Structural vs. Data-Analytic Approaches
A Macroeconomic Study on the Future of Global Interdependence
Effectiveness Of Economic Policies
Stochastic Optimal Control for Monetary Planning
Modeling Languages II
A Mathematical-Computer Language for Linear Programming Problems
The Transaction Value Approach: A Systematic Method of Defining Economy wide Models Based on Social Accounting Matrices
Input-Output and Regional Models
Appraising Development Plans for a Small, Open Economy
Equilibrium Evolution of a Many-Good, Many-Sector Economy
Some Initial Explorations of Interregional Linkages for Econometric Models
Factor Demands and Input Substitution in an Interindustry Model for the Italian Economy
Game Theory for Planning II
Decentralized Linear-Quadratic Differential Games with Incentives
Robustness of Incentive Policies in Team Problems with Discrepancies in Goal Perceptions
Market Equilibrium in a Multistage Commodity Network
The Effects of an Activist Policy on Macroeconomic Stability
Sectoral Productivity Gains and Induced Inflation
The Principle of Political-Economic Assignment: Analysis of a Macro-Economic Model with Political Feedbacks
Macro Model with Social Accounting Structure for Brazil
An 'Optimal' Phillips-Curve
Energy Models
OPEC's Pricing Policy and the International Transmission of Oil Price Effects
An Energy-Economic Model for Developing Countries
A Petroleum Price Model Associated with Cross Impact Method
A Framework for Evaluating Planning Strategies for an Oil Exporting Country Under Uncertainty of Future Oil Prices and Rates of Return
International Finance and Macroeconomics
International Portfolio Behavior of U.S. Banks
The Interdependence Between Wage Indexation and Exchange Market Intervention
Currency Crises and Exchange Rate Instability
Planning and Decision Models in Developing Countries
An Econometric Analysis of the Economic Effects of Population Change
Decision Making Model for Marine Investment Policy for the Developing Countries
A Study on Alternative Strategies for the Process of Economic Development Using a Non-Equilibrium Input-Output Model (NEVA)
International Macroeconomics
Currency Inconvertibility, Portfolio Balance and Relative Prices
The Formation of Short-Run and Long-Run Exchange Rate Expectations
Dynamic Assessment of Financial, Monetary and Real Disturbances in a Three-Country World: Derivation of a Basic Inequality
Estimation and Identification
Identification and Estimation of Time Varying Models with Structural Variability of the Parameters
Parameter Estimation in Large Scale Econometric Models Using Decentralized Filtering Algorithms
Aspects of Optimal Estimation Control Strategies in Econometrics
The Effects of Cyclicality and Inflation Expectations on Investment
Interdependent Economies
Optimal Policies for Interdependent Economies: Risk Aversion and the Problem of Information
A Test of the International Term Structure of Interest Rates: The United States-Canadian Experience, 1973-80
Conference Attendees
Author Index
- No. of pages: 488
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: May 17, 2014
- Imprint: Pergamon
- eBook ISBN: 9781483153315
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