DNA Repair Mechanisms
- 1st Edition - December 2, 2012
- Editor: Philip Hanawalt
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 4 2 3 2 - 8
DNA Repair Mechanisms is an account of the proceedings at a major international conference on DNA Repair Mechanisms held at Keystone, Colorado on February 1978. The conference… Read more

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Request a sales quoteDNA Repair Mechanisms is an account of the proceedings at a major international conference on DNA Repair Mechanisms held at Keystone, Colorado on February 1978. The conference discusses through plenary sessions the overall standpoint of DNA repair. The papers presented and other important documents, such as short summaries by the workshop session conveners, comprise this book. The compilation describes the opposing views, those that agree and dispute about certain topic areas. This book, divided into 15 parts, is arranged according to the proceedings in the conference. The plenary sessions are grouped with the related workshop and poster manuscripts. The first two parts generally tackle repair in terms of its identification and quantification, as well as the models, systems, and perspectives it utilizes. The following parts discuss the various types of repair including base excision, nucleotide excision repair in bacteria, excision repair in mammalian cells, inducible/error-prone repair in prokaryotes, and strand break repair in mammalian cells among others. This reference material looks into the replicative bypass mechanisms in mammalian cells, viral probes, and hereditary repair defects. It explains repair deficiency and human disease, as well as mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. The last part of this book deals with the consequences and effects of DNA repair. This volume is a helpful source of reference for students, teachers, scientists, and researchers in the different fields of genetics, radiology, biochemistry, and environmental biology.
I. Repairable Damage: Identification and Quantification
1. Repairable Damage in DNA
2. Distribution and Quantitation of DNA Damage: Workshop Summary
3. Lesions in Alkylated DNA Determined by Susceptibility to Alkali, Apurinic Endonuclease, or N-Glycosidase
4. Enzymatic Recognition of DNA Damages Induced by Ionizing Radiation
5. Micrococcus luteus UV-Endonuclease-Sensitive Sites in Far- and Near-UV-Irradiated Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
6. Repair of Alkylated DNA in Chinese Hamster Cells Measured by Loss of Enzyme-Sensitive Sites in Isolated DNA
7. Serologic Assay of DNA Base Damage
8. Non-dimer UV Damage in DNA and Poly d(A-T)
9. Photochemistry and Photobiology of DNA Containing 5-Iodouracil and 5-Iodocytosine
II. Repair Pathways: Models, Systems, and Perspectives
10. DNA Repair Pathways: Excision Repair in Permeabilized Cells
11. A New Classification of Pathways Repairing Pyrimidine Dimer Damage in DNA
12. Making and Correcting Errors in DNA Synthesis: In Vitro Studies of Mutagenesis
13. Cell Survival, Excision Repair, and DNA Replication in Eukaryotic Cells
14. Electron Microscopy of UV-Induced Post Replication Repair Daughter Strand Gaps
15. A General Method for Isolation of Repair-Deficient Mutants
16. Historical Perspectives and Keynotes on DNA Repair
III. Mechanism and Diversity of Enzymatic Photoreactivation
17. Enzymatic Photoreactivation of DNA
18. Mechanism and Diversity of Photoreactivation: Workshop Summary
19. Some Properties of a DNA Photoreactivating Enzyme from Streptomyces griseus
20. Low Molecular Weight Substances That Enhance DNA Photolyase Activity
21. Mechanism of Action of the Photoreactivating Enzyme from E. coli: Recent Results
22. Photosensitized Splitting of Thymine Dimers in DNA by Peptides and Proteins Containing Tryptophanyl Residues
