Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine
A Comprehensive Guide
- 2nd Edition - March 22, 2018
- Author: Giovanni Maciocia
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 4 4 1 4 - 4
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 7 5 1 0 - 0
Written by world-renowned author and teacher Giovanni Maciocia, Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive, highly illustrated, and easy-to-understand r… Read more

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Request a sales quoteWritten by world-renowned author and teacher Giovanni Maciocia, Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive, highly illustrated, and easy-to-understand resource. With a focus on clear interpretations of "real world" signs and symptoms, this new edition addresses the practice beyond the theory and leads you through both basic and sophisticated levels of diagnostic interpretation. Since Chinese medicine diagnosis relies on a subtle appraisal of a patient's disharmony, many factors beyond traditional Western symptoms are considered, including a patient's voice, the absence of thirst, feeling hot or cold, the patient's smell, tone of voice, and glitter of eyes. This practical resource helps students and practitioners alike carefully interpret a wide range of diagnostic nuances.
- One-of-a-kind text gives you a clinical understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
- Rich, unique content offers an unparalleled depth of information that is meticulously cross-referenced.
- Includes all the signs and symptoms that a modern patient may present in the clinic, no matter how subtle.
- Outlines the decision-making options in key situations to help you through the most challenging topics.
- Case histories with diagnoses present common conditions that professionals will often find in practice.
- Logically organized to help you quickly find the information you need in clinical situations.
- Written by a leader in the field of Chinese medicine provides you with an expert’s clinical experience and understanding.
- Cover image
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Note on the Translation of Chinese Terms
- End Notes
- How to Use This Book
- How to move between different parts of the book
- Part 1 Diagnosis by Observation
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Relationship between the five senses, the nine orifices, and the internal organs
- Relationship between different areas of the face and the internal organs
- Relationship between the five tissues and the internal organs
- Relationship between the five sites of Qi transportation and the Yin organs
- Manifestations of the five Yin organs
- The twelve cutaneous regions
- End Notes
- Section 1 Observation of The Body, Mind and Complexion
- Introduction
- Introduction
- 1 Correspondence between an individual part and the whole
- 2 Observation of constitutional traits
- End Notes
- 1 Observation of the Body Shape, Physique and Demeanour
- 1 Classification of body shape according to yin and yang
- 2 Classification of body shape according to the five elements
- 3 Classification of body shape according to pre-natal and post-natal influences
- 4 Classification according to type of body build
- 5 Classification of body shape according to pain and drug tolerance
- End Notes
- 2 Observation of Mind, Spirit and Emotions
- 1 The three aspects of the Spirit
- 2 The three conditions of the Spirit
- 3 The Spirit and the constitution
- 4 The Spirit and the emotions
- End Notes
- 3 Observation of Complexion Colour
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Observation of different aspects of complexion colour
- 3 Complexion colours
- End Notes
- 4 Observation of Body Movements
- 1 Head
- 2 Face
- 3 Limbs and body
- End Note
- Section 2 Parts of The Body
- Introduction
- 5 Observation of the Head, Face and Hair
- 1 Head
- 2 Face
- 3 Hair
- 6 Observation of the Eyes
- 1 Relationship between the internal organs and the eyes
- 2 Aspects of observation of the eyes
- 3 Observation of pathological signs of the eye
- End Notes
- 7 Observation of the Nose
- 1 Pale nose
- 2 Yellow nose
- 3 Red nose
- 4 Bluish-greenish nose
- 5 Reddish-purple nose
- 6 Dark nose
- 7 Swollen nose
- 8 Flapping alae nasi (the outside of the nostrils)
- 9 Polyps
- 10 Dry nostrils
- 11 Nosebleed
- 12 Ulcers on the nose
- 13 Papules on the nose
- End Notes
- 8 Observation of the Lips, Mouth, Palate, Teeth, Gums and Philtrum
- 1 Lips
- 2 Mouth
- 3 Palate
- 4 Teeth
- 5 Gums
- 6 Philtrum
- End Notes
- 9 Observation of the Ears
- 1 Large ears
- 2 Small ears
- 3 Swollen ears
- 4 Contracted ears
- 5 Dry and contracted helix
- 6 Sores on the ear
- 7 Warts on the ear
- 8 Yellow helix
- 9 Pale helix
- 10 Bluish-greenish (qing) helix
- 11 Dark helix
- 12 Red helix
- 13 Red back of the ear
- 14 Distended blood vessels on the ear
- 15 Excessive wax production
- 16 Swelling and redness of the concha
- 17 Discharge from the ears
- End Notes
- 10 Observation of Throat and Neck
- 1 Throat
- Case History
- 2 Neck
- 11 Observation of the Back
- 1 Spine bent forward
- 2 Atrophy of the muscles along the spine
- 3 Spots on the back
- 4 Scoliosis
- 5 Lordosis
- 6 Kyphosis
- 7 Flattening of the lumbar spine
- 8 List of the spine
- 9 Rigidity of the lower back
- 10 Vesicles on the lower back
- 11 Dryness and redness of the skin of the lower back
