(partial) Introduction to DCCS-86: current and future issues in the design, analysis and implementation of distributed computer based systems, G J Suski & M G Rodd. Compilers and databases for DCCS: experiences with the open real time database system BAPAS-DB in distributed systems, H Windauer. DCCS communications I: token bus performance in MAP and PROWAY, D Janetzky & K S Watson. Critique of MAP and PROWAY, D J Damsker. DCCS communications II: the simulated performance of practical ETHERNET and MAP networks, H F Weehuizen
et al. Design methodologies for DCCS: functional coordination for homogeneous distributed computer control system, C Imamichi & A Inamoto. Robotics and fault tolerance for DCCS: development of a stored-programme fail-safe press control system, M Weck & B Frentzen. DCCS for accelerators I: distributed computers in accelerator control systems, P N Clout. DCCS for accelerators II: critique of the TRIUMF control system, D P Gurd. scheduling and synchronization for DCCS: time rigid scheduling in distributed real time systems, H Kopetz. Industrial DCCS applications: the design of "Shoptalk", a distributed multiprocessor control system, S P Meyer
et al.
350 lit. refs. approx., 50 illus. approx.