Chapter 1. Early Development of the Vertebrate Inner Ear
- Summary
- 1. The Adult Inner Ear
- 2. Development of the Inner Ear
Chapter 2. Development of the Auditory Organ (Johnston’s Organ) in Drosophila
- Summary
- 1. Johnston’s Organ as a Specialized Chordotonal Organ
- 2. Structure and Function of Johnston’s Organ
- 3. Development of Johnston’s Organ
- 4. Genetic Control of Early Patterning
- 5. Regulation of Atonal and Sense Organ Precursor Specification in JO Development
- 6. Generating Scolopidia: Division of the Sense Organ Precursors
- 7. Chordotonal Neuron Differentiation in JO Development
- 8. Structure of JO Neurons
- 9. Gene Activation During JO Neuron Differentiation
- 10. Transcriptional Regulation of Ciliogenesis and Assembly of the Mechanosensory Apparatus
- 11. Developmental Emergence of Mechanosensory Specialization
- 12. How much of the Developmental Regulatory Network is Conserved in Vertebrate Hair Cells?
- 13. Support Cell Differentiation
- 14. JO Sensory Subspecializations Map to Distinct Subgroups of JO Neurons
- 15. The Development of JO Neuronal Subgroups
- 16. Sound Detection and Chordotonal Diversity in the Drosophila Larva
- 17. Conclusions
Chapter 3. Zebrafish Inner Ear Development and Function
- Summary
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Development of the Zebrafish Inner Ear
- 3. Zebrafish Hearing and Vestibular Function
- 4. Disease Models
- 5. New Technologies
- 6. Conclusions and Future Directions
Chapter 4. Human Gene Discovery for Understanding Development of the Inner Ear and Hearing Loss
- 1. Introduction – The Genetics of Hereditary Hearing Loss
- 2. Identification of Deafness Genes
- 3. Mechanisms of Hearing – Lessons from Mice
- 4. Development of the Inner Ear
- 5. The Hair Bundle and Stereocilia
- 6. Junctions Between Cells: Gap and Tight Junctions
- 7. Planar Cell Polarity of the Hair Bundle
- 8. Gene Expression and Regulation
- 9. Summary
Chapter 5. Planar Cell Polarity in the Cochlea
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Planar Cell Polarity in the Inner Ear
- 3. Planar Cell Polarity Regulation in the Cochlea
- 4. Conclusions and Perspectives
Chapter 6. Functional Development of Hair Cells in the Mammalian Inner Ear
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Mammalian Auditory System
- 3. Mammalian Vestibular System
- 4. Conclusions and Remarks
Chapter 7. Neuronal Circuitries During Inner Ear Development
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Development of the Afferent Innervation Pattern
- 3. Development of the Efferent Innervation Pattern
- 4. Conclusions
Chapter 8. Recapitulating Inner Ear Development with Pluripotent Stem Cells: Biology and Translation
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Why Stem Cells?
- 3. Progress Towards Reconstitution of Inner Ear Development in vitro
- 4. Prospects for Clinical Translation
- 5. Conclusion
Chapter 9. Development of Mammalian Primary Sound Localization Circuits
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Overview of Brainstem Primary Sound Localization Circuits
- 3. Early Development of the Auditory Brainstem
- 4. Activity in the Developing Auditory System
- 5. Development of Soma-Dendritic Morphology and Innervation
- 6. Maturation of Intrinsic Cell Excitability and Voltage-Dependent Channels
- 7. Maturation of Synaptic Transmission and the Role of Neuronal Activity
- 8. Refinement of Circuits and the Role of Neuronal Activity
- 9. Concluding Remarks and Future Directions
Chapter 10. Development of Fundamental Aspects of Human Auditory Perception
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Methodological Challenge
- 3. Auditory Sensitivity in Quiet
- 4. Frequency and Pitch Discrimination
- 5. Intensity Discrimination
- 6. Duration Discrimination
- 7. Spectral Shape and Timbre Discrimination
- 8. Loudness Perception
- 9. Frequency Selectivity and Simultaneous Masking
- 10. Temporal Processing
- 11. Informational and Distracting Masking
- 12. Auditory Scene Analysis
- 13. Sound Localization
- 14. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 11. Developmental Plasticity of the Central Auditory System: Evidence from Deaf Children Fitted with Cochlear Implants
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Developmental Plasticity in a System Deprived of Appropriate Stimulation
- 3. Harnessing Developmental Plasticity for Improved Clinical Outcomes
- 4. Summary
Chapter 12. Development of the Mammalian ‘Vestibular’ System: Evolution of Form to Detect Angular and Gravity Acceleration
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Evolving a Labyrinth: Transforming a Gravistatic Otocyst into a Multi-Sensory Organ
- 3. Morphological Development of the Mouse Ear: Transforming an Otocyst into a Labyrinth
- 4. Formation of Hair Cells and Sensory Epithelia
- 5. Neuronal Development of the Mouse Ear: Making and Routing Unique Subtypes from Endorgans to the Central Nervous System
- 6. Conclusion and Outlook
Chapter 13. Development of the Statoacoustic System of Amphibians
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Inner Ear Induction
- 3. Morphogenesis of the Inner Ear
- 4. Development of Sensory Epithelia and their Innervation
- 5. Development of the Middle Ear
- 6. Functional Development
- 7. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 14. Development of the Central Vestibular System
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Early Developmental Studies
- 3. Chick Tangential Nucleus as a Model
- 4. Emergence of Movements in Embryos
- 5. Recent Studies on the Development of Neuron Structure
- 6. Recent Studies on the Organization of the Vestibular Nuclei
- 7. Recent Studies on the Emergence of Neuron Electrophysiological Properties
- 8. Conclusions
Chapter 15. Functional Development of the Vestibular System: Sensorimotor Pathways for Stabilization of Gaze and Posture
- 1. General Introduction to the Inner Ear Functions: Audition and Balance in Different Species
- 2. Ontogeny of the Vestibular System
- 3. Developmental Questions
- 4. Conclusion: Understanding the Inner Ear Physiology Through Interspecies Comparison Using an Ecophysiological perspective
Chapter 16. Development of Vestibular Systems in Altered Gravity
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Studies in Aquatic Vertebrates
- 3. Studies in Higher Vertebrates
- 4. Invertebrates
- 5. General Considerations
- 6. Conclusions