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Dreaming is the cognitive state uniquely experienced by humans and integral to our creativity, the survival characteristic that allows for the rapid change and innovation that de… Read more
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Dreaming is the cognitive state uniquely experienced by humans and integral to our creativity, the survival characteristic that allows for the rapid change and innovation that defines our species and provides the basis for our art, philosophy, science, and humanity. Yet there is little empiric or scientific evidence supporting the generally accepted dream-based theories of neuroconsciousness. Dream Science examines the cognitive science of dreaming and offers an evidence-based view of the phenomenon.
Today, such evidence-based breakthroughs in the field of dream science are altering our understanding of consciousness. Different forms of dreaming consciousness occur throughout sleep, and dreamlike states extend into wake. Each dream state is developed on a framework of memories, emotions, representational images, and electrophysiology, amenable to studies utilizing emerging and evolving technology. Dream Science discusses basic insights into the scientific study of dreaming, including the limits to traditional Freudian-based dream theory and the more modern evidence-based science. It also includes coverage of the processes of memory and parasomnias, the sleep-disturbance diagnoses related to dreaming. This comprehensive book is a scientific exploration of the mind-brain interface and a look into the future of dream science.
Advanced students and researchers involved in the study of cognitive science, sleep, and dreaming
About the Author
Preface: The REMS Equals Dreaming Debacle
Urban Myths
Spontaneous Electrical Activity
Clear and Irrefutable Evidence
The Special Relationship
Melancholic Simpletons
A Slice of the Brain
An All-Time Low
Almost Unstudied
Paradigm Shift
Chapter 1. Archaeology, Anthropology, and Dreaming
Moving Images - Cave Art
Mimeographs on Fresh Clay
Night Terrors
The Mechanical “Creativeness” of a Lightning Storm
Non-Dreaming Neanderthals
The Shadow Play of Consciousness
Chapter 2. Shamans, Dreams, and Religion
Very Disturbing Dreams
Dreams as Divine Epiphany
The Purkinje Tree: Shamanism and Trance States
Dirty Needles and Dream Ecstasy
Chapter 3. Dream Philosophy
Unconcealing Dreams
The Dream as a Window into Body and Mind
Memory, Dreaming, and Frontal Lobotomies
The Same Memory Systems are Used in Dreaming and Waking
Descartes’ Many Errors?
Chapter 4. Studying Dreaming and Consciousness
Beyond the Chinese Room
Neurochemical Frog Prophecies and the Control of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
The Electrophysiology of a Storm-Wracked Ocean
Approaching Dream Toads
Chapter 5. The Forms of Waking Consciousness
Attention-Focused Waking
Default Non-Attentive Waking
The Rhythms of Creativity
The Cognitive Curiosity of Hypnosis
Meditative States
The Altered State of Drowsy Waking
Forming Waking Consciousness
Chapter 6. The Conscious Forms of Sleep
Controlling Dreaming: Lucidity and Sleep Meditation
Sleep-Onset Dreams and Hallucinations
The “Special” Relationship of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep with Dreaming
Anxiety (Stage 2) Dreaming
The Dreams of Dreamless Sleep
Chapter 7. The Nightmare: Integrating Emotions into Consciousness
Fear and Emotional Competence
Imagining Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Creative Nightmares: Honor, Power, and the Love of Women
The Creative Nightmare Project
Emotional Consciousness
Chapter 8. Organizing Consciousness into Stories
Signs and Absolute Symbols
Signing “Dream”
Dream Language
Soap Operas and Other Parables
Pretty Horses and the Structure of Story
Dreaming and Three-Act Stories
Dreaming as a Structuring Principle for Life
Chapter 9. Visual Dream Consciousness
Archetypical Visual Processing
Fooling and Binding Visual Systems
The Sprocket in the Projector
The Visual Dream Stage
Chapter 10. Creating Artificial Dreams
Film-Making: The Mental Apparatus
Artificial Consciousness
The Interface that Abrogates Consciousness
Dreamtime Elmo
Chapter 11. Crossing the Line: Dreaming and Ecstasy
The Standard Approach to the Illogic of Dream Science
Dream Illogic in Religion and Philosophy
Crossing the Line
The Ecstasy of Cave Painters
Dream Science