Preface. Introduction. Models and Theories of Software and Information Technology Transfer. How information technologies penetrate organizations: an analysis of four alternative models (J. Damsgaard, A. Rogaczewski, K. Lyytinen). Toward a theory of the adoption and diffusion of software process innovations (R.G. Fichman, C.F. Kemerer). Management of information technology diffusion: a meta-force integrative contingency diffusion model (M.J. Klempa). Some important factors for successful technology transfer (G. Lindgaard). The nature and determinants of IT acceptance, routinization and infusion (V.L. Saga, R.W. Zmud). International Perspectives on the Implementation of Information Technology. Transferring technologies from developed to developing industrial and commercial environments (L. Lien). Information technology and organization change: lessons from a less-developed country (R. Montealegre, L.M. Applegate). Barriers to software technology transfer in the Danish electronic equipment industry (J. Pries-Heje, S. Lauesen, B. Schrøder). Institutionalization of decision support technologies in small manufacturing enterprises of Hong Kong (K.B.C. Saxena, M.M.C. Tam, W.W.C. Chung, K.L. Yung, L.C.K. Ma, A.K. David). Investigations into Implementation: Five Approaches. Does an effective information technology implementation process guarantee success? (J.M. Borton, J.C. Brancheau). The transitionist as expert consultant: a case study of the installation of a real-time scheduling system in an aerospace factory (M.L. Ginn). User engagement in information system development, implementation, and use: toward conceptual clarity (L.A. Kappelman, E.R. McLean). Productivity of CASE technology implementation in SW development and maintenance on the third maturity level (P. Kuvaja). Implementation scripts: a new approach to modeling the process (C.L. Lopata). The Transfer of Formal/Engineering Methods for Software. Research and development: differences are barriers to transfer (M.A. Ardis, D.G. Furchtgott). The MCC formal methods transition study: technology transfer for complex information technology and processes (S.L. Gerhart). Integrating rate-monotonic analysis into real-time software development (S.J. Ignace, R.L. Sedlmeyer, D.J. Thuente). The failure to introduce system development methods: a factor-based analysis (K. Kautz, T. McMaster). An industrial experience of using an incremental model of technology transfer of formal development methods (G. Leon, J. Carracedo, J.C. Yelmo, C. Sanchez, J.C. Moreno, J.J. Gil, J. Carrasco). Organizational Mechanisms for Facilitating Information Technology Transfer. A three-pronged strategy for technology creation, transfer and absorption (W.R. Adrion, P. McOwen). Position statement on software process innovations and informal organizational networks (J. Besselman). Process engineering support for technology transfer: strategy and experiences (K. Culver-Lozo). ISTRAD: toward a national information systems and technology research and development association (B.C. Glasson). Exploration of an incremental approach to technology transfer and the issues affecting its implementation (S.E. Heidtman). Toward an institutional view of information technology diffusion, transfer, and implementation (N.C. Ramiller, E.B. Swanson). Experience Reports on Information and Software Technology Transfer. Technology transition of user interface management systems (L. Bass, A. Soule). Practical issues in information technology transfer (T.E. Bihari, M.O. Varner). Applying technology transition in large software organizations (L. Brownsword). Transferring software engineering technology: the software productivity consortium experience (J.T. Christian, M.M. Eward). Experience with software measurement technology transfer (D.J. Paulish). Summary Reports. Six working sessions.