Sugarcane anatomy, morphology and physiology (M.H.R. Julien, J.E. Irvine, G.T.A. Benda). Bacterial Diseases. Gumming disease (C. Ricaud, L.J.C. Autrey). Leaf scald (C. Ricaud, C.C. Ryan). Ratoon stunting disease (A.G. Gillaspie, Jr., D.S. Teakle). Red stripe (J.P. Martin, C.A. Wismer: revised by C.C. Ryan). Fungal Diseases. Brown stripe (J.P. Martin: revised by B.T. Egan). Downy mildew (L.S. Leu, B.T. Egan). Eye spot (J.C. Comstock, G.W. Steiner). Leaf scorch (T.T. Lo and L.S. Leu). Pineapple disease (C.A. Wismer, R.A. Bailey). Pokkah boeng (J.P. Martin, H. Handojo, C.A. Wismer: revised by H. Handojo). Red rot (K. Singh, R.P. Singh). Rust (C.C. Ryan, B.T. Egan). Smut (S.A. Ferreira, J.C. Comstock). Yellow spot (C. Ricaud, L.J.C. Autrey). Virus Diseases. Chlorotic streak (B.T. Egan). Fiji disease (B.T. Egan, C.C. Ryan, R.I.B. Francki). Grassy shoot and white leaf diseases (N. Rishi, C.T. Chen). Mosaic (H. Koike, A.G. Gillaspie, Jr.). Streak (K.R. Bock, R.A. Bailey). General. Sugarcane quarantine (A.G. Gillaspie, Jr.). Sugarcane diseases and their world distribution. Subject Index. Colour Plates.