Preface. Dedication. Contributors. Acknowledgements. Signal Transduction. Signalling through phospholipid breakdown (J.H. Exton). Receptor-mediated activation of phospholipase A2 (J. Axelrod). Protein phosphorylation in the nervous system (R.L. Huganir). Alpha-adrenergic inhibition of N-type calcium channels and neurotransmitter release in sympathetic neurones (D. Lipscombe, S. Kongsamut and R.W. Tsien). Release of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in mouse neocortex: Ca2+-channel subtypes and involvement of arachidonic acid metabolites (J-L. Marin and P.J. Magistretti). The effects of calcium channel agonists and antagonists on the binding of [3H] nitrendipine to synaptic membrane and postsynaptic density factions isolated from canine cerebral cortex. Evidence for a separate-site model for agonists and antagonists (P. Siekevitz and M. Ledoux). Adaptive changes in signal transduction systems: Molecular mechanisms of opiate addiction in rate locus coeruleus (E.J. Nestler). Does catecholamine-induced sequestration of beat-adrenergic receptors involve endocytosis via the clathrin-coated PIT pathway (J.P. Perkins). The molecular components of the olfactory signal transduction cascade (R.R. Reed, H.A. Bakalyar, P.G. Feinstein and D.T. Jones). The control of photoreceptor sensitivity (T.D. Lamb and V. Torre). Receptor Structure and Function. What the structure of the acetylocholine receptor tells us about the function of the ligand gated ion channel family (R.M. Stroud). Characteristics of acetylcholine receptor-channels stably expressed in fibroblasts (T. Claudio). The structure of the NMDA receptor-channel complex (P. Ascher and J. Johnson). Are receptor-associated nuclear proteins associated with the earliest effects of steroid hormones? (E-E. Baulieu, N. Binart, F. Cadepond, M-G. Catelli, B. Chambraud, J. Garnier, J-M. Gasc, G. Groyer-Schweizer, M-E. Rafestin-Oblin, C. Radanyi, G. Reduilh, J-M. Renoir and M. Sabbah). Ion Channels. Characteristics of beta-adrenergic-activitated Na-proton transport in red blood cells (R. Motais, U. Scheuring, F. Borgese and F. Garcia-Romeu). Energy profiles for ion permeation in pentameric protein channels: From viruses to receptor channels (G. Eisenman, A. Villarroel, M. Montal and O. Alvarez). The LAC permease of Escherichia coli: A prototype transport protein (P.D. Roepe and H.R. Kaback). Studies on the two inorganic anion transport systems in the red blood cell of the mouse (H. Passow, J. Wendel, E.-M. Gartner, B. Legrum, D. Bartel and S. Lepke). Differential expression and developmental regulation of NA, K-ATPASE isoforms in rat fetal telencephalon organotypic cell cultures (I. Corthésy-Theulaz, B. Rossier and P. Honegger). Longterm Control Mechanisms. Neuronal plasticity: Lectin-induced changes in the membrane properties of cultured Aplysia neurons (I.B. Levitan, G.M. Carrow, D. Dagan, S.S. Lin and M.P. Wilson). Long-term potentiation in the hippocampus (R.C. Malenka, J.A. Kauer, D.J. Perkel and R.A. Nicoll). The role of protein kinase C in learning and memory in Aplysia (J.H. Schwartz, A. Calignano and T.C. Sacktor). An electron microscopic and behavioral study of tactile learning and memory in Octopus vulgaris (J.D. Robertson assisted by P. Lee). Index.
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