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The (printed) ‘Updated Edition’ now comes with added value access to the complete, downloadable eBook version via Student Consult. Search, read and revise whilst on the move an… Read more
Save up to 25% on AI & Big Data books, eBooks & Journals
The (printed) ‘Updated Edition’ now comes with added value access to the complete, downloadable eBook version via Student Consult. Search, read and revise whilst on the move and use the interactive self-assessment to test your understanding. Crash Course - a more flexible, practical learning package than ever before.
Crash Course – your effective everyday study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have all the core information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success.
A winning formula now for over 15 years, each volume has been fine-tuned and fully updated, with an improved layout tailored to make your life easier. Especially written by junior doctors – those who understand what is essential for exam success – with all information thoroughly checked and quality assured by expert Faculty Advisers, the result is a series of books which exactly meets your needs and you know you can trust.
The importance of ethics and sociology as applied cannot be underestimated, within both the medical curriculum and everyday modern clinical practice. Medical students and junior doctors cannot hope to experience every dilemma first hand, but are expected to deal with new and problematic clinical situations in a reasoned, professional and systematic way. This volume, which accounts for the revised core curriculum in Medical Ethics and Law, will prove an indispensable companion.
Undergraduate medical students
1 Foundations of medical ethics and law.
2 Professionalism and medical ethics.
3 The doctor, the patient and society.
4 Ethics and law at the beginning and end of life.
5 Healthcare commissioning and resource allocation.
6 Introduction to sociology and disease.
7 Experience of health and illness.
8 Organization of health care provision in the UK.
9 Inequalities in health and health care provision.
10 Epidemiology and public health.
11 Clinical governance.
Self-assessment: Best of Five, Extended Matching Questions
Carolyn is Adviser in Medical Law & Ethics, King's College London, School of Medicine. She has also recently been jointly appointed by the Institute of Medical Ethics as project development manager and assistant for the medical ethics and law education project. This 3 year project will undertake a review of ethics and law in the medical undergraduate curriculum and provide support to those involved in teaching the core curriculum.
Carolyn is a member of the Clinical Ethics Committees at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London and also at Central and North West London Mental Health Trust.
In 2005 Carolyn was awarded a Promising Researcher Fellowship through Kingston University. Research was carried out in collaboration with University of Oxford to evaluate the range of legal, ethical and social issues arising in cases where the refusal of medical treatment by a competent teenager is overridden.
He is a member of the Medical Research Council and Chairs its Health Services and Public Health Research Board as well as a number of other MRC Committees and Working Groups.