Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear
For Practitioners and Students
- 4th Edition - October 22, 2013
- Editor: A. Logan Turner
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 9 4 3 3 - 2
Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear: For Practitioners and Students, Fourth Edition provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of the diseases of the ear, nose, and… Read more
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Request a sales quoteDiseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear: For Practitioners and Students, Fourth Edition provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of the diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. This book discusses allergy and its allied conditions. Organized into six sections encompassing 41 chapters, this edition begins with an overview of anatomical structure of the nose. This text then explores the various processes of examination of the cavities of the nose, pharynx, larynx, and ear. Other chapters consider inference with phonation, which is one of the most common symptoms in affections of the larynx. Other chapters consider the sensitivity of the nasal mucous membrane to atmospheric changes, including temperature, humidity, sunshine, prevailing wind, and dust. This book discusses as well heliotherapy as a useful adjuvant to other treatment in nasal disease. The final chapter deals with the congenital defects of the labyrinth, which are responsible for the condition known as sporadic congenital deaf-mutism. This book is a valuable resource for clinicians.
Section 1.—Diseases of the Nose
Chapter 1. Anatomy
The External Nose
The Nasal Cavity
The Nasopharynx
The Paranasals in Uses
Chapter II. Methods of Examination. Symptoms and General Treatment
The Use of Reflected Light
Anterior Rhinoscopy
Median Rhinoscopy
The Nasopharyngoscope
Posterior Rhinoscopy
Digital Palpation of the Nasopharynx
Nasal Defenses against Infection
Symptoms of Nasal Disease
Notes on Treatment and Local Anesthesia
General Hygiene
Chapter III. the External Nose, Nasal Orifices and Septum
Injuries to the Nose
Hematoma and Abscess of the Septum
Depressed Nasal Bridge
Congenital Atresia of the Choane
Dermatitis of the Nasal Vestibule
Deviations and Spurs of the Septum
Perforations of the Septum
Chapter IV. Inflammatory Diseases
Acute Rhinitis
Chronic Rhinitis
Chapter V. Nasal Polypus
Chapter VI. New Growths
Chapter VII. Chronic Infective Diseases
Ulcerative Granuloma
Rhino Scleroma
Chapter VIII. Epistaxis, Foreign Bodies and Parasites
Foreign Bodies
Fungin and Parasites in the Nose
Maggots in the Nose
Chapter IX. Allergy and Allied Conditions
Nasal Allergy
Asthma and the Nose
Allergy and Nasal Operations
Cerebrospinal Rhinorrhea
Section II.—Affections of the Paranasal Sinuses
Chapter X. Introduction. Pathology. Acute Inflammation in the Sinuses
Inflammatory Affections of the Paranasal Sinuses
Acute Inflammation
Chapter XI. Chronic Catarrh and Suppuration in the Paranasal Sinuses: Symptomatology and Diagnosis
Diagnosis of Chronic Suppuration in the Anterior Group of Sinuses
Diagnosis of Chronic Suppuration in the Posterior Group of Sinuses
Chapter XII. Treatment of Chronic Suppuration in the Paranasal Sinuses
Chapter XIII. Complications of Suppuration in the Paranasal Sinuses. Other Affections of the Sinuses
Orbital and Ocular Complications of Sinus Disease
Intracranial Complications
Mucocele of the Paranasal Sinuses
Dental (Periodontal) Cysts in Connection With the Maxillary Sinus
Naso-Antral (Choanal) Polypi
Simple Chronic Hyperplasia of the Maxilla
Vacuum Frontal Headache
Tuberculosis of the Sinuses
Malignant Disease Affecting the Sinuses
Section III.—The Pharynx and Nasopharynx
Chapter XIV.Anatomy
The Pharynx
The Tonsils
The Lymphoid Tissues of the Pharynx and Waldeyer's Ring
The Function of the Tonsils
Chapter XV. Method of Examination
Chapter XVI. Acute Inflammations of the Pharynx
Acute Pharyngitis
Vincent's Angina
Acute Septic Inflammation of the Pharynx
Agranulocytic Angina
Retropharyngeal Abscess
Chapter XVII. Chronic Inflammations of the Pharynx
Chronic Pharyngitis
Chapter XVIII. Chronic Infective Conditions of the Pharynx
Acute Miliary Tuberculosis
Rhinoscleroma and Leprosy
Chronic Hyperplasia of the Mucous Membrane
Chapter XIX. Affections of the Tonsils
Acute Tonsillitis
