Selected Methods in Enzymology: Contemporary Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism provides an introduction to enzyme kinetics and mechanism at an intermediate level. This book covers a variety of topics, including temperature effects in enzyme kinetics, cryoenzymology, substrate inhibition, enol intermediates enzymology, and heavy-atom isotope effects. Organized into 19 chapters, this book begins with an overview of derivation of rate equations as an integral part of the effective usage of kinetics as a tool. This text then examines the practical aspects of initial rate enzyme assay. Other chapters consider the basic procedures used in making decisions concerning kinetic mechanisms from initial-rate data. This book discusses as well the various aspects of both the theoretical background and the applications. The final chapter deals with the importance of achieving proficiency in formulating quantitative relationships describing enzyme behavior. This book is a valuable resource for students and research workers. Enzymologists and chemists will also find this book useful.