- 12 Yellow colour of the lower back
- 13 Skin marks on the lower back
- 14 Boil on BL-23 shenshu
- 15 Papules or pustules on the buttocks
- 12 Observation of Female Breasts
- 1 Breast distension
- 2 Swollen breasts
- 3 Small breasts
- 4 Breast lumps
- Case History
- 5 Redness and swelling of the breasts
- 6 Milky nipple discharge
- 7 Sticky-yellow nipple discharge
- 8 Bloody discharge from the nipple
- 9 Inverted nipples
- 10 Cracked nipples
- 11 Peau d'orange
- End Note
- 13 Observation of the Heartbeat
- The pulsation of Xu Li
- 1 Heartbeat displaced downwards
- 2 Heartbeat displaced upwards
- 3 Heartbeat displaced to the left
- 4 Heartbeat displaced to the right
- 5 Heartbeat below the xyphoid process
- End Note
- 14 Observation of the Hands
- 1 Pale hands
- 2 Red dorsum of the hands
- 3 Red palms
- 4 Venules on the thenar eminence
- 5 Atrophy of the thenar eminence
- 6 Atrophy of the muscles of the dorsum of the hands
- 7 Tremor of the hands
- 8 Contraction of the fingers
- 9 Spoon-shaped fingers
- 10 Thin, pointed fingers
- 11 Swollen fingers
- 12 Cracked fingers
- 13 Tinea (ringworm)
- 14 Thickened fingers like cocoons
- 15 Shrivelled and wrinkled fingers
- 16 Deformed knuckles
- 17 Dry, cracked, peeling palms
- 18 Sweaty palms
- 19 Hand lines
- End Notes
- 15 Observation of the Nails
- 1 Ridged nails
- 2 Indented nails
- 3 Thin and brittle nails
- 4 Thickening of the nails
- 5 Coarse and thick nails
- 6 Withered and brittle nails
- 7 Withered and thickened nails
- 8 Cracked nails
- 9 Twisted nails
- 10 Nails falling off
- 11 Nails with white spots
- 12 Pale-white nails
- 13 Dull-white nails
- 14 Red nails
- 15 Yellow nails
- 16 Bluish-greenish nails
- 17 Dark nails
- 18 Purple nails
- 19 Curling nails
- 20 Flaking nails
- 21 Lunulae
- 22 Correspondence of nails to organ systems
- 16 Observation of the Chest and Abdomen
- 1 Chest
- 2 Abdomen
- 17 Observation of the Genitalia
- 1 Pubic hair
- 2 Scrotum
- 3 Penis
- 4 Vulva and vagina
- End Note
- 18 Observation of the Four Limbs
- 1 Atrophy of the four limbs
- 2 Flaccidity of the four limbs
- 3 Rigidity of the four limbs
- 4 Paralysis of the four limbs
- 5 Contraction of the four limbs
- 6 Convulsions of the four limbs
- 7 Tremor or spasticity of the four limbs
- 8 Swelling of the joints of the four limbs
- 9 Oedema of the four limbs
- 19 Observation of the Legs
- 1 Legs
- Case History
- 2 Gait
- 20 Observation of Excretions
- 1 Sputum
- 2 Nasal discharge
- 3 Sweat
- 4 Lochia
- 5 Urine
- 6 Stools
- 7 Vaginal discharge
- 8 Menstrual blood
- 21 Observation of the Skin
- Overview
- 1 Skin signs
- 2 Skin diseases
- Case History
- End Notes
- References
- 22 Observation of Children
- 1 Complexion
- 2 Orifices
- 3 Body movement
- 4 Spinal muscles
- 5 Veins on the index finger
- 6 Creases on the index finger
- 7 Root of the nose
- Section 3 Tongue Diagnosis
- Introduction
- Introduction
- 23 Tongue Diagnosis
- General principles
- 1 Conditions for examining the tongue
- 2 Areas of the tongue
- 3 Clinical significance of the tongue
- End Note
- 24 Tongue-Body Colour
- 1 Tongue spirit
- 2 Tongue-body colour
- 3 Sublingual veins
- End Note
- 25 Tongue-Body Shape
- 1 Thin
- 2 Swollen
- 3 Partially swollen
- 4 Stiff
- 5 Flaccid
- 6 Long
- 7 Short
- 8 Cracked
- 9 Deviated
- 10 Moving
- 11 Quivering
- 12 Tooth-marked
- 26 Tongue Coating
- 1 Physiology of the tongue coating
- 2 Clinical significance of the tongue coating
- 3 Presence or absence of a coating
- 4 Coating with or without root
- 5 Coating thickness
- 6 Coating distribution
- 7 Coating moisture
- 8 Coating texture
- 9 Tongue coating in external diseases
- 27 Tongue Images and Patterns
- 1 Qi deficiency
- 2 Yang deficiency
- 3 Blood deficiency
- 4 Yin deficiency
- 5 Phlegm and dampness
- 6 Heat
- 7 Cold
- 8 Qi and blood stagnation
- 9 Internal wind
- 10 External invasions of wind
- Part 2 Diagnosis by Interrogation
- Introduction
- 28 Introduction
- 1 Nature of diagnosis by interrogation
- 2 Nature of ‘symptoms’ in Chinese medicine
- 3 The art of interrogation: asking the right questions
- 4 Terminology problems in interrogation
- 5 Patients' expressions
- 6 Pitfalls to avoid in interrogation
- 7 Procedure for interrogation
- 8 Timescale of symptoms
- 9 Integration of interrogation with observation
- 10 Identification of patterns and interrogation
- 11 Tongue and pulse diagnosis: integration with interrogation
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History (see Fig. 28.4)
- Case History (Fig. 28.5)
- 12 The 10 traditional questions
- 13 The 16 questions
- End Notes
- 29 Pain
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Area of pain
- 2 Nature of pain
- 3 Time of pain
- 4 Factors affecting pain
- 5 Organ versus channel pain
- 30 Food and Taste
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Main patterns of digestive symptoms
- 3 Food
- 4 Appetite
- 5 Taste
- 6 Nausea and vomiting
- Case History
- 7 Belching
- 8 Sour regurgitation
- Case History
- 31 Stools and Urine
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Stools
- Case History
- Case History
- 2 Urine
- 32 Thirst and Drink
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Thirst
- 2 Dry mouth
- 3 Preference for hot or cold drinks
- 4 Absence of thirst
- Case History
- 33 Energy Levels
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Historical background
- 2 Patterns causing tiredness
