Preface1. Brief History of Ion Exchange and the Industrial Needs That Led to Demineralization Text References2. Survey of the Impurities in Water, Their Harmful Effects in Industry, and Methods of Removing Them I. Water Supplies II. Impurities in Water III. Forms of Water Analysis IV. Units of Measurement V. Harmful Effects of Water Impurities in Industry VI. Water-Quality Tolerances for Various Applications VII. General Methods of Removing Impurities References3. Removal of the Major Ionic Dissolved Impurities in Water I. Removal of Calcium and Magnesium: Water-Softening II. Removal of Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium: Hydrogen Cation Exchange III. Removal of Iron and Manganese IV. Removal of Alkalinity V. Removal of Sulfate, Chloride, Nitrate, and Phosphate VI. Removal of Silica VII. Comparison of Water Treatments References4. Removal of Nonionic Suspended and Colloidal Impurities I. Removal of Turbidity by Filtration without Presettling II. Removal of Turbidity, Color, Organic Matter, Microorganisms, Bacteria, Colloidal Silica, and Oil, by Coagulation, Settling, and Filtration III. Removal of Organic Matter IV. Removal of Colloidal Silica V. Removal of Oil from Surface Waters and Condensates VI. Removal of Corrosion Products from Condensates References5. Removal of Gaseous Impurities I. Laws of Gas Behavior II. Other Factors in Gas Solubility III. Application of the Laws and Other Factors IV. Removal of Carbon Dioxide V. Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide, Methane, and Ammonia VI. Removal of Oxygen VII. Removal of Chlorine References6. The Demineralization Process and Systems I. Nature of Ion Exchange and Exchange Materials II. Ion Exchange Equilibria III. Strong-Acid Hydrogen Cation Exchangers IV. Weak-Acid Hydrogen Cation Exchangers V. Weak-Base Anion Exchangers VI. Strong-Base Anion Exchangers VII. Exchange Techniques VIII. Regeneration Phase IX. Ion Leakage and Endpoints of Exhaustion Phase X. Ten Major Demineralizer Systems XI. Summary of Applications of the Ten Major Demineralizer Systems XII. Three-Bed and Mixed-Bed System References7. The Major American Ion Exchange Materials I. Cation Exchangers II. Anion Exchangers References8. Demineralizer Equipment Designs I. The Shell II. Subfill Under Exchange Materials III. Internal Distributors and Collectors IV. External Valves and Piping V. Regeneration Systems VI. Instrumentation for Monitoring Performance VII. Automatic Control Devices and Panel VIII. Neutralizers of Regeneration Waste Waters References9. Demineralizer Technical Design Calculations and Typical Examples I. Normal Procedure and Steps to Be Followed II. Typical Examples of Design Calculations10. Condensate Purification for High-Pressure Utility and Industrial Boilers I. Turbine and Boiler Deposits Before Advent of Condensate Demineralization II. Advent of Once-Through Drumless Boilers and Condensate Demineralizers III. Condensate-Purification Equipment at the Philo Station IV. Prefilter Design V. Development of High-Rate Mixed-Bed Condensate Demineralizers VI. External Regeneration System VII. Omission of Prefilters VIII. Condensate-Demineralizer Design IX. Ammoniation of Cation Resin X. Condensate-Purification for Industrial High-Pressure Boilers XI. Ammoniated Cation Resin for Removing Iron from Utility High-Pressure Heater Drains XII. Disposable, Nonregenerated Powdered Resin References11. Demineralizing Water Treatment in Nuclear (Atomic) Power Plants I. Functions of Demineralizers in Nuclear Stations II. Pressurized-Water Reactor Systems III. Boiling-Water Reactor System IV. Two Boiling-Water Reactor Installations References12. Comparison of Evaporators and Demineralizers and New Demineralizer Processes for Desalination I. Advantages of Evaporators II. Operating Problems with Evaporators III. Typical Economic Studies of Evaporators and Demineralizers IV. The Flash Evaporator V. Comparison of Flash Evaporator and Demineralizer VI. Experiences with Flash Evaporators VII. Cation Exchange Presoftening of Brackish-Water Feed for an Evaporator Desalination Plant VIII. New Demineralizing Processes for High-Solids Waters References13. Continuous Ion Exchange I. Review of Past Fixed-Bed Design Criteria and Their Change II. Description of Continuous Method III. History of Continuous Method IV. The Higgins Design V. The Asahi Design VI. Economic Comparison of Continuous-Bed and Fixed-Bed Plants VII. Operating Problems with Continuous Beds VIII. Field of Application References14. Chemical Processing by Ion Exchange I. Solid Exchangers with Chemical Regenerants II. Applications: Removal of Impurities for Upgrading Products III. Applications: Recovery of Valuable Substances and Purification of Liquors for Reuse IV. Solid Exchangers with Water Elution and No Chemical Regenerants V. Liquid Exchangers ReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index