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Dissipative Particle Dynamics: Fundamentals and Applications in Soft Matter Science and Engineering comprehensively presents the fundamentals of DPD theoretical formulati… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Dissipative Particle Dynamics: Fundamentals and Applications in Soft Matter Science and Engineering comprehensively presents the fundamentals of DPD theoretical formulations and computational strategies, providing practical guidance on the application of DPD models to various colloidal and interfacial phenomena involving phase separations, self-assembly and transport in complex fluids, polymeric, surfactant, nanoparticle, and biological systems. In addition, the book contains instructive advice on efficient implementation of the DPD models in open-source computational packages. Since the introduction of the principles of DPD methodology, multiple efforts have been made to improve the computational basis of DPD, and to devise advanced versions and modifications.
While there are numerous research papers on the topic, but no books until now, this resource is dedicated to the dissipative particle dynamics with a critical review of various DPD formulations. Readers will find this to be a comprehensive reference source of multifaceted interdisciplinary applications that provides practical guidance for efficient computational implementation.