1. Retracing in Correlative Light Electron Microscopy - Where is My Object of Interest?
Lorna Hodgson, David Nam, Judith Mantell, Alin Achim and Paul Verkade
2. Fluorescing the Electron: Strategies in Correlative Experimental Design
Kimberley H. Gibson, Daniela Vorkel, Jana Meissner and Jean-Marc Verbavatz
3. Metallothioneins for Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy
Isabel Fernández de Castro, Laura Sanz-Sánchez and Cristina Risco
4. Correlative Light Microscopy and Electron Tomography to Study Von Willebrand Factor Exocytosis From Vascular Endothelial Cells
Marjon J. Mourik, Frank G. A. Faas, Karine M. Valentijn, Jack A. Valentijn, Jeroen C. Eikenboom and Abraham J. Koster
5. A Simple Procedure to Analyze Positions of Interest in Infectious Cell Cultures by Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy
Kazimierz Madela, Sebastian Banhart, Anja Zimmermann, Janett Piesker, Norbert Bannert and Michael Laue
6. Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy for a Free-Floating Spindle in
Xenopuslaevis Egg Extracts
Erin M. Tranfield, Xavier Heiligenstein, Ina Peristere and Claude Antony
7. Combining Wide-field Super-resolution Microscopy and Electron Tomography: Rendering Nanoscopic Correlative Arrays on Subcellular Architecture
Filip Braet, Delfine Cheng, Minh Huynh, Jeffrey Henriquez, Gerry Shami and Marko Lampe
8. Correlative Cryo-fluorescence and Cryo-soft X-Ray Tomography of Adherent Cells at European Synchrotrons
Raffaella Carzaniga, Marie-Charlotte Domart, Elizabeth Duke and Lucy M. Collinson
9. Critical Step-by-step Approaches Toward Correlative Fluorescence/Soft X-Ray Cryo-Microscopy of Adherent Mammalian Cells
Kyle C. Denta, Christoph Hagen and Kay Grünewald
10. Correlative Cryo-fluorescence Light Microscopy and Cryo-electron Tomography of Streptomyces
Roman I. Koning, Katherine Celler, Joost Willemse, Erik Bos, Gilles P. van Wezel and Abraham J. Koster
11. Immuno Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy on Tokuyasu Cryosections
Viola M.J Oorschot, Tamar E Sztal, Robert J Bryson-Richardson and Georg Ramm
12. Step by Step Manipulation of the Cryocapsule with HPM High Pressure Freezers
Xavier Heiligenstein, Ilse Hurbain, Cédric Delevoye, Jean Salamero, Claude Antony and Graca Raposo
13. Live-cell CLEM of Sub-cellular Targets: An Optimized Procedure for Polymer Based Imaging Substrates
Benjamin S. Padman and Georg Ramm
14. Correlative Fluorescence- and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Quantum Dot Labeled Proteins on Whole Cells in Liquid
Diana B. Peckys, Vera Bandmann and Niels de Jonge
15. The Use of a Laser for Correlating Light and Electron Microscopic Images in Thick Tissue Specimens
Derron Bishop, Ivana Nikic, Martin Kerschensteiner and Thomas Misgeld
16. Correlative In Vivo 2-photon Imaging and Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy: 3D Analysis of Neuronal Ultrastructure
Bohumil Maco, Anthony Holtmaat, Anne Jorstad, Pascal Fua and Graham W. Knott
17. Integrated Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy of GFP-Expressing Cells
Christopher J. Peddie, Nalan Liv, Jacob P. Hoogenboom and Lucy M. Collinson
18. Correlation of the Same Fields Imaged in the TEM, Confocal, LM and MicroCT by Image Registration: From Specimen Preparation to Displaying a Final Composite Image
Douglas R. Keene, Sara L. Tufa, Melissa H. Wong, Nicholas R. Smith, Lynn Y. Sakai and William A. Horton