Avant proposForewordPrefaceChapter 1. IntroductionChapter 2. Focal Parameters and the Macroseismic Effects of the Koyna Earthquake of December 10, 1967 Epicenter and Origin Time Focal Depth Magnitude Inferences Drawn from Field Evidence and Strong-Motion Data Isoseismal Maps Isoforce Map Fissures, Cracks in the Ground and Rock Falls Damage to Civil Engineering Structures Buildings Bridges and Roads Ports Damage to the Koyna Dam and Appurtenant WorksChapter 3. Seismic Reservoir Sites: Their Geology and Seismicity Koyna Dam, India Geology Volcanics Folds, Faults and Fractures Gravity Anomalies, Refraction Profiles and Hot Springs Hydrology Seismicity Reservoir Level and Earthquake Frequency Lake Kariba, Zambia Geology Nature of the Prevailing Stresses Hydrology Seismicity Reservoir Level and Earthquake Frequency Lake Kremasta, Greece Geology Hydrology Seismicity Reservoir Level and Earthquake Frequency Lake Mead, United States Geology Geodetic Observations Seismicity Reservoir Level and Earthquake Frequency Denver, United States Rangely, United States Dale, United States Talbingo Dam, Australia Hendrik Verwoerd Dam, South Africa Vajont Dam, Italy Monteynard Dam, France Grandval Dam, France Lake Marathon, Greece Nourek Dam, U.S.S.R Korube Dam, Japan Oued Fodda Dam, Algeria Contra Dam, Switzerland Mangla, Pakistan Lake Benmore, New Zealand Kamafusa Dam, Japan Hsinfengkiang Dam, China Other Sites Statistical Analysis of Reservoir Level and Tremor Frequency Data Factors Affecting the Tremor FrequencyChapter 4. Characteristics of Reservoir-Associated Earthquakes The Frequency—Magnitude Relationship Relationship Between the Magnitudes of the Mainshock and the Largest Aftershock Time Distribution of Reservoir-Associated Foreshocks and Aftershocks Foreshock—Aftershock Patterns Focal-Mechanism Solution of Earthquakes Lake Mead Koyna Kariba Kremasta Denver Rangely Inferred Changes in the Mechanical Properties of Crustal Layers by Reservoir ImpoundingChapter 5. Incremental Stress and Depression Due to the Water Load Stress Equations for a Two-Dimensional Case Stress Equations for a Three-Dimensional Case The Incremental Stress Due to the Water Load of Lake Kariba Modes of Failure The Incremental Stress Under Other Reservoirs The Downward Elastic Deflection Due to the Water Load of Lake Kariba The Deflection Calculated Beneath Other ReservoirsChapter 6. The Part Played by Pore Pressures in Inducing Earthquakes Stress Relations The Effect of Fluid-Filled Pores on the Stress Distribution in Rock Masses The Part Played by Fluid Pressure in Overthrusts The Effect of Pore-Fluid Pressure on the Effective Stress in Different Fault Environments Normal Faulting Wrench Faulting Thrust Faulting Effective-Stress Changes During the Time Taken by Pore-Pressure Changes to Reach Deep in the Basement Rocks Pore-Pressure Changes and Earthquakes Denver Rangely Kariba Kremasta Koyna Some Recent Developments in Pore-Pressure Studies Servo-Controlled Testing In-situ Measurements of Stresses Coupled Stress—Flow Method of AnalysisChapter 7. Further Topics Dam-Site Investigations Seismic Instrumentation of Dam Sites Sources of Error in Calculating the Focal Parameters Number and Location of Seismic Stations Geodetic Measurements Aseismic LakesReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index