Diffusion MRI
From Quantitative Measurement to In vivo Neuroanatomy
- 2nd Edition - November 4, 2013
- Editors: Heidi Johansen-Berg, Timothy E.J. Behrens
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 3 9 6 4 6 0 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 0 5 5 0 9 - 4
Diffusion MRI remains the most comprehensive reference for understanding this rapidly evolving and powerful technology and is an essential handbook for designing, analyzing… Read more

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Request a sales quoteDiffusion MRI remains the most comprehensive reference for understanding this rapidly evolving and powerful technology and is an essential handbook for designing, analyzing, and interpreting diffusion MR experiments.
Diffusion imaging provides a unique window on human brain anatomy. This non-invasive technique continues to grow in popularity as a way to study brain pathways that could never before be investigated in vivo.
This book covers the fundamental theory of diffusion imaging, discusses its most promising applications to basic and clinical neuroscience, and introduces cutting-edge methodological developments that will shape the field in coming years. Written by leading experts in the field, it places the exciting new results emerging from diffusion imaging in the context of classical anatomical techniques to show where diffusion studies might offer unique insights and where potential limitations lie.
- Fully revised and updated edition of the first comprehensive reference on a powerful technique in brain imaging
- Covers all aspects of a diffusion MRI study from acquisition through analysis to interpretation, and from fundamental theory to cutting-edge developments
- New chapters covering connectomics, advanced diffusion acquisition, artifact removal, and applications to the neonatal brain
- Provides practical advice on running an experiment
- Includes discussion of applications in psychiatry, neurology, neurosurgery, and basic neuroscience
- Full color throughout
Section I: Introduction to Diffusion MRI
Chapter 1. Introduction to Diffusion MR
1.1 What is Diffusion?
1.2 Magnetic Resonance and Diffusion
1.3 Diffusion in Neural Tissue
1.4 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2. Pulse Sequences for Diffusion-Weighted MRI
2.1 MRI Pulse Sequence Primer
2.2 Adding Diffusion Weighting to a Pulse Sequence
2.3 Bulk Motion Sensitivity
2.4 Single-Shot Echo Planar Imaging Methods
2.5 Parameter Optimization
2.6 Other DWI Pulse Sequences
Chapter 3. Diffusion Acquisition: Pushing the Boundaries
3.1 The Modular Nature of Diffusion Sequences
3.2 Improving Image Quality
3.3 Improving Diffusion Contrast
3.4 Conclusions
Chapter 4. Geometric Distortions in Diffusion MRI
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Echo Planar Imaging
4.3 Where Does the Off-Resonance Field Come From?
4.4 Modified Imaging Techniques that Yield Less-Distorted Images
4.5 Imaging Techniques that Acquire Information about the Off-Resonance Field
4.6 Image Registration-Based Methods for Correcting Distortions
4.7 Recent Work at the FMRIB
Chapter 5. Gaussian Modeling of the Diffusion Signal
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Diffusion Basics
5.3 Basic Modeling and Quantification
5.4 Data Acquisition Strategies
5.5 Artifacts
5.6 What is a Model?
Chapter 6. Multiple Fibers: Beyond the Diffusion Tensor
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Multiple Fibers: What’s All the Fuss About?
6.3 Model-Based Approaches
6.4 Nonparametric Algorithms
6.5 Derived Information
6.6 Applications and Exploitation
6.7 Summary
Appendix A Qball Implementation
Appendix B Spherical Deconvolution Implementation
Section II: Diffusion MRI for Quantitative Measurement
Chapter 7. White Matter Structure: A Microscopist’s View
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Cellular Components of the CNS White Matter
7.3 Water Content of White Matter
7.4 Changes in White Matter Due to Abnormalities in Myelin
7.5 The Ultrastructural Effects of Demyelination and Axonal Damage in Humans
7.6 Plasticity in White Matter
7.7 Summary
Chapter 8. The Biological Basis of Diffusion Anisotropy
8.1 Utility of Microscopic Water Motion
8.2 Relationship of Water Diffusion Anisotropy to Tissue Microstructure
8.3 Role of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficients for Interpreting Anisotropy
8.4 Issues Related to Diffusion Anisotropy Measurements in Tissue by MRI
8.5 Summary
Chapter 9. Inferring Microstructural Information of White Matter from Diffusion MRI
