Introduction (P.V. Lamarque). Philosophical approaches to language. Foundations of linguistics (F. D'Agostino). Linguistic philosophy (L.J. Cohen). Ordinary language philosophy (L.J. Cohen). Philosophy of language (P.V. Lamarque). Philosophy of language, medieval (D. Perler). Philosophy of linguistics and of science (P. Carr). Structuralism and semiotics, literary (T. Threadgold). Language, Metaphysics and Ontology. A priori (E.J. Lowe). Abstract ideas (E.J. Lowe). Category mistake (P.V. Lamarque). Deconstruction (E. Crasnow). Essentialism (T.R. Baldwin). Falsificationism (A.A. Brennan). Logical positivism (D. Bell). Methodological solipsism (A. Woodfield). Natural kinds (E.J. Lowe). Nominalism (D. Bell). Ontological commitment (C.J. Hookway). Ontology (A.D. Oliver). Rationalism (J. Cottingham). Realism (A. Weir). Sortal terms (E.J. Lowe). Universals (A.D. Oliver). Verificationism (A.A. Brennan). Language and Mind. Apes and language (S.L. Williams et al.). Innate ideas (C. Travis). Intentionality (A. Woodfield). Language acquisition: categorization and early concepts (R.N. Campbell). Language acquisition in the child (P. Fletcher). Private language (C. Travis). Representation, mental (A. Garnham). Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (O. Werner). Shared knowledge (J.K. Gundel). Thought (R. Carston). Thought and language (P.T. Smith). Truth and Meaning. Analyticity (A. Millar). Ambiguity (K. Wales). Communication (K.L. Berge). Compositionality of meaning (T.M.V. Janssen). Concepts (A. Millar). Convention (P. Pagin). Emotive meaning (O.M. Meidner). Family resemblance (C. Travis). Hermeneutics (E. Itkonen). Holism (A. Weir). Indeterminacy of translation (C.J. Hookway). Language-game, Wittgenstein's concept (M.W. Rowe). Meaning: Indian theories (F. Staal). Meaning, philosophical theories (T.R. Baldwin). Meaning postulate (T.M.V. Janssen). Metaphor (E. Steinhart, E.F. Kittay). Metaphor in literature (V.R.L. Sage). Paradoxes, semantic (R.C. Koons). Picture theory of meaning (D.E.B. Pollard). Radical interpretation (E.M. Fricker). Rules (P. Pagin). Semiotics (S.E. Larsen). Sense (M. Crimmins). Topic and comment (J. van Kuppevelt). Truth (P.G. Horwich). Truth conditions (S. Shalkowski). Vagueness (T. Williamson). Reference. Anaphora (P. Sells, T. Wasow). Definite expressions (F. Zwarts). Deixis (S. Levinson). Denotation (J. van Eijck). Donkey sentences (P.A.M. Seuren). Indexicals (M. Leezenberg). Names and descriptions (P.V. Lamarque). Pictorial representation (N. Wolterstorff). Reference, philosophical issues (K. Sterelny). Sign (P.A.M. Seuren). Language and Logic. Arbitrary objects (W.P.M. Meyer Viol). Aristotle and logic (V. Sanchez Valencia). Conditionals (F. Veltman). Counterfactuals (F. Veltman). Deviant logics (S. Haack). Entailment (S. Read). Ficiton, logic of (D.E.B. Pollard). Identity (A.A. Brennan). Intuitionism (A. Weir). Logic, historical survey (S.D. Guttenplan). Logical form (A.A. Brennan). Natural Deduction (A. Fisher). Necessary and sufficient conditions (A.A. Brennan). Necessity (G. Forbes). Negation (P. Ramat). Occasion sentences and eternal sentences (C.J. Hookway). Proposition (M. Crimmins). Propositional attitudes (R.A. Muskens). Reasoning (A. Fisher). