Although tubular structures are reasonably well understood by designers of offshore platforms, onshore applications often suffer from "learning curve" problems, particularly in the connections, tending to inhibit the wider use of tubes. This book was written primarily to help this situation. Representing 25 years of work by one of the pioneers in the field of tubular structures, the book covers research, synthesis of design criteria, and successful application to the practical design, construction, inspection, and lifetime monitoring of major structures. Written by the principal author of the AWS D1.1 Code Provisions for Tubular Structures this book is intended to be used in conjunction with the AWS Structural Welding Code - Steel, AWS D1.1-88 published by the American Welding Society, Miami, FL, USA. Users of this Code, writers of other codes, students and researchers alike will find it an indispensable source of background material in their work with tubular structures.