(partial) A V Shubnikov and his ideas in modern crystallography, B K Vainshtein. On the works of Pierre Curie on symmetry, A V Shubnikov. Symmetry of similarity, A V Shubnikov. Antisymmetry of textures, A V Shubnikov. Space and time symmetry, I S Zheludev. The role of crystallographic symmetry in the direct methods of X-ray crystallography, H Hauptman. Origin specification by use of phases, J Karle. Generalized symmetry in crystal physics, V A Koptsik. Mathematical problems in modern crystallography, P Engel. Fruitful partnership. Cooperation with the Shubnikov Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, I Tarjan. Crystal symmetry and atomic interactions, L A Aslanov. Symmetry methods and space group representations in the theory of phase transitions, V P Sakhnenko & G M Chechin. Symmetry in an equilibrium position, E Hartmann. Order-disorder structures, K Fichtner. Theory of crystal symmetry upon the derivation of the 230 space groups, G B Bokii. Definition of Niggli's lattice characters, P M de Wolff. Towards a system in space group representations, V Kopsky. Minimal presentation of crystallographic groups by fundamental polyhedra, E Molnar. Relation between multidimensional representations of the Fedorov groups and the groups of color symmetry, G M Chechin & V A Koptsik. n-Dimensional space groups and regular point systems, E V Chuprunov & T S Kuntsevich. Color symmetry, M Senechal. Generalized antisymmetry, A M Zamorzaev. Fundamental law of crystal chemistry by Shubnikov, its applications and restrictions, N L Smirnova & V S Urusov. Polytypism of crystal structures, B B Zvyagin.