9.1 The Morphological Features of White Matter
9.2 Diffusion MRI and Tissue Microstructure
9.3 Diffusion Tensor Imaging—A Tool for White Matter Microstructural Mapping
9.4 Diffusion Tensor Imaging—A Tool for White Matter Microstructural Mapping?
9.5 Types of Diffusion Processes in the Tissue
9.6 Q-Space Analysis
9.7 Models of Diffusion in White Matter
9.8 Towards Virtual Biopsy of White Matter With Diffusion MRI
9.9 Summary
Chapter 10. Cross-Subject Comparison of Local Diffusion MRI Parameters
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Cross-Subject Registration (Image Alignment)
10.3 Voxel-Based Morphometry—Overview and Application to Diffusion Data
10.4 Problems of Interpretability in VBM-Style Analyses
10.5 Region-of-Interest and Tractography-Based Strategies for Localizing Change
10.6 Tract-Based Spatial Statistics
10.7 Other Skeleton-Based Work
10.8 Statistical Modeling, Thresholding, and Multivariate Approaches
10.9 Alternative Diffusion Measures to Test
10.10 Interpretation Issues: Partial Volume Effects and Complex Tract Structure
10.11 Standard Space Templates and Atlases
10.12 Empirical Studies of Gaussianity and Repeatability in Diffusion MRI Data
10.13 Example Multi-Subject Studies
10.14 Conclusions
Chapter 11. Diffusion MRI in Neurological Disorders
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Brief Overview of Methods for Clinical Research
11.3 Clinical Applications
11.4 Conclusions
Chapter 12. Diffusion Tensor Imaging in the Study of Aging and Age-Associated Neural Disease
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Typical Diffusion Metrics Utilized in the Study of Tissue Microstructure Across the Lifespan
12.3 Diffusion in Aging
12.4 Associations Between DTI Metrics and Gray Matter Morphometry
12.5 Caveats to the use of Diffusion Imaging in the Study of Aging and Age-Associated Disease
12.6 Future Directions
Chapter 13. Diffusion Imaging in the Developing Brain
13.1 Changes in Diffusion Measures with Increasing Gestational Age
13.2 Abnormal White Matter and Cortical Gray Matter Development in Preterm Infants at Term
13.3 Assessing the Connectome in the Developing Brain
13.4 DTI in Preterm Brain Injury
13.5 Diffusion MRI Studies of the Developing Preterm Brain and Association with Neurodevelopmental Outcome
13.6 MRI in the Term Infant with Perinatal Brain Injury
13.7 Future Directions
13.8 Conclusions
Chapter 14. Individual Differences in White Matter Microstructure in the Healthy Brain
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Gender and Handedness
14.3 Changes in White Matter Microstructure with Development and Aging are Associated with Development or Deterioration in Cognitive Skills
14.4 Age-Independent Variation in Brain Structure Reflects Inter-Individual Variation in Behavior
14.5 Are Individual Differences in White Matter due to Nature or Nurture?
14.6 Conclusion
Chapter 15. Diffusion Tensor Imaging and its Application to Schizophrenia and Related Disorders
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Review of DTI Findings in Schizophrenia
15.3 Future Directions: What are we Missing and How Can we Fill in the Gaps?
Section III: Diffusion MRI for In vivo Neuroanatomy
Chapter 16. Mapping Connections in Humans and Non-Human Primates: Aspirations and Challenges for Diffusion Imaging
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Neuroanatomical Fundamentals
16.3 Approaches to Imaging Human Brain Connectivity
16.4 Imaging Structural Connectivity: The HCP Strategy
16.5 The Fiber Architecture of Gyral Blades and Deep White Matter
16.6 Discussion
Chapter 17. Classic and Contemporary Neural Tract-Tracing Techniques
17.1 Introduction
17.2 A Brief Historical Perspective of the Development of Experimental Tract Tracing
17.3 Contemporary Application of Experimental Tract Tracing in Non-Human Primates
17.4 Conclusions
Further Reading
Chapter 18. The Human Connectome: Linking Structure and Function in the Human Brain
18.1 What is the Connectome?
18.2 Modes of Brain Connectivity
18.3 Defining Network Nodes of the Connectome
18.4 Graph Analysis of Brain Connectivity
18.5 Mapping the Network of Structural Connections of the Human Brain
18.6 Relating Structural Connections to Functional Interactions
18.7 Brain Connectivity and Network Disease
18.8 The Future of the Connectome
Chapter 19. MR Diffusion Tractography
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Streamline Tractography
19.3 Probabilistic Tractography
19.4 Global Tractography Approaches
19.5 Choice of Local Description of Diffusion in Tractography
19.6 Designing a Diffusion Tractography Study
19.7 Future Advances in Diffusion Tractography
19.8 Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 20. Validation of Tractography
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Validation of Fiber Orientation Information
20.3 Validation of Tractography
20.4 Summary
Chapter 21. Connectivity Fingerprinting of Gray Matter
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Application to Subcortical Gray Matter
21.3 Application to Cortical Gray
21.4 Validation
21.5 Conclusions
Chapter 22. Contribution of Diffusion Tractography to the Anatomy of Language
22.1 Introduction
22.2 The Anatomy of the Arcuate Fasciculus: From Blunt Dissections to Tractography
22.3 Lateralization of the Arcuate Fasciculus
22.4 Comparative Anatomy of Perisylvian Language Network
22.5 Functional Correlates of Perisylvian Language Network
22.6 Beyond the Arcuate Fasciculus: Ventral and Frontal Networks
22.7 Application of Tractography to Language Disorders
22.8 Summary and Future Directions
Chapter 23. Presurgical Tractography Applications
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Presurgical Applications, Tract Latitudes, and Tracking Failures
23.3 Potential Surgical Targets and Intentions
23.4 Presurgical Tractography
23.5 Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 24. Comparing Connections in the Brains of Humans and Other Primates Using Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Comparing Tractography with Tract-Tracing Techniques
24.3 Using Tractography to Examine the Connections of Human Ventral Frontal Cortex
24.4 Language and the Arcuate Fascicle in Humans and other Primates
24.5 Tractography Suggests Basic Similarities in Frontal Cortex Organization in Humans and other Primates
24.6 Premotor Cortex
24.7 Comparing the Parietal Cortex in Humans and other Primates
24.8 Conclusions
Chapter 25. Imaging Structure and Function
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Structural Imaging and Brain Morphometry
25.3 Combining Sources of Data
25.4 Imaging Anatomo-Functional Networks
25.5 Conclusions
- No. of pages: 632
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Published: November 4, 2013
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780123964601
- eBook ISBN: 9780124055094
Heidi Johansen-Berg