Chronic Inflammation of the Tonsils
The Operation of Tonsillectomy
Calculus of the Tonsil (Tonsillolith)
Bone and Cartilage in the Tonsil Region
Chapter XX. Other Affections of the Pharynx Including Tumors and Neuroses
Hemorrhage From the Pharynx
Foreign Bodies
Chapter XXI. Diseases of the Nasopharynx
Acute Inflammation
Chronic Post Nasal Catarrh
Adenoid Vegetations or Hypertrophy of the Pharyngeal Tonsil
Nasopharyngeal Fibroma
Simple Tumors
Malignant Tumors
Section IV.—The Larynx
Chapter XXII. Anatomy
Chapter XXIII. Examination. Symptomatology. General Therapeutics
Indirect Laryngoscopy
General Therapeutics
Chapter XXIV. Acute Inflammations of the Larynx
Simple Acute Laryngitis
Acute Septic Laryngitis
Acute Edema of the Larynx
Diphtheritic Laryngitis or Group
Chapter XXV. Chronic Inflammations of the Larynx
Chronic Laryngitis
Atrophic Laryngitis, or Laryngitis Sicca
Pachydermia Laryngis
Singers' Nodules
Keratosis of the Larynx
Perichondritis of the Larynx
Fixation of the Crico-Arytenoid Joint
Chapter XXVI. Chronic Infective Conditions of the Larynx
Tuberculosis Syphilis
Leprosy and Scleroma
Chapter XXVII. Nervous Affections of the Larynx
Neuroses of Sensation
Spasmodic Affections
Motor Paralysis
Vocal Disabilities of Singers
Chapter XXVIII. Tumors and Injuries of the Larynx
Innocent Tumors
Malignant Tumors
Injuries of the Larynx
Chapter XXIX. Various Conditions of the Larynx and Affections of the Lingual Tonsil
Congenital Membranes of the Larynx
Hypertrophy of the Lingual Tonsil
Boulay's Method of Injecting the Superior Laryngeal Nerve for the Production of Temporary or Prolonged Anesthesia of the Larynx
Section V.—Peroral Endoscopy
Chapter XXX. Direct Laryngoscopy, Tracheoscopy, Bronchoscopy. and Oesophagoscopy
Direct Examination of the Air-Passages
Direct Examination of the Esophagus
Chapter XXXI. Foreign Bodies in the Air- and Food-Passages
Section VI.-Diseases of the Ear
Chapter XXXII Anatomy
The External Ear
The Middle Ear
The Internal Ear
The Eighth Nerve and Its Central Connections
Chapter XXXIII Physiology and Functional Examination of the Ear
Physiology of the Auditory Apparatus
Functional Examination of the Auditory Apparatus
Physiology of the Vestibular Apparatus
Chapter XXXIV. Symptoms of Ear Disease: Otoscopic Examination: General Therapeutics
Chapter XXXV. Diseases of the External Ear and Affections of the Drumhead
Congenital Malformation of the Auricle
Deformities and Diseases of the Auricle
The External Meatus
Tumors of the Meatus
Traumatic Rupture of the Tympanic Membrane
Chapter XXXVI. Acute Otitis Media and Mastoiditis
Acute Salpingitis
Acute Non-Suppurative Otitis Media
Acute Purulent Otitis Media
Varieties of Acute Purulent Otitis Media
Mastoiditis in Acute Otitis Media
Apicitis or Petrositis
Osteomyelitis of the Temporal Bone
Mastoiditis in Diabetics
Pharyngeal Abscess
Chapter XXXVII. Chronic Purulent Otitis Media and Complications
Chronic Purulent Otitis Media
Granulations and Polypi
Facial Paralysis
Caries of the Ossicles
Mastoiditis in Chronic Purulent Otitis Media
Chapter XXXVIII. The Labyrinthine and Intracranial Complications of Suppurative Otitis Media
Extradural Abscess
Abscess of the Brain
Venous Infections Multiple Intracranial Complications
Chapter XXXIX. Chronic Catarrh of the Middle Ear. Chronic Adhesive Process. Otosclerosis. Otalgia
Chronic Catarrh of the Middle Ear
Chronic Adhesive Process
The Relation Between Diseases of the Nose and Throat and of the Ear
Chapter XL. Tuberculous, Syphilitic and Malignant Disease of the Ear
Chapter XLI. the Labyrinth and Eighth Nerve
Congenital Defects Traumatic Affections of the Auditory Nerve and Labyrinth
Inflammatory Affections of Labyrinth (Labyrinthitis)
Meniere's Symptom Complex
Herpes Zoster Auricularis
Deafness Due to Drugs
Nerve Deafness Due to Influenza
Arteriosclerotic or Senile Deafness (Presbyacusis)
Deafness Due to Mumps
Nerve Deafness of Doubtful Origin
Tumors of the Eighth Nerve
Hysterical Deafness
Tests for Simulated Deafness
Aids to Hearing
Formula for Use in Diseases of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses, the Pharynx, the Larynx and the Ear
- No. of pages: 496
- Language: English
- Edition: 4
- Published: October 22, 2013
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- eBook ISBN: 9781483194332
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