List of Tables
List of Charts
About the Contributors
Chapter 1. Methodological Background
1.1 Concepts and Methods of the Study
1.2 Concepts and Aggregates
1.3 The Nomenclature of Foods and Services
1.4 The Institutional Framework
1.5 Methods of Recording
1.6 Accounting Framework and Analytical Tables
1.6.1 Basic Tables
1.6.2 Analytical Tables
1.7 Conclusions and Comments of Methods
Chapter 2. A Comparative Study of the Structure and Development of Enlarged Consumption in Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland and U.S.S.R.
2.1 Introduction, Basic Concepts
2.1.1 Aim and Object of the Study
2.1.2 Main Concepts and Procedures for the Calculation of the Indicators
2.1.3 Sources of Information and Difficulties of a Comparative Analysis
2.2 General Analysis of Enlarged Consumption
2.2.1 Enlarged Consumption and National Income
2.2.2 The Structure of Enlarged Consumption According to Methods of Distribution and Forms of Allocation
2.2.3 The Structure of Social Consumption Funds According to the Form of Allocation to Beneficiaries
2.2.4 The Structure of Cash Transfers from Social Consumption Funds
2.2.5 The Structure of Personal and Social Consumption by Categories of Goods and Services
2.3 Detailed Analysis of the Structure and Financing of Enlarge Consumption by Categories of Needs
2.3.1 Developments in the Structure of Individual Consumption
2.3.2 Consumption Structure, by Broad Social Functions
Appendix A. Charts 2.1 to Charts 2.8
Appendix B. Basic Tables B1-B3 of C.S.S.R., G.D.R., Hungary, Switzerland and the U.S.S.R.
Chapter 3. A Comparative Analysis of the Structure and Development of Enlarged Consumption in France, Italy and Switzerland
3.1 Sources of Information and Difficulties of Comparison
3.2 Enlarged Consumption and National Resources
3.3 The Structure and Development of Enlarged Consumption, by Categories of Needs
3.4 Market and Non-market Forms of Enlarged Consumption
3.5 The Structure and Development of the Financing of Enlarged Consumption
3.6 The Financing of Collective Funds by Households
3.7 Conclusions
Chapter 4. A Tentative Comparison of Consumption Patterns in some Eastern and Western European Countries
4.1 Opening Comments
4.2 Structure of Enlarged Consumption
4.3 Forms of Financing Enlarged Consumption
4.4 Conclusions: Similarities, Dissimilarities and Open Questions