23. Evidence for Photoenzymatically Repairable, Lethal "Nondimer" Photoproducts Formed in E. coli Cells by Near UV Light
24. Photoreactivation of Escherichia coli Irradiated with Ionizing Radiation
25. Ultraviolet-Light Triggered Disappearance of Photoreactivating Enzyme
26. Cloning the PHR Gene of Escherichia coli
IV. Base Excicion Repair
27. Base Excision Repair of DNA
28. Enzymology of Base Excision Repair: Workshop Summary
29. DNA Glycosylases of Escherichia coli
30. Uracil-DNA Glycosylase Mutants Are Mutators
31. Endonucleases Specific for Apurinic Sites in DNA
32. The Endonuclease Activity of Exonuclease III and the Repair of Uracil-Containing DNA in Escherichia coli
33. Base-Excision Repair in Micrococcus luteus
34. Enzymes from Human Fibroblasts for the Repair of AP DNA
V. Nucleotide Excision Repair in Bacteria
35. Enzymatic Pathways of Damaged Nucleotide Excision
36. Enzymology of Nucleotide Excision Repair
37. A DNA-Binding Activity Associated with the uvrA + Protein from Escherichia coli
38. Cloning of E. coli DNA Repair Genes
39. Endonuclease Activities in Extracts of Micrococcus luteus Against Gamma-Irradiated DNA
40. Excision Repair Pathways in Bacteria: Workshop Summary
41. Excision Repair and Mutagenesis Are Complex Processes
42. UVRD, UVRE, and RECL Represent a Single Gene
43. Alternative Pathways for Excision and Resynthesis in Escherichia coli: DNA Polymerase III Role?
44. Pyrimidine Dimer Excision in Exonuclease Deficient Mutants of Escherichia coli
45. Conditions for Constitutive and Inducible Gap Filling of Excision and Postreplication Repair in Toluene Treated E. coli
46. Effects of Phage Infection on Escherichia coli Excision Repair Measured in Vitro
47. Repair of DNA Damage in Mycoplasmas
48. Role of the Gene MTCA in the Resistance of Micrococcus radiodurans to the Lethal Effects of Mitomycin C and Alkylation Mutagenesis
49. On the Mechanism for Repair of Cross-Linked DNA in E. coli Treated with Psoralen and Light
VI. Excision Repair in Mammalian Cells
50. Endonuclease from Calf Thymus That Acts on DNA Irradiated with Low UV Doses
51. On the Nature of the Human Endonuclease Activity Directed Against Ultraviolet-Irradiated DNA
52. Partial Purification and Characterization of Three Thymine Dimer Excising Activities from Human KB Cells
53. Introduction of T4 Endonuclease V into Frozen and Thawed Mammalian Cells for the Determination of Removal of UV-Induced Photoproducts
54. Removal of T4 Endonuclease V Sensitive Sites and Repair Replication in Confluent Human Diploid Fibroblasts
55. Studies on the Molecular Mechanisms of Nucleotide Excision Repair in UV-Irradiated Human Cells in Culture
56. Kinetics of UV-Induced Excision Repair in Human Fibroblasts. Simultaneous Studies of Incision-Produced Single-Strand Breaks and the Removal of
Endonuclease-Sensitive Sites Using the DNA Unwinding Technique
57. The Removal of UV-Induced Pyrimidine Dimers from the Replicated and Unreplicated DNA of Human Fibroblasts
58. Distribution of UV-Induced DNA Repair Synthesis in Human Chromatin
59. Excision Repair in Mammalian Cells
60. A Possible Role for Poly ADP-Ribose in DNA Repair
VII. Inducible/Error-Prone Repair in Procaryotes
61. Conditioned Repair Responses: Workshop Summary
62. The Involvement of E. coli DNA Polymerase III in Constitutive and Inducible Mutagenic Repair
63. Studies of the recA and lex A Genes of Escherichia coli K-12
64. An Escherichia coli Mutant with an Altered Inducible rec + llex+ Dependent DNA Repair Pathway
65. Induction and Repression of the recA Gene of Escherichia coli
66. Complexity in the Regulation of SOS Functions in Bacteria
67. tif-1 Mediated Recovery from UV Blockage of DNA Synthesis in Escherichia coli: A Mechanism of Induced Mutagenesis?
