Contributors to Volume 340.
Volume in Series.
Section I. Biophysical Approaches
Analysis and Interpretations of Ligand-DNA Binding Isotherms, J.B. Chaires.
Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor Analysis of RNA-Small Molecule Interactions, T.M. Davis, and W.D. Wilson.
Simultaneous Measurement of Binding Constants and Unwinding Angles by Gel Eletrophoresis, S.M. Zeman and D.M. Crothers.
Linear and Circular Dichroism of Drug-Nucleic Acid Complexes, M. Eriksson, and B. Norden.
Rapid Screening of Structurally Selective Ligand Binding to Nucleic Acids, J. Ren, and J.B. Chaires.
Calorimetric Techniques in the Study of High-Order DNA-Drug Interactions, I. Haq, B.Z. Chowdhry, and T.C. Jenkins.
Volume Changes Accompanying Interactions of Ligands with Nucleic Acids, L.A. Marky, D.W. Kupke, and B.I. Kankia.
Calculating Sequence-Dependent Melting Stability of Duplex DNA Oligomers and Multiplex Sequence Analysis by Graphs, A.S. Benight, P. Pancoska, R. Owczarzy, P.M. Vallone, J. Nesetril, and P.V. Riccelli.
Thermal Denaturation as Tool to Study DNA-Ligan Interaction, C.H. Spink, and S.E. Wellman.
Kinetics of Binding of Hoechst Dyes to DNA Studied by Stopped-Flow Fluorescence Techniques, S.Y. Breusegem, F.G. Loontiens, P. Regenfuss, and R.M. Clegg.
Scanning Force Microscopy of Nucleic Acid Complexes, P.T. Lillehei, and L.A. Bottomley.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Drug-DNA Complexes in Solution, A.N. Lane.
X-Ray Crystallography of DNA-Drug Complexes, M.E. Peek, and L.D. Williams.
Molecular Modeling of Drug-DNA Complexes: An Update, J.O. Trent.
Chemical and Molecular Biological Approaches
Peptide Nucleic Acid Targeting of Double-Stranded DNA, P.E. Nielson.
Drug Interaction with Triple-Helical Nucleic Acids, C. Escude, T. Garestier, and J-S Sun.
Measurement of Covalent Drug-DNA Interactions at the Nucleotide Level in Cells at Pharmacologically Relevant Doses, C.J. McGurk, P.J. McHugh, M.J. Tilby, K.A. Grimaldi, and J.A. Hartley.
Targeting DNA through Covalent Interactions of Reversible Binding Drugs, D.E. Graves.
Chemical Cross-Linking of Drugs to DNA, R.A. Luce, and P.B. Hopkins.
High-Resolution Footprinting Studies of Drug-DNA Complexes Using Chemical and Enzymatic Probes, K.R. Fox, and M.J. Waring.
Drug-RNA Footprinting, M.P. McPike, J. Goodisman, and J.C. Dabrowiak.
Footprinting Methods for Analysis of Pyrrole-Imidazole Polyamide/DNA Complexes, J.W. Trauger, and P.B. Dervan.
High-Resolution Transcription Assay for Probing Drug-DNA Interactions at Individual Drug Sites, D.R. Phillips, S.M. Cutts, C.M. Cullinane, and D.M. Crothers.
Use of DNA Molecules Substituted with Unnatural Nucleotides to Probe Specific Drug-DNA Interactions, C. Bailly, and M.J. Waring.
Drug Interactions with Nucleosomes and Chromatin, J. Portugal.
Locating Cobalt-Binding Sites on DNA Using Restriction Endonucleases, A.M. Snow, and R.D. Sheardy.
Exploiting Anthracycline Scaffold for Designing DNA-Targeting Agents, W. Priebe, I. Fokt, T. Przewloka, J.B. Chaires, J. Portugal, and J.O. Trent.
Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Polyintercalating Ligands, V.M. Guelev, M.S. Cubberley, M.M. Murr, R.S. Lokey, and B.L. Iverson.
Enzymology and Biological Approaches
Targeting Telomeres and Telomerase, D. Sun, and L.H. Hurley.
Rapid, High-Throughput Engineering of Sequence-Specific Zinc Finger DNA-Binding Proteins, M. Isalan, and Y. Choo.
DNA Relaxation and Cleavage Assays to Study Topoisomerase I Inhibitors, C. Bailly.
In Vitro Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase Assays, C. Marchand, N. Neamati, and Y. Pommier.
Use of Xenopus Egg Extracts to Study Effects of DNA-Binding Drugs on Chromatin Assembly, Nuclear Assembly, and DNA Replication, A. Kumar, H. Xu, and G.H. Leng.
Author Index.
Subject Index.