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The conservation of metallic archaeological and historic artefacts is a major challenge whether they are ancient bronzes or relics of our more recent industrial past. Based on the… Read more
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Series introduction
Volumes in the EFC series
Chapter 1: Introduction: conservation versus laboratory investigation in the preservation of metallic heritage artefacts
Part I: Conservation issues: past, present, future
Chapter 2: Conservation, corrosion science and evidence-based preservation strategies for metallic heritage artefacts
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The structure of conservation research and practice
2.3 Conservation in practice
2.4 Corrosion control for conservation practice
2.5 Conservation and corrosion science in partnership
2.6 Preservation of heritage metals
2.7 Conclusion
Chapter 3: Atmospheric corrosion of heritage metallic artefacts: processes and prevention
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Historical perspectives on corrosion
3.3 Air pollution effects in the twentieth century
3.4 Current effects of air pollution on corrosion
3.5 Indoor environments and recent developments in standardisation
3.6 Future trends
3.7 Conclusion
Part II: Analytical techniques for the study of cultural heritage corrosion
Chapter 4: Analytical techniques for the study of corrosion of metallic heritage artefacts: from micrometer to nanometer scales
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Methodology
4.3 Morphology observation
4.4 Composition analyses
4.5 Structural characterisation
4.6 Nanoscale investigations
4.7 Conclusion
Chapter 5: The use of metallographic and metallurgical investigation methods in the preservation of metallic heritage artefacts
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Methods for sampling artefacts
5.3 Metallographic examination of microstructure features
5.4 Successful uses of metallography and metallurgy to aid preservation
5.5 Conclusion
Chapter 6: Analysis of corroded metallic heritage artefacts using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) fundamentals
6.3 Applications of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) on the analysis of corroded archaeological artefacts: corroded metal threads
6.4 Depth profiling of copper-based decorative artefact
6.5 Analysis of corroded Punic coins
6.6 Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of Roman silver denarii
6.7 Conclusion
Chapter 7: Electrochemical measurements in the conservation of metallic heritage artefacts: an overview
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Equipment for electrochemical techniques
7.3 Potential measurements
7.4 DC techniques
7.5 AC techniques
7.6 Conclusion
Chapter 8: Electrochemical analysis of metallic heritage artefacts: time-lapse spectroelectrochemical techniques
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The electrochemical cell (eCell)
8.3 Monitoring the stabilization process of cupreous artefacts
8.4 Monitoring the formation of a protective lead coating
8.5 Conclusion
8.6 Acknowledgements
Chapter 9: Electrochemical analysis of metallic heritage artefacts: voltammetry of microparticles (VMP)
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Electrode configuration
9.3 Electrochemical processes
9.4 Voltammetry of microparticles (VMP) and metal corrosion
9.5 Studies on corrosion processes
9.6 Applications for archaeometry, conservation and restoration
9.7 Conclusion
Part III: Specific alteration processes
Chapter 10: Artistic patinas on ancient bronze statues
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Studying and characterizing patinas
10.3 Case studies: the Giambologna statues of the University of Genoa, and the Angel of Calcagno family grave from the Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno (Genoa, Italy)
10.4 Conclusion
10.5 Acknowledgements
Chapter 11: Ancient silver artefacts: corrosion processes and preservation strategies
11.1 Introduction
11.2 History of ancient silver
11.3 Corrosion of Silver
11.4 Morphology of atmospheric corrosion layers on silver
11.5 Silver embrittlement
11.6 Cleaning, anti-tarnishing and protection
11.7 Conclusion
Chapter 12: Underwater corrosion of metallic heritage artefacts
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Degradation processes and conservation strategies
12.3 In-situ preservation of artefacts
12.4 Conclusion
Chapter 13: Long-term anoxic corrosion of iron
13.1 Introduction
13.2 General methodology
13.3 Characterisation of the corrosion system: from the environment to the archaeological remains
13.4 Thermodynamic modelling
13.5 Corrosion behaviour: understanding the mechanisms
13.6 Estimation of the corrosion rate
13.7 Conclusion