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- End Notes
- 34 Head
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Headache
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- 2 Dizziness
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- Case History
- 3 Feeling of distension of the head
- 4 Feeling of heaviness of the head
- 5 Feeling of muzziness (fuzziness) of the head
- 6 Brain noise
- 7 Numbness/tingling of the skin of the head
- 8 Itchy scalp
- 9 Feeling of cold of the head
- 10 Feeling of heat of the head
- 11 Fainting
- Case History
- 35 Face
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Face
- 2 Nose
- 3 Teeth and gums
- 4 Mouth and lips
- 5 Tongue
- End Notes
- 36 Throat and Neck
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Throat
- Case History
- 2 Neck
- End Note
- 37 Body
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Aches in the whole body
- 2 Pain in the joints
- 3 Lower backache
- 4 Numbness/tingling
- 5 Itching
- 6 Loss of weight
- 7 Obesity
- 38 Chest and Abdomen
- 1 Chest
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- Case History
- Case History
- 2 Abdomen
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- Case History
- Case History
- 39 Limbs
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Weakness of the limbs
- 2 Difficulty in walking (atrophy/flaccidity of limbs)
- 3 Feeling of distension of the limbs
- 4 Numbness/tingling of the limbs
- Case History
- 5 Generalized joint pain
- Case History
- 6 Tremor of limbs
- Case History
- Case History
- 7 Pain and inability to raise the arm
- 8 Pain in the elbow
- 9 Pain in the hands
- 10 Cold hands
- 11 Hot hands
- 12 Itchy hands
- 13 Numbness/tingling of the hands
- 14 Oedema of the hands
- 15 Pain in the hip
- 16 Pain in the thigh
- 17 Pain in the knees
- 18 Weak knees
- 19 Cold feet
- 20 Pain in the feet
- 21 Oedema of the feet
- 22 Pain in the soles
- 23 Burning sensation in the soles
- 24 Feeling of heaviness of the limbs
- 25 Cramps in the calves
- 26 Muscle ache in the limbs
- 40 Sleep
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Insomnia
- 2 Excessive dreaming
- 3 Somnolence
- 41 Sweating
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Clinical significance of sweating in exterior patterns
- 2 Clinical significance of sweating in interior patterns
- 3 Pathology of sweating
- 4 Classification of sweating
- 5 Absence of sweating
- 42 Ears and Eyes
- 1 Ears
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- Case History
- 1 Eyes
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 43 Feeling of Cold, Feeling of Heat and Fever
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- Terminology
- 1 Feeling of cold
- 2 Simultaneous feeling of cold and fever in exterior conditions
- 3 Alternating feeling of cold and feeling of heat
- Case History
- 4 Feeling of heat from internal causes
- 5 Internal fever
- 6 Five-palm heat
- 7 Contradictory feelings of cold and heat in internal conditions
- End Notes
- 44 Mental-Emotional Symptoms
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Depression
- 2 Fear/anxiety
- Case History
- 3 Irritability/anger
- 4 Worry
- 5 Sadness and grief
- Case History
- 6 Excess joy
- 7 Mental restlessness
- End Notes
- 45 Sexual Symptoms
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- 1 Men
- 2 Women
- End Note
- 46 Women's Symptoms
- Why we ask
- When we ask
- How we ask
- Case History
- 1 Menstruation
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- 2 Vaginal discharge
- 3 Fertility and pregnancy
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- 4 Childbirth
- 5 Lactation
- 6 Miscarriage and abortion
- 7 Breast symptoms
- Case History
- 8 Menopause
- End Note
- 47 Children's Symptoms
- 1 Mother's pregnancy
- 2 Childbirth
- 3 Post-partum problems
- 4 Childhood diseases
- 5 Digestive symptoms
- 6 Respiratory symptoms and earache
- 7 Sleep
- 8 Immunizations
- 9 Slow development
- 48 Diagnosis of the Causes of Disease
- 1 Interactions between causes of disease
- 2 The five stages of life
- 3 The causes of disease
- End Notes
- Part 3 Diagnosis by Palpation
- Introduction
- 49 Pulse Diagnosis
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The ‘nine regions’ of the pulse from the ‘yellow emperor's internal classic’
- 3 The pulse in the ‘classic of difficulties’
- 4 The three sections of the pulse
- 5 Assignment of pulse positions to organs
- 6 The three levels
- 7 Method of pulse-taking
- 8 Factors affecting the pulse
- 9 Attributes of the normal pulse
- 10 Guidelines for interpreting the pulse
- 11 Clinical application of pulse diagnosis
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- Case History
- 12 Integration of pulse and tongue diagnosis
- 13 Limitations of pulse diagnosis
- End Notes
- 50 Pulse Qualities
- The eight basic pulse qualities
- Empty-type pulses
- Full-type pulses
- Pulses with irregularities of rate or rhythm
- Three nontraditional pulse qualities
- Classification of pulse qualities
- Terminology
- Pulse qualities indicating dangerous conditions
- The influence of drugs on the pulse
- End Notes
- 51 Palpation of Parts of the Body
- 1 Palpation of the chest and abdomen
- 2 Palpation of the skin
- 3 Palpation of hands and feet
- 4 Palpation of acupuncture points
- End Notes
- 52 Palpation of Channels
- 1 The connecting channels
- 2 The muscle channels
- 3 Palpation of the channels in painful obstruction syndrome (Bi)
- 4 Palpation of channels
- End Notes
- Part 4 Diagnosis by Hearing and Smelling
- Introduction
- Introduction
- End Notes
- 53 Diagnosis by Hearing
- Introduction
- 1 Voice
- 2 Speech
- 3 Crying in babies
- 4 Breathing and sighing
- 5 Coughing and sneezing
- 6 Hiccup
- 7 Belching
- 8 Vomiting
- 9 Sighing
- End Notes
- 54 Diagnosis by Smelling
- Clinical significance
- 1 Body odour
- 2 Odour of bodily secretions
- Part 5 Symptoms and Signs
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Section 1 Symptoms and signs of parts of the body
- Introduction
- Introduction
- 55 Head and Face
- 1 Head
- 2 Hair and scalp
- 3 Face
- End Notes
- 56 Face Colour
- 1 White/pale
- 2 Yellow
- 3 Red
- 4 Bluish/greenish
- 5 Purple
- 6 Dark
- 7 Sallow
- 8 Blushing
- 57 Ears
- 1 Tinnitus and/or deafness
- 2 Itchy ears
- 3 Earache
- 4 Bleeding from the ears
- 5 Discharge from the ears
- 6 Excessive wax production
- 7 Swollen ears
- 8 Contracted ears
- 9 Dry and contracted helix
- 10 Sores on the ear
- 11 Warts on the ear
- 12 Yellow helix
- 13 Pale helix
- 14 Bluish-greenish (qing) helix
- 15 Dark helix
- 16 Red helix
- 17 Red back of the ear
- 18 Distended blood vessels on the ear
- 19 Swelling and redness of the concha
- 58 Nose
- 1 Pale nose
- 2 Yellow nose
- 3 Red nose
- 4 Bluish-greenish nose
- 5 Reddish-purple nose
- 6 Dark nose
- 7 Sneezing
- 8 Blocked nose
- 9 Runny nose
- 10 Itchy nose
- 11 Dry nostrils
- 12 Nose bleed
- 13 Nose ache
- 14 Nose pain
- 15 Swollen nose
- 16 Bad smell
- 17 Loss of sense of smell
- 18 Polyps
- 19 Flapping alae nasi (outside of the nostrils)
- 20 Ulcers on the nose
- 21 Papules on the nose
- 59 Throat
- 1 Sore throat
- 2 Redness of the pharynx
- 3 Redness and swelling of the pharynx
- 4 Redness and erosion of the pharynx
- 5 Swollen tonsils
- 6 Phlegm in the throat
- 7 Goitre (swelling of the sides of the neck)
- 8 Itchy throat
- 9 Dry throat
- 10 Hoarse voice or loss of voice
- 11 White purulent spots in the throat
- 12 Feeling of obstruction of the throat
- 13 Redness on the throat
- 60 Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, Gums, Lips, Palate, and Philtrum
- 1 Mouth
- 2 Tongue
- 3 Teeth
- 4 Gums
- 5 Lips
- 6 Palate
- 7 Philtrum
- 61 Eyes
- 1 Blurred vision and floaters
- 2 Itchy eyes
- 3 Dry eyes
- 4 Hot and painful eyes
- 5 Streaming eyes
- 6 Discharge from the eyes
- 7 Yellow eyes (sclera)
- 8 Red eyes (sclera)
- 9 Bluish-greenish eyes (sclera)
- 10 Dark eyes (sclera)
- 11 Red corners of the eyes
- 12 Pale corners of the eye
- 13 Stye
- 14 Red eyelids
- 15 Dark eyelids
- 16 Green eyelids
- 17 Pale eyelids
- 18 Swollen eyelids
- 19 Boil on the eyelid
- 20 Pain of the eyelids
- 21 Flapping eyelids
- 22 Drooping eyelids
- 23 Loss of control of the eyelids
- 24 Nodules within the eyelids
- 25 Small red grains inside the eyelids
- 26 Redness inside the lower lids
- 27 Strabismus
- 28 Myopia
- 29 Hyperopia
- 30 Decreased night vision
- 31 Glaucoma
- 32 Decreased visual acuity
- 33 Feeling of distension of the eyes
- 34 Protruding eyeball
- 35 Sunken eyeball
- 36 Scaly eyeballs
- 37 Ecchymosis under conjunctiva
- 38 Red veins in the eyes
- 39 Drooping red membrane
- 40 Red membrane in the corner of the eye
- 41 Red ring around the pupil
- 42 Corneal opacity
- 43 Scarring after corneal opacity
- 44 White specks
- 45 White membrane on the pupil in children
- 46 Yellow fluid between the pupil and the iris
- 47 Bleeding between the pupil and the iris
- 48 Staring, fixed eyes
- 49 Dilated pupils
- 50 Contracted pupils
- 51 Closed eyes
- 52 Open eyes
- 53 Quivering eyeball
- 54 Eyeball turning up
- 55 Inverted eyelashes
- 56 Sudden blindness
- 57 Cataract
- 62 Neck, Shoulders and Upper Back
- Neck and shoulders
- 1 Stiff neck
- 2 Rigidity of the neck
- 3 Neck pain
- 4 Soft neck
- 5 Deviated neck
- 6 Wide neck
- 7 Thin neck
- 8 Swollen neck glands
- 9 Pulsation of the carotid artery
- 10 Shoulder ache
- 11 Frozen shoulder
- Upper back
- 12 Upper backache
- 13 Cold upper back
- 14 Hot upper back
- 15 Stiffness of the back as if wearing a tight belt
- 63 Chest
- 1 Acute cough
- 2 Chronic cough
- 3 Coughing blood
- 4 Breathlessness
- 5 Wheezing
- 6 Chest pain
- 7 Pain in the ribs
- 8 Feeling of oppression of the chest
- 9 Feeling of distension of the chest
- 10 Feeling of heat of the chest
- 11 Heart feeling vexed
- 12 Palpitations
- 13 Palpitations under the heart
- 14 Feeling of stuffiness under the heart
- 15 Heart beat displaced downwards
- 16 Heart beat displaced upwards
- 17 Heart beat displaced to the left
- 18 Heart beat displaced to the right
- 19 Heart beat below the xyphoid process
- 20 Protruding chest
- 21 Sunken chest
- 22 Protruding sternum
- 23 Chest sunken on one side
- 24 Chest protruding on one side
- 25 Gynaecomastia
- 26 Yawning
- 27 Sighing
- 64 Limbs
- 1 Muscle ache in the limbs
- 2 Pain in the limbs
- 3 Cold hands and feet
- 4 Hot hands and feet
- 5 Numbness/tingling of the limbs
- 6 Weakness of the limbs
- 7 Feeling of heaviness of the limbs
- 8 Atrophy of the limbs
- 9 Flaccidity of the limbs
- 10 Oedema of limbs
- 11 Swelling of the joints of limbs
- 12 Rigidity of limbs
- 13 Paralysis of the limbs
- 14 Contraction of limbs
- 15 Feeling of distension of the limbs
- 16 Tremor or spasticity of limbs
- 18 Convulsions of the limbs
- 65 Arms
- 1 Pain in the elbow
- 2 Cold hands
- 3 Hot hands
- 4 Pale hands
- 5 Red dorsum of the hands
- 6 Red palms
- 7 Sweaty palms
- 8 Pain in the hands
- 9 Itchy hands
- 10 Numbness/tingling of the hands
- 11 Tremor of the hands
- 12 Oedema of the hands
- 13 Swollen fingers
- 14 Deformed knuckles
- 15 Contraction of the fingers
- 16 Spoon-shaped fingers
- 17 Thin, pointed fingers
- 18 Cracked fingers
- 19 Tinea (ringworm)
- 20 Thickened fingers
- 21 Shrivelled and wrinkled fingers
- 22 Dry, cracked, and peeling palms
- 23 Venules on the thenar eminence
- 24 Atrophy of the thenar eminence
- 25 Atrophy of the muscles of the dorsum of the hands
- 26 Ridged nails
- 27 Thickening of the nails
- 28 Coarse and thick nails
- 29 Cracked nails
- 30 Nails falling off
- 31 Indented nails
- 32 Thin and brittle nails
- 33 Withered and brittle nails
- 34 Withered and thickened nails
- 35 Curling nails
- 36 Flaking nails
- 37 Twisted nails
- 38 Nails with white spots
- 39 Pale-white nails
- 40 Dull-white nails
- 41 Red nails
- 42 Yellow nails
- 43 Bluish-greenish nails
- 44 Dark nails
- 45 Purple nails
- 46 Small or absent lunulae
- 47 Large lunulae
- 66 Legs
- 1 Oedema of the feet
- 2 Atrophy of the legs
- 3 Paralysis of the legs
- 4 Festination
- 5 Unstable gait
- 6 Staggering gait
- 7 Stepping gait
- 8 Shuffling gait
- 9 Arched legs
- 10 Cold feet
- 11 Pain in the thigh
- 12 Pain in the hip
- 13 Pain in the knee
- 14 Pain in the foot
- 15 Weak knees
- 16 Stiff knees
- 17 Weakness of the legs
- 18 Feeling of heaviness of the legs
- 19 Restless legs
- 20 Tremor of the legs
- 21 Cramps in the calves
- 22 Pain in the groin
- 23 Lower leg ulcers
- 24 Toe ulcers
- 25 Pain in the soles
- 26 Burning sensation in the soles
- 67 Lower Back
- 1 Lower backache
- 2 Sciatica
- 3 Feeling of cold and heaviness of the lower back
- 4 Weakness of the lower back and knees
- 5 Stiffness of the lower back
- 6 Coccyx pain
- 7 Ulcers on the buttocks
- 8 Papules or pustules on buttocks
- 9 Scoliosis
- 10 Lordosis
- 11 Spine bent forward
- 12 Atrophy of the muscles along the spine
- 13 Spots on the back
- 14 Rigidity of the lower back
- 15 Vesicles on the lower back
- 16 Dryness and redness of the skin of the lower back
- 17 Yellow colour of the lower back
- 18 Skin marks on the lower back
- 19 Boils on BL-23 shenshu
- 20 Kyphosis
- 21 Flattening of lumbar spine
- 22 List of spine
- 68 Body
- 1 Body aches
- 2 Pain in the joints
- 3 Paralysis
- 4 Hemiplegia
- 5 Numbness/tingling
- 6 Numbness of half the body
- 7 Itching
- 8 Oedema
- 9 Obesity
- 10 Loss of weight
- 11 Jaundice
- 12 Twitching of muscles
- 13 Opisthotonos
- 69 Digestive System and Taste
- Digestive System
- Taste
- 70 Thirst and Drink
- 1 Thirst
- 2 Dry mouth
- 3 Absence of thirst
- 4 Increased salivation
- 71 Abdomen
- Introduction
- 1 Pain in the area below the xyphoid process
- 2 Epigastric pain
- 3 Hypochondrial pain
- 4 Umbilical pain
- 5 Abdominal distension
- 6 Abdominal fullness
- 7 Feeling of cold in the abdomen
- 8 Feeling of pulsation under the umbilicus
- 9 Feeling of energy rising in the abdomen
- 10 Borborygmi
- 11 Flatulence
- 12 Central-lower abdominal pain
- 13 Lateral-lower abdominal pain
- 14 Distended abdominal veins
- 15 Abdominal masses
- 16 Small hypochondrial lumps
- 17 Oedema of the abdomen
- 18 Thin abdomen
- 19 Large abdomen
- 20 Sagging lower abdomen
- 21 Lumps in the epigastrium
- 22 Protruding umbilicus
- 23 Sunken umbilicus
- 24 Lines on the abdomen
- 25 Maculae on the abdomen
- 72 Defecation
- 1 Diarrhoea or loose stools
- 2 Diarrhoea with vomiting
- 3 Constipation
- 4 Alternation of constipation and loose stools
- 5 Incontinence of faeces
- 6 Blood and mucus in the stools
- 7 Mucus in the stools
- 8 Blood in the stools
- 9 Difficulty in defecation
- 10 Straining in defecation
- 73 Urination
- 1 Dark urine
- 2 Pale and abundant urine
- 3 Turbid urine
- 4 Painful urination
- 5 Scanty and difficult urination
- 6 Difficult urination
- 7 Frequent urination
- 8 Dribbling of urine
- 9 Incontinence of urine
- 10 Nocturnal enuresis
- 11 Urination at night
- 12 Blood in the urine
- 13 Sperm in the urine
- 74 Anus
- 1 Itching of the anus
- 2 Haemorrhoids
- 3 Anal prolapse
- 4 Anal fissure
- 5 Anal fistula
- 6 Anal ulcers
- 75 Men's Sexual and Genital Symptoms
- 1 Impotence
- 2 Lack of libido
- 3 Premature ejaculation
- 4 Nocturnal emissions
- 5 Inability to ejaculate
- 6 Blood in the sperm
- 7 Cold-watery sperm
- 8 Priapism
- 9 Tiredness and dizziness after ejaculation
- 10 Cold genitals
- 11 Contraction of the scrotum
- 12 Loose scrotum
- 13 Scrotum drooping to one side
- 14 Swollen scrotum
- 15 Swollen and oozing scrotum
- 16 Pale scrotum
- 17 Red scrotum
- 18 Purple scrotum
- 19 Dark scrotum
- 20 Itchy scrotum
- 21 Pain and itching of the penis
- 22 Soft and withered penis
- 23 Swelling and pain of the testicles
- 24 Redness and swelling of the glans penis
- 25 Peyronie's disease
- 26 Penis ulcers
- 27 Loss of pubic hair
- 28 Excessive pubic hair
- 76 Sweating
- 1 Spontaneous sweating
- 2 Night-sweating
- 3 Sweating from collapse
- 4 Yellow sweat
- 5 Unilateral sweating
- 6 Sweating on the head
- 7 Sweating on the chest
- 8 Sweating of hands and feet
- 9 Sweating of the palms
- 10.Sweating in the axillae
- 11 Absence of sweating
- End Notes
- 77 Skin Signs
- 1 Greasy skin
- 2 Dry skin
- 3 Eczema
- 4 Psoriasis
- 5 Acne
- 6 Urticaria
- 7 Rosacea
- 8 Herpes simplex