68. The Role of Proteases in SOS Regulation
69. Transcriptional Regulation of the recA Region of E. coli
70. Dose Response Relations for UV-Induced Repair Phenomena
71. Pathways Involved in Repair of Alkylation Damage in E. coli
72. The UV Inducibility of P32 Synthesis
73. The Dependence of UV Mutagenesis in Phage T4 on DNA Ligase, Polymerase, and Nuclease Functions
VIII. Repair in Lower Eucaryotes
74. DNA Repair in Lower Eucaryotes: Workshop Summary
75. Pathways of DNA Repair in Yeast
76. The Importance of DNA Double-Strand Break Repair in Yeast
77. On the Inducibility of Error-Prone Repair in Yeast
78. The Fate of Mitochondrial DNA and of Mitochondrial Genetic Markers after UV Irradiation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
79. Recombination and Repair in Simple Eukaryotes
80. Ultraviolet Light Induced Mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
81. Regulation by Proteinases of a Putative /tec-Nuclease of Neurospora
82. Genetics of DNA Repair in the Cellular Slime Mold, Dictyostelium discoideum
83. DNA Repair in Drosophila
84. Mutagen Sensitivity of Drosophila melanogaster IV. Interactions of X Chromosome Mutants
IX. Strand Break Repair in Mammalian Cells
85. DNA Strand Break Repair in Eukaryotes: Workshop Summary
86. Estimation of DNA Strand Breaks in Single Mammalian Cells
87. Repair of DNA Breaks Induced by Gamma Rays and Fast Neutrons in Chinese Hamster Cells
88. A Relationship between DNA Single-Strand Breaks and DNA-Protein Crosslinks
in Intercalator-Treated Mouse LI210 Cells
89. DNA Damage and Mammalian Cell Killing
90. Rejoining of DNA Strand Breaks in Nondividing Cells Irradiated in Situ
X. Replicative Bypass Mechanisms in Mammalian Cells
91. Replicative Bypass Mechanisms in Mammalian Cells: Workshop Summary
92. DNA Replication in Ultraviolet-Irradiated Mammalian Cells
93. Pyrmidine Dimers in DNA Strands of Mammalian Cells Synthesized after UV-Irradiation
94. On the Presence of UV-Endonuclease Sensitive Sites in Daughter DNA of UV-Irradiated Mammalian Cells
95. The Mechanism of Postreplication Repair in Mammalian Cells
96. A Model for Postreplication Repair of UV Damage in Mammalian Cells
97. The Kinetics of Postreplication Repair in Mammalian Cells as Studied by the Alkaline Elution Technique
98. DNA Replication in Normal and Defective Human Cells after UV Irradiation
99. Replicative Repair in Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) Variants
100. DNA Bifilarly Substituted with Bromodeoxyuridine in the First Round of Synthesis
101. DNA Template Breakage and Decreased Excision of Hydro-Carbon Derived Adducts from Chinese Hamster Cell DNA Following Caffeine-Induced Inhibition
of Postreplication Repair
XI. Viral Probes for DNA Repair
102. Viral Probes for Mammalian Cell DNA Repair: Results and Prospects: Workshop Summary
103. Studies on UV-Induced Viral Reversion, Cockayne's Syndrome, and MNNG Damage Using Adenovirus 5
104. Production of Viral Structural Antigens by Irradiated Adenovirus as an Assay for DNA Repair in Human Fibroblasts
105. Simian Virus 40 as a Probe for Studying DNA Repair Pathways in Mammalian Cells
106. Repair of UV Irradiation Damage in Simian Virus 40
107. Defective Host-Cell Reactivation of UV-Irradiated Herpes Simplex Virus by Bloom's Syndrome Skin Fibroblasts
108. Protease Inhibitors Prevent UV-Enhanced Virus Reactivation in E. coli but Not in Monkey Kidney Cells
109. UV-Reactivation of Herpes Simplex Virus is Mutagenic and Inducible in Mammalian Cells
110. The Effect of DNA Damage on the Induction of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) in Transformed Hamster Cells
111. Recent Developments in the Biochemistry of Genetic Recombination
112. In Initiation of Genetic Recombination in E. coli: Studies on Cutting in trans as a Function of Time
113. Repair and Recombination of UV-Irradiated Phage Lambda
XII. Hereditary Repair Defects in Man: Xeroderma Pigmentosum
114. Xeroderma pigmentosum
115. Xeroderma pigmentosum: Workshop Summary
116. DNA Repair Nucleotide Sequences Which Prevent Premature Death of Neurons in Humans: Evidence from Studies on Xeroderma pigmentosum
117. The Relationship between Neurologic Disease, Acute Sun Sensitivity, and Post-Ultraviolet Colony-Forming Ability in Xeroderma pigmentosum
118. DNA Repair and Clinical Characteristics of 96 Xeroderma pigmentosum Patients in Japan
119. Response of Mammalian Cells to Chemical Damage
XIII. Repair Deficiency and Human Disease: Other Hereditary Defects
120. DNA Repair Defects and Human Disease
121. Cell Killing and Mutagenesis in Repair-Defective Human Cells
122. Ataxia telangiectasia: A Model Inherited Disease Linking Deficient DNA Repair with Radiosensitivity and Cancer Proneness
123. Ataxia telangiectasia: Characterization of Heterozygotes
124. Repair Deficiency in N-Methyl-N'-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine Treated Ataxia telangiectasia Fibroblasts
125. An Investigation of DNA Repair Potential in Bloom's Syndrome
126. Single-Strand DNA Breakage and Repair in Bloom's Syndrome Cells
127. Effects of DNA Damaging Agents on Cultured Fibroblasts Derived from Patients with Cockayne Syndrome
128. Sister Chromatid Exchanges in Dyskeratosis congenita after Exposure to Trimethyl Psoralen and UV Light
129. Fanconi's Anemia a Condition Possibly Associated with a Defective DNA Repair
130. X-Ray Sensitivity of Fibroblasts from Patients with Retinoblastoma and with Abnormalities of Chromosome 13
XIV. Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis
131. Environmental Chemicals Causing Cancer and Genetic Birth Defects
132. Chemical Damage and Mutagenesis in Mammalian Systems: Workshop Summary
133. Biological Consequences of X-Ray-Induced DNA Damage and Repair Processes in Relation to Cell Killing and Carcinogenesis
134. Chemical Modification of Radiation-Induced Mutagenesis and Its Role in Carcinogenesis
135. Biological and Biochemical Evidence That DNA Repair Processes in Normal Human Cells Act to Reduce the Lethal and Mutagenic Effects of Exposure to Carcinogens
136. Evidence for the Involvement of Different Repair Mechanisms in Mutagenesis and Cell Killing in V79 Cells
137. Effects of Liquid Holding on Cell Killing and Mutation Induction in Normal and Repair-Deficient Human Cell Strains
138. Fixation and Expression of Recessive Mutations in Mammalian Cells as a Model for the Study of Carcinogenesis
139. Mammalian Cell Mutagenesis as a Biological Consequence of DNA Damage
XV. Consequences of DNA Damage and Repair
140. Relation between DNA Repair, Chromosome Aberrations, and Sister Chromatid Exchanges
141. DNA Repair in Differentiation
142. The Relationship between Cellular Aging and Genetic Defects
143. The Acute and Chronic Effects of Ultraviolet Energy on Mammalian Skin
144. Death of Escherichia coli Cells as a Consequence of Damage to DNA by Far-Ultraviolet Radiation
145. Action of Three Mutagens on HeLa DNA Replication
146. UV Irradiation and the Mammalian Cell Cycle
147. Cloning of a Gene That Controls Radiation Sensitivity, Cell Division, and Capsular Polysaccharide Synthesis, the lon(capR) Gene
Author Index
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 832
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: December 2, 2012
- Imprint: Academic Press
- eBook ISBN: 9780323142328
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