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Data analysis for database design is a subject of great practical value to systems analysts and designers. This classic text has been updated to include chapters on distributed da… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Data analysis for database design is a subject of great practical value to systems analysts and designers. This classic text has been updated to include chapters on distributed database systems, query optimisation and object-orientation.The SQL content now includes features of SQL92 and SQL 99.
With new databases coming online all the time and the general expansion of the information age, it is increasingly important to ensure that the analysis and model of a database design is accurate and robust. This is an ideal book for helping you to ensure that your database is well designed and therefore user friendly.
Part 1: Databases and database management systems: Database systemsDatabase management system architecture
Part 2: Relational modelling: TablesRedundant vs duplicated dataRepeating groupsDeterminants and identifiersFully-normalised tables
Part 3: Entity-relationaship modellingIntroduction to entity-relationship modellingProperties of relationshipsDecomposition of many:many relationshipsConnection trapsSkeleton entity-relationship modelsAttribute assignmentFirst-level designSecond level design
Part 4: Further topicsDistributed database systemsRelational algebraQuery optimnisationThe SQL languageObject orientationAppendix: The Codasyl (network) model