- 9 Herpes zoster
- 10 Warts
- 11 Naevi (moles)
- 12 Tinea
- 13 Candida
- 14 Malignant melanoma
- 15 Furuncle (boil) on the head
- 16 Neck carbuncle
- 17 Neck ulcers
- 18 Rash in the axillae
- 19 Carbuncles on the upper back
- 20 Red, itchy and swollen fingers
- 21 Nodules under the skin
- 78 Emotional Symptoms
- 1 Propensity to anger
- 2 Propensity to worry
- 3 Sadness
- 4 Fear/anxiety
- 5 Easily startled
- 6 Excess joy
- 7 Mental restlessness
- 8 Severe timidity
- 9 Inappropriate laughter
- 79 Mental and Emotional Symptoms
- 1 Depression
- 2 Depression and manic behaviour
- 3 Anxiety
- 4 Irritability
- 5 Schizophrenia
- 80 Mental Difficulties
- 1 Poor memory
- 2 Difficulty in concentration
- 3 Learning difficulty in children
- 4 Hyperactivity
- 81 Sleep
- 1 Insomnia
- 2 Excessive dreaming
- 3 Somnolence
- 4 Sleep-talking
- 5 Sleep-walking
- 6 Snoring
- References
- 82 Feeling of Cold, Feeling of Heat, Fever
- 1 Feeling of cold, shivering
- 2 Fever
- 3 5-palm heat
- 4 Contradictory feelings of cold and heat
- 83 Voice, Speech and Sounds
- 1 Loud voice
- 2 Weak voice
- 3 Muffled voice
- 4 Hoarse voice
- 5 Nasal voice
- 6 Snoring
- 7 Slurred speech
- 8 Incoherent, incessant speech
- 9 Muttering to oneself
- 10 Delirious speech
- 11 Difficulty in finding words
- 12 Stuttering
- 13 Groaning
- 14 Crying out
- Section 2 Gynaecological Symptoms and Signs
- Introduction
- Introduction
- 84 Menstrual Symptoms
- 1 Pale menstrual blood
- 2 Purple menstrual blood
- 3 Menstrual clots
- 4 Sticky menstrual blood
- 5 Watery menstrual blood
- 6 Early periods (short cycle)
- 7 Late periods (long cycle)
- 8 Irregular periods
- 9 Heavy periods
- 10 Scanty periods
- 11 Painful periods
- 12 No periods
- 13 Mid-cycle bleeding
- 14 Periods starting and stopping
- 15 Periods returning after the menopause
- 85 Problems at Period Time
- 1 Pre-menstrual tension
- 2 Headache
- 3 Breast distension
- 4 Fever
- 5 Body aches
- 6 Oedema
- 7 Diarrhoea
- 8 Constipation
- 9 Nose bleed
- 10 Mouth ulcers
- 11 Skin eruptions
- 12 Dizziness
- 13 Vomiting
- 14 Insomnia
- 15 Eye pain
- 86 Problems of Pregnancy
- 1 Morning sickness
- 2 Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
- 3 Abdominal pain during pregnancy
- 4 Threatened miscarriage
- 5 Oedema
- 6 Painful urination
- 7 Retention of urine
- 8 Blood in the urine
- 9 Constipation
- 10 Anxiety
- 11 Dizziness
- 12 Cough
- 13 Loss of voice
- 14 Feeling of suffocation
- 15 Convulsions
- 16 Foetus not growing
- 17 Breech presentation
- 18 Habitual miscarriage
- 87 Problems After Childbirth
- 1 Retention of placenta
- 2 Persistent lochial discharge
- 3 Retention of lochia
- 4 Abdominal pain
- 5 Vaginal bleeding
- 6 Urinary difficulty
- 7 Constipation
- 8 Sweating
- 9 Dizziness
- 10 Oedema
- 11 Fever
- 12 Joint pain
- 13 Hypochondrial pain
- 14 Breast milk not flowing
- 15 Spontaneous flow of milk
- 16 Post-natal depression/ psychosis
- 17 Collapse
- 18 Convulsions
- 19 Amenorrhoea after miscarriage
- 88 Breast Signs
- 1 Breast distension
- 2 Swollen breasts
- 3 Breast pain
- 4 Breast lumps
- 5 Redness and swelling of the breasts
- 6 Milky nipple discharge
- 7 Sticky-yellow nipple discharge
- 8 Bloody discharge from the nipple
- 9 Cracked nipples
- 10 Inverted nipples
- 11 Peau d'orange
- 12 Small breasts
- 89 Miscellaneous Gynaecological Symptoms
- 1 Infertility
- 2 Menopausal syndrome
- 3 Abdominal masses
- 4 Vaginal discharge
- 5 Vaginal itching
- 6 Genital eczema
- 7 Vulvar sores
- 8 Swelling of the vulva
- 9 Prolapse of uterus
- 10 Prolapse of vagina
- 11 Leukoplakia
- 12 Dyspareunia
- 13 Bleeding on intercourse
- 14 Lack of libido
- 15 Loss of pubic hair
- 16 Excessive pubic hair
- End Notes
- Section 3 Paediatric Symptoms and Signs
- Introduction
- Introduction
- 90 Children's Problems
- 1 Fever
- 2 Low-grade fever
- 3 Vomiting
- 4 Diarrhoea
- 5 Cough
- 6 Wheezing
- 7 Earache
- 8 Glue ear
- 9 Hot palms and soles
- 10 Constitutional weakness
- 11 Constipation in infancy
- 12 Retention of urine in infancy
- 13 Crying
- 14 Crying at night in babies
- 15 Disturbed sleep
- 16 Accumulation disorder
- 17 Pinworms
- 18 Roundworms
- 19 Nocturnal enuresis
- 20 Five flaccidities
- 21 Five retardations
- 22 Acute skin rash
- 23 Erysipelas
- 24 Jaundice
- 25 Chickenpox
- 26 Flapping nostrils
- 27 Mumps
- 28 Acute convulsions
- 29 Chronic convulsions
- 30 Foetus toxin
- 31 Sunken fontanelles
- 32 Raised fontanelles
- 33 Late closure of fontanelles
- 34 White spots on the palate and tongue
- 35 Long penis
- Part 6 Identification of Patterns
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Identification of patterns according to internal organs
- Characteristics and points of attention in identification of patterns according to the internal organs
- 91 Heart Patterns
- 1 Heart-Qi deficiency
- 2 Heart-Yang deficiency
- 3 Heart-Yang collapse
- 4 Heart-Blood deficiency
- 5 Heart-Qi and Heart-Blood deficiency
- 6 Heart-Yin deficiency
- 7 Heart-Yin deficiency with Empty Heat
- 8 Heart-Qi and Heart-Yin deficiency
- 9 Deficiency of both Heart-Yang and Heart-Yin
- 10 Heart-Yang deficiency with Phlegm
- 11 Heart-Qi stagnation
- 12 Heart-Fire blazing
- 13 Phlegm-Fire harassing the Heart
- 14 Phlegm misting the Mind
- 15 Heart-Blood stasis
- 16 Heart-Vessel obstruction
- 17 Water overflowing to the Heart
- 18 Turbid dampness surrounding the Heart
- 19 Combined patterns
- 92 Spleen Patterns
