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Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, 3e is a vital book for anyone involved in architectural design, space management, and urban planning. The concepts presented… Read more
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Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, 3e is a vital book for anyone involved in architectural design, space management, and urban planning. The concepts presented in this book explain the link between design and human behavior. Understanding this link can enable a planner to use natural environmental factors to minimize loss and crime and to maximize productivity.
This practical guide addresses several environmental settings, including major event facilities, small retail establishments, downtown streets, residential areas, and playgrounds. A one-stop resource with explanations of criminal behavior and the historical aspects of design, it teaches both the novice and the expert in crime prevention how to use the environment to affect human behavior in a positive manner.
Timothy D. Crowe
Part 1
1. Introduction to CPTED
Asking the Right Questions
The Need for CPTED
Competing Crime Prevention Strategies
CPTED and Contemporary Planning Models
Scope and Content of this Book
2. Twenty Most Frequently Asked Questions
3. CPTED Concepts and Strategies
CPTED Concepts
CPTED Strategies
Some Benefits of CPTED Planning Activities
An Ounce of Prevention: A New Role for Law Enforcement Support of Community Development
“Clean and Well-Lighted Places”: A Natural Approach to Retail Security
CPTED in Low-Income, Public, and Three-Generation Housing
CPTED Planning and Design Review
Achieving the Right Perspective
4. Behavioral Precedents of CPTED: From Caves to Fast Food
Greek Temples
Medieval Cities
Baroque Mannerism
Louis XIV
Napoleon III
Contemporary Situations
5. Using the Environment to Affect Behavior
Human/Environment Relationships
Use of Light and Color
Feng Shui
6. Aesthetics, Environmental Cues, and Territorial Behavior: Implications for CPTED Planning
Form Versus Function: The Battle with Aesthetics
Environmental Cues
Territorial Behavior
Visual Bubbles, Landscape, and Art
7. Crime and Loss Prevention
Levels of Crime
Explanations of Crime
Implications for Public Action
Contemporary Crime Prevention and Interagency Concepts
Criminal Justice: A Misperceived Concept
Productivity Tools for the Crime- and Loss-Prevention Specialist
Crime Versus Loss Prevention
Two Types of Risk
Risk Management
8. Examples of CPTED Strategies and Applications
CPTED Strategies
CPTED Applications
9. CPTED Implementation Program Planning
Evaluation and Monitoring
10. CPTED Training Outline
Learning Objectives
11. Objectives for a School Environment
School Campus Control
High-School Parking Lots
Student Parking and Driver Education Relationships
Courtyards and Corridors
School Lunchtime Hallway Use
Safe Activities in Unsafe Locations
Convention Center and Stadium
Part 2
12. Tackling Crime and Fear of Crime Through Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Urbanization and Crime
Safety and Security as Serious Problems
From Old School to More Sophisticated Approaches
CPTED/DOC in Europe: Policies and Concepts
Theory: From Offender to Situation; From Reaction to Prevention
The Fear of Crime
Tackling Crime and the Fear of Crime by Urban Planning and Architectural Design: Examples and Instruments
European Standard on Designing Out Crime
About the Author
Important Websites:
13. Checklist for a Program of Successful Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Signs of a Successful CPTED Program
Broader Planning Strategies
14. CPTED in the Twenty-First Century
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
The Transition to the Future of CPTED
CPTED Definitions
CPTED in the New Millennium
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Appendix A. Broward County School CPTED Matrix
Appendix B. School CPTED Survey
School Security Survey/Assessment
Appendix C. CPTED Design Directives for Dormitory and Student Lounges
Appendix D. Convenience Stores and Gas Stops CPTED Assessment Form
Twenty-Six Risk Assessment Points
Appendix E. Malls and Shopping Centers CPTED Assessment Form
Appendix F. Apartments, Condos, and Public Housing CPTED Assessment Form
Mr. Fennelly was previously employed with Apollo Security, Computershare, Inc., as well as a sergeant at Harvard College, employed by the Harvard University Police Department in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was trained as a crime prevention specialist and served in this capacity for over 21 years at Harvard. He was also the department’s training officer and assistant court officer. As part of his role as an officer at Harvard, Larry also was a deputy sheriff in both Suffolk and Middlesex counties (Massachusetts). Mr. Fennelly is a frequent speaker and lecturer on CPTED, physical security, school crime, and other issues. He serves as an expert witness who works closely with attorneys in defense as well as plaintiff cases, assisting in case preparation, offering knowledgeable questions to ask the opposing side, etc. He has also done a considerable amount of consultant work throughout the United States. His experience ranges from identifying vulnerabilities to conducting security and lighting surveys, working with architects to design and implement security, and developing long range guard training programs and risk assessments of various facilities. He is also a prolific author. His titles include such well-known security books as "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design," "Effective Physical Security," and "Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention."