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Cyanobacteria are ancient, primordial oxygenic phototrophs, and probably the progenitor of oxygen-evolving photosynthesis. They are a prolific source of natural products and me… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Cyanobacteria are ancient, primordial oxygenic phototrophs, and probably the progenitor of oxygen-evolving photosynthesis. They are a prolific source of natural products and metabolites and vitally important for environmental biology and biotechnology.
Cyanobacterial Physiology presents foundational knowledge alongside the most recent advances in cyanobacterial biology. The title examines the challenges of industrial application through an understanding of the basic molecular machinery of cyanobacteria. Sixteen chapters are organized into three sections. The first part covers basic cyanobacterial biology, emphasizing environmental biology such as photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, circadian rhythm, and programmed cell death. The second part includes the chapters that discuss cyanobacterial extremophiles, adaptations, secondary metabolites, osmoprotectants, and toxins. The third part covers aspects of cyanobacterial application that are based on environmental biology. Leading scientists contribute chapters on cyanobacteria.
Cyanobacterial Physiology presents a comprehensive and vibrant solution for researchers and engineers in biotechnology interested in cyanobacteria and their applications. Topics include the cyanobacterial cell and fundamental physiological processes; the biotechnological potential of cyanobacteria with their versatile metabolism; and advanced applications of cyanobacterial products. At each stage the book is informed by basic and applied research.