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After the March 11, 2011, earthquake in Japan, there is overwhelming interest in worst-case analysis, including the critical excitation method. Nowadays, seismic design of… Read more
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Table of Contents
Preface to the first edition
Preface to the second edition
Chapter 1: Overview of seismic critical excitation method
1-1: What is critical excitation?
1-2: Origin of critical excitation method (Drenick's approach)
1-3: Shinozuka's approach
1-4: Historical sketch in early stage
1-5: Various measures of criticality
1-6: Subcritical excitation
1-7: Stochastic excitation
1-8: Convex models
1-9: Nonlinear or elastic-plastic SDOF system
1-10: Elastic-plastic MDOF system
1-11: Critical envelope function
1-12: Robust structural design
1-13: Critical excitation method in earthquake-resistant design
Chapter 2: Critical excitation for stationary and non-stationary random inputs
252-1: Introduction
2-2: Stationary input to SDOF model
2-3: Stationary input to MDOF model
2-4: Conservativeness of bounds
2-5: Non-stationary input to SDOF model
2-6: Non-stationary input to MDOF model
2-7: Numerical examples for SDOF model
2-8: Numerical examples for MDOF model
2-9: Conclusions
Chapter 3: Critical excitation for non-proportionally damped structural systems
3-1: Introduction
3-2: Modeling of input motions
3-3: Response of non-proportionally damped model to non-stationary random excitation
3-4: Critical excitation problem
3-5: Solution procedure
3-6: Critical excitation for acceleration (proportional damping)
3-7: Numerical examples (proportional damping)
3-8: Numerical examples (non-proportional damping)
3-9: Numerical examples (various types of damping concentration)
3-10: Conclusions
Chapter 4: Critical excitation for acceleration response
4-1: Introduction
4-2: Modeling of input motions
4-3: Acceleration response of non-proportionally damped model to non-stationary random input
4-4: Critical excitation problem
4-5: Solution procedure
4-6: Numerical examples
4-7: Model with non-proportional damping-1
4-8: Model with non-proportional damping-2
4-9: Model with proportional damping
4-10: Conclusions
Chapter 5: Critical excitation for elastic-plastic response
5-1: Introduction
5-2: Statistical equivalent linearization for SDOF model
5-3: Critical excitation problem for SDOF model
5-4: Solution procedure
5-5: Relation of critical response with inelastic response to recorded ground motions
5-6: Accuracy of the proposed method
5-7: Criticality of the rectangular PSD function and applicability in wider parameter range
5-8: Critical excitation for MDOF elastic-plastic structures
5-9: Statistical equivalent linearization for MDOF model
5-10: Critical excitation problem for MDOF model
5-11: Solution procedure
5-12: Relation of critical response with inelastic response to recorded ground motions
5-13: Accuracy of the proposed method
5-14: Conclusions
Chapter 6: Critical envelope function for non-stationary random earthquake input
6-1: Introduction
6-2: Non-stationary random earthquake ground motion model
6-3: Mean-square drift
6-4: Problem for finding critical envelope function
6-5: Double maximization procedure
6-6: Discretization of envelope function
6-7: Upper bound of mean-square drift
6-8: Numerical examples
6-9: Critical excitation for variable envelope functions and variable frequency contents
6-10: Conclusions
Chapter 7: Robust stiffness design for structure-dependent critical excitation
7-1: Introduction
7-2: Problem for fixed design
7-3: Problem for structure-dependent critical excitation
7-4: Solution procedure
7-5: Numerical design examples
7-6: Response to a broader class of excitations
7-7: Response to code-specified design earthquakes
7-8: Conclusions
Chapter 8: Critical excitation for earthquake energy input in SDOF system
8-1: Introduction
8-2: Earthquake input energy to SDOF system in frequency domain
8-3: Property of energy transfer function and constancy of earthquake input energy
8-4: Critical excitation problem for earthquake input energy with acceleration constraint
8-5: Critical excitation problem for earthquake input energy with velocity constraint
8-6: Actual earthquake input energy and its bound for recorded ground motions
8-7: Conclusions
Chapter 9: Critical excitation for earthquake energy input in MDOF system
9-1: Introduction
9-2: Earthquake input energy to proportionally damped MDOF system (frequency-domain modal analysis)
9-3: Earthquake input energy to non-proportionally damped MDOF system (frequency-domain modal analysis)
9-4: Earthquake input energy without modal decomposition
9-5: Examples
9-6: Critical excitation for earthquake energy input in MDOF system
9-7: Conclusions
Chapter 10: Critical excitation for earthquake energy input in soil-structure interaction system
10-1: Introduction
10-2: Earthquake input energy to fixed-base SDOF system
10-3: Earthquake input energy to SSI systems
10-4: Actual earthquake input energy to fixed-base model and SSI system
10-5: Critical excitation for earthquake energy input in SSI system
10-6: Critical excitation problem
10-7: Upper bound of Fourier amplitude spectrum of input
10-8: Solution procedure and upper bound of input energy
10-9: Critical excitation problem for velocity constraints
10-10: Solution procedure for velocity constraint problems
10-11: Numerical examples-1 (one-story model)
10-12: Numerical examples-2 (three-story model)
10-13: Conclusions
Chapter 11: Critical excitation for earthquake energy input in structure-pile-soil system
11-1: Introduction
11-2: Transfer function to bedrock acceleration input
11-3: Earthquake input energy to structure-pile system
11-4: Earthquake input energy to structure
11-5: Input energies by damage-limit level earthquake and safety-limit level earthquake
11-6: Critical excitation for earthquake energy input in structure-pile-soil system
11-7: Conclusions
Chapter 12: Critical excitation for earthquake energy input rate
12-1: Introduction
12-2: Non-stationary ground motion model
12-3: Probabilistic earthquake energy input rate: a frequency-domain Approach
12-4: Critical excitation problem for earthquake energy input rate
12-5: Solution procedure for double maximization problem
12-6: Mean energy input rate for special envelope function
12-7: Critical excitation problem for non-uniformly modulated ground motion model
12-8: General problem for variable envelope function and variable frequency content
12-9: Numerical examples
12-10: Conclusions
Chapter 13: Critical excitation for multi-component inputs
13-1: Introduction
13-2: Horizontal and vertical simultaneous inputs
13-3: Bi-directional horizontal inputs
13-4: Interpretation using inner product
13-5: Conclusions
Chapter 14: Critical excitation for elastic-plastic response using deterministic approach
14-1: Introduction
14-2: Abbas and Manohar’s approach
14-3: Moustafa and Takewaki’s approach
14-4: Conclusions
Chapter 15: Earthquake resilience evaluation of building structures with critical excitation methods
15-1: Introduction
15-2: Robustness, redundancy and resilience
15-3: Representation of uncertainty in selecting design ground motions
15-4: Uncertainty expression in terms of info-gap model
15-5: Worst combination of structural parameters and input parameters
15-6: Reality of resonance and its investigation
15-7: Conclusions