- 1 Spleen-Qi deficiency
- 2 Spleen-Yang deficiency
- 3 Spleen-Blood deficiency
- 4 Spleen-Qi sinking
- 5 Spleen not controlling Blood
- 6 Spleen-Yin deficiency
- 7 Spleen-Yin Deficiency with Empty Heat
- 8 Cold-Dampness in the Spleen
- 9 Damp-Heat in the Spleen
- 10 Spleen-Heat
- 11 Spleen-Qi deficiency with Dampness
- 12 Spleen-Qi deficiency with Phlegm
- 13 Phlegm obstructing the Middle Burner
- 14 Yin Fire from deficiency of the Stomach and Spleen and original Qi
- 15 Combined Patterns
- 93 Liver Patterns
- 1 Stagnation of Liver-Qi
- 2 Stagnant Liver-Qi turning into heat
- 3 Rebellious Liver-Qi
- 4 Liver-Yang rising
- 5 Liver-Blood stasis
- 6 Liver-Fire blazing upwards
- 7 Damp-Heat in the liver
- 8 Damp-Heat in the Liver and gall-bladder
- 9 Liver-Wind
- 10 Liver-Wind harbouring Phlegm
- 11 Liver-Qi stagnation with Phlegm
- 12 Liver-Blood deficiency with Phlegm
- 13 Stagnation of cold in the Liver channel
- 14 Liver-Blood deficiency
- 15 Liver-Yin deficiency
- 16 Liver-Qi deficiency
- 17 Liver-Yin deficiency with Empty-Heat
- 18 Liver Phlegm-Fire
- 19 Liver-Yang deficiency
- 20 Combined patterns
- End Notes
- 94 Lung Patterns
- 1 Lung-Qi deficiency
- 2 Lung-Yang deficiency
- 3 Lung-Yin deficiency
- 4 Lung-Yin deficiency with empty heat
- 5 Lung-QI and Lung-Yin deficiency
- 6 Lung-Dryness
- 7 Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Cold
- 8 Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Heat
- 9 Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Dryness
- 10 Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Water
- 11 Lung-Heat
- 12 Damp-Phlegm in the Lungs
- 13 Cold-Phlegm in the Lungs
- 14 Phlegm-Heat in the Lungs
- 15 Phlegm-Dryness in the Lungs
- 16 Phlegm-Fluids in the Lungs
- 17 Lung-Qi deficiency with Phlegm
- 18 Lung-Yin deficiency with Phlegm
- 19 Lung-Qi stagnation
- 20 Lung-Qi collapse
- 21 Combined patterns
- 95 Kidney Patterns
- 1 Kidney-qi deficiency
- 2 Kidney-yang deficiency
- 3 Kidney-yin deficiency
- 4 Kidney-yin deficiency with empty heat
- 5 Kidney-yang and kidney-yin deficiency (kidney-yin and kidney-yang deficiency – predominance of kidney-yin deficiency)
- 6 Kidney-yin and kidney-yang deficiency – predominance of kidney-yang deficiency
- 7 Kidney-qi not firm
- 8 Kidneys failing to receive qi
- 9 Kidney-essence deficiency
- 10 Kidney-yang deficiency, water overflowing
- 11 Kidney-yin deficiency, empty heat blazing
- 12 Kidney-yin deficiency with phlegm
- 13 Combined patterns
- 14 Kidney-yin and liver-yin deficiency
- 15 Kidney-yin and liver-yin deficiency with empty-heat
- 16 Kidney and heart not harmonized (kidney-yin and heart-yin deficiency with heart empty-heat)
- 17 Kidney-yin and lung-yin deficiency
- 18 Kidney-yin and lung-yin deficiency with empty-heat
- 19 Kidney-yang and spleen-yang deficiency
- 96 Small Intestine Patterns
- 1 Full-Heat in the Small Intestine
- 2 Small Intestine Qi pain
- 3 Small Intestine Qi tied
- 4 Small Intestine deficient and Cold
- 5 Infestation of worms in the Small Intestine
- 97 Stomach Patterns
- 1 Stomach-Qi deficiency
- 2 Stomach deficient and Cold (Stomach-Yang Deficiency)
- 3 Stomach-Yin deficiency
- 4 Stomach-Yin deficiency with Empty Heat
- 5 Deficiency of Stomach-Yin and Stomach-Yang
- 6 Stomach-Qi stagnation
- 7 Blood Stasis in the Stomach
- 8 Stomach-Heat
- 9 Stomach-Fire
- 10 Stomach Phlegm-Fire
- 11 Stomach Damp-Heat
- 12 Cold invading the Stomach
- 13 Stomach-Qi rebelling upwards
- 14 Retention of food in the Stomach
- 98 Gall-Bladder Patterns
- 1 Damp-heat in the gall-bladder and liver
- 2 Damp-heat in the gall-bladder
- 3 Damp-cold in the gall-bladder
- 4 Gall-bladder heat
- 5 Gall-bladder deficient
- 6 Stagnation of the gall-bladder with phlegm-heat
- 99 Large Intestine Patterns
- 1 Damp-heat in the Large Intestine
- 2 Heat in the Large Intestine
- 3 Heat obstructing the Large Intestine
- 4 Cold invading the Large Intestine
- 5 Large Intestine Dryness
- 6 Large Intestine Cold
- 7 Dampness in the Large Intestine
- 8 Large Intestine deficient and Cold
- 9 Large Intestine deficient and Damp
- 10 Collapse of Large Intestine
- 100 Bladder Patterns
- 1 Damp-heat in the bladder
- 2 Damp-cold in the bladder
- 3 Bladder deficient and cold
- Appendices
- Appendix 1 Case Histories: Index
- Appendix 2 Prescriptions
- Note
- Ai fu nuan gong wan
- An shen ding zhi wan
- Ba xian chang shou wan
- Ba zhen tang
- Ba zheng san
- Bai he gu jin tang
- Bai hu tang
- Bai tou weng tang
- Ban xia hou po tang
- Ban xia tang
- Bao he wan
- Bao yin jian
- Bao yuan tang
- Bei mu gua lou san
- Bu fei tang
- Bu gan tang
- Bu shen gu chong wan
- Bu shen yang xue tang
- Bu zhong yi qi tang
- Cang er bi dou yan fang
- Cang fu dao tan wan
- Chai hu shu gan tang
- Chang tai bai zhu san
- Chen xiang jiang qi tang (stomach-qi stagnation)
- Da bu yin wan
- Da bu yuan jian
- Da ding feng zhu
- Dan shen yin
- Dan zhi xiao yao san
- Dang gui shao yao san
- Dang gui si ni tang
- Dang gui ji xue teng tang
- Dang gui long hui wan
- Dang gui gui zhi tang
- Dao chi qing xin tang
- Dao chi san
- Di sheng tang
- Di tan tang
- Ding xiang shi di tang
- Duo ming san
- E jiao ji zi huang tang
- Empirical prescription by dr chen jia xu for liver-qi deficiency
- Er chen tang
- Er zhi wan
- Fo shou san
- Fu tu dan
- Fu zi li zhong wan
- Gan cao gan jiang tang
- Gan lu xiao du dan
- Ge gen qin lian tang
- Ge xia zhu yu tang