Chapter 14: Reactivity studies of atmospheric corrosion of heritage iron artefacts
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Previous studies of corrosion diagnosis
14.3 Studying atmospheric corrosion mechanisms
14.4 Studying electrochemical reactivity
14.5 Stability indexes based on rust layer composition and electrochemical reactivity
14.6 Electrochemical study of ancient artefacts
14.7 Degradation diagnosis
14.8 Conclusion
Chapter 15: Atmospheric corrosion of historical industrial structures
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Industrial cultural heritage objects
15.3 Specific atmospheric conditions
15.4 Industrial culture heritage material specification
15.5 Atmospheric corrosion of industrial structures of cultural heritage
15.6 Degradation of surface treatment of industrial cultural heritage
15.7 Conclusion
Part IV: On-site monitoring
Chapter 16: Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for the in-situ analysis of metallic heritage artefacts
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) fundamentals
16.3 In-situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements
16.4 In-situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measuring campaigns
16.5 Conclusion
Chapter 17: Oxygen monitoring in the corrosion and preservation of metallic heritage artefacts
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Equipment for oxygen monitoring
17.3 Measurement of oxygen consumption
17.4 Measurement of oxygen in the burial environment
17.5 Conclusion
17.6 Acknowledgements
Chapter 18: Issues in environmental monitoring of metallic heritage artefacts
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Metrological design of a monitoring system
18.3 Analogue and digital architectures for monitoring systems
18.4 Designing a monitoring system based on smart sensors
18.5 A case study of monitoring system deployment
18.6 Conclusion
18.7 Acknowledgements
Part V: Protection mediums, methods and strategies
Chapter 19: Alkaline desalination techniques for archaeological iron
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Archaeological iron: chloride-induced corrosion
19.3 Conservation of archaeological iron
19.4 Desalination
19.5 The influence of chloride-bearing species on corrosion of iron
19.6 Deoxygenated alkaline desalination techniques: assessing action and effectiveness
19.7 Post-treatment corrosion risk
19.8 Deoxygenated alkali washing in conservation practice
19.9 Conclusion
Chapter 20: The use of subcritical fluids for the stabilisation of archaeological iron: an overview
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Determining treatment parameters
20.3 Equipment, process and operation
20.4 Conservation objectives, treatment rationale and risk management
20.5 Case studies
20.6 Conclusion
20.7 Acknowledgements
Chapter 21: Monitoring, modelling and prediction of corrosion rates of historical iron shipwrecks
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Coralline concretions, corrosion potentials and dissolved oxygen
21.3 Monitoring
21.4 Modelling
21.5 Prediction
21.6 Conclusion
21.7 Acknowledgements
Chapter 22: The role of standards in conservation methods for metals in cultural heritage
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Standards commonly used in conservation testing of metals: a survey in metal conservation publications
22.3 The need to develop or adopt existing standards for coatings testing for cultural heritage metals: the case study of testing Poligen® ES 91009
22.4 Conclusion and future trends
Chapter 23: Coatings including carboxylates for the preservation of metallic heritage artefacts
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Ultrathin organic films for corrosion protection of metals
23.3 Self-assembled monolayers of carboxylic acids
23.4 Conclusion
23.5 Acknowledgements
Chapter 24: Sol-gel coatings for the preservation of metallic heritage artefacts
24.1 Introduction
24.2 The sol-gel coating process
24.3 Techniques for sol-gel coating – electrodeposition
24.4 Case studies on new conservation treatments
24.5 Conclusion
Chapter 25: Plasma treatments for the cleaning and protection of metallic heritage artefacts
25.1 Introduction: requirements of conservators/restorers
25.2 Plasma treatments for cleaning and protection of artefacts
25.3 Low pressure plasma
25.4 Plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) in plasmas containing organosilicon compounds
25.5 Case studies of use of plasma treatments in cleaning and protection of silver-based artefacts
25.6 Conclusion
Chapter 26: Corrosion inhibitors for the preservation of metallic heritage artefacts
26.1 Introduction
26.2 Types and mechanisms of corrosion inhibitors
26.3 Evaluation of inhibitors
26.4 Corrosion inhibitors used in conservation treatments
26.5 Conclusion