- Gu tai jian
- Gui pi tang
- Gui shen wan
- Gui zhi fu ling wan
- Gui zhi tang
- Gun tan wan
- Hao qin qing dan tang
- Hei shen san
- Hua chong wan
- Hua gan jian
- Huang lian e jiao tang
- Huang qi jian zhong tang
- Huo po xia ling tang
- Huo xiang zheng qi san
- Jian ling tang
- Jie du huo xue tang
- Jin gui shen qi wan
- Jin ling zi san
- Jin suo gu jing wan
- Jing fang si wu tang
- Ju he wan
- Ju pi zhu ru tang
- Li yan cha
- Li yin jian
- Li zhong an hui tang
- Li zhong tang
- Lian mei an hui tang
- Lian po yin
- Liang di tang
- Liang fu wan
- Liang ge san
- Liang shou tang
- Ling gan wu wei jiang xin tang
- Ling gui zhu gan tang
- Ling jiao gou teng tang
- Liu jun zi tang
- Liu wei di huang wan
- Long chi qing hun tang
- Long dan bi yuan fang
- Long dan xie gan tang
- Lu jiao tu si zi wan
- Ma huang tang
- Ma xing shi gan tang
- Ma zi ren wan
- Mai men dong tang
- Mu xiang liu qi yin
- Nei bu wan
- Nuan gan jian
- Ping wei san
- Qi ju di huang wan
- Qing e wan
- Qing gan tou ding tang
- Qing gu san
- Qing hai wan
- Qing hao bie jia tang
- Qing jing san
- Qing luo yin
- Qing qi hua tan tang
- Qing re an tai yin
- Qing re gu jing tang
- Qing re tiao xue tang
- Qing wei san
- Qing ying tang
- Qing zao jiu fei tang
- Qing zao run chang tang
- Qu tiao tang
- Ren shen bu fei tang
- Rou fu bao yuan tang
- San jia fu mai tang
- San miao hong teng tang
- San ren tang
- San zi yang qin tang
- Sang ju yin
- Sang piao xiao san
- Sang xing tang
- Sha shen mai dong tang
- Shao fu zhu yu tang
- Shao yao tang
- She gan ma huang tang
- Shen fu tang
- Shen ge san
- Shen ling bai zhu san
- Shen qi si wu tang
- Sheng hua tang
- Sheng mai san
- Sheng yang tang
- Sheng yu tang
- Shi pi yin
- Shi xiao san
- Shou tai wan
- Si hai shu yu wan
- Si jun zi tang
- Si mo tang
- Si ni tang
- Si wu ma zi ren wan
- Si wu tang
- Su he xiang wan
- Su zi jiang qi tang
- Suo gong zhu yu tang
- Suo quan wan
- Tao he cheng qi tang
- Tao hong si wu tang
- Tian di jian
- Tian ma gou teng yin
- Tian tai wu yao san
- Tian wang bu xin dan
- Tiao wei cheng qi tang
- Tiao zheng san
- Tong you tang
- Tu si zi wan
- Wei ling san
- Wei ling tang
- Wen dan tang
- Wen pi tang
- Wen yang bu gan jian
- Wu hu tang
- Wu ling san
- Wu mei wan
- Wu ren wan
- Wu yao san
- Wu zhu yu tang
- Wu zi yan zong wan
- Xi jiao di huang tang
- Xiang leng wan
- Xiao chai hu tang
- Xiao jian zhong tang
- Xiao qing long tang
- Xiao yao san
- Xie bai san
- Xie huang san
- Xie xin tang
- Xin yi qing fei yin
- Xing su san
- Xuan fu dai zhe tang
- Xue fu zhu yu tang
- Yan hu suo tang
- Yang yin qing fei tang
- Yi gan san
- Yi guan jian
- Yi jia zheng qi san
- Yi wei tang
- Yi yin jian
- Yin chen hao tang
- Yin jia wan
- Yin qiao san
- You gui wan
- Yu nu jian
- Yue ju wan
- Zeng ye tang
- Zhen gan xi feng tang
- Zhen ren yang zang tang
- Zhen wu tang
- Zheng qi tian xiang san
- Zhi bo di huang wan
- Zhi gan cao tang
- Zhi shi dao zhi wan
- Zhi shi gua lou gui zhi tang
- Zhu ye shi gao tang
- Zuo gui wan
- Zuo gui yin
- Zuo jin wan
- Appendix 3 History of Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine
- Pulse diagnosis
- Channel diagnosis
- Tongue diagnosis
- End Notes
- Appendix 4 The Classics Of Chinese Medicine
- The Yellow Emperor's Classic Of Internal Medicine (between 300 and 100 BC, Warring States Period, Qin and Han dynasties)
- The classic of difficulties (ca. 100 BC, Han dynasty)
- Essential prescriptions of the golden chest (AD 220, Han dynasty)
- The Pulse Classic (AD 280, Three Kingdoms Period)
- Discussion of the origin of symptoms in diseases (AD 610, Sui dynasty)
- Thousand golden ducats prescriptions (AD 652, Tang dynasty)
- Discussion on Stomach and Spleen (1249, Song dynasty)
- Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao (1578, Ming dynasty)
- A study of the pulse by the pin hu lake master (1578, Ming dynasty)
- Compendium of acupuncture (1601, Ming dynasty)
- Classic of categories (1624, Ming dynasty)
- Jing Yue Quan Shu (1624, Ming dynasty)
- An explanation of the acupuncture points (1654, Qing dynasty)
- Yi Zong Jin Jian (1742, Qing dynasty)
- Discussion on blood patterns (1884, Qing dynasty)
- End Notes
- Pinyin-English Glossary of Chinese Terms
- General
- Symptoms and signs
- Disease-symptoms
- Vital substances
- Emotions
- Channels and points
- Pulse positions
- Pulse qualities
- Methods of treatment
- Pathogenic factors
- Bibliography
- Chinese Chronology
- Index of Signs and Symptoms
- Index
- No. of pages: 1128
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Published: March 22, 2018
- Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
- Hardback ISBN: 9780702044144
- eBook ISBN: 9780702075100
Giovanni Maciocia
Giovanni Maciocia has written other best-selling books under the Elsevier Churchill Livingstone imprint - The Practice of Chinese Medicine: The Treatment of Diseases with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, 2e (ISBN 978-0443074905), Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide, 1e (ISBN 9780443064487), The Channels of Acupuncture: Clinical Use of the Secondary Channels and Eight Extraordinary Vessels, 1e (ISBN 9780443074912), The Psyche in Chinese Medicine: Treatment of Emotional and Mental Disharmonies with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, 1e (ISBN 9780702029882), and Obstetrics and Gynecology in Chinese Medicine, 2e (ISBN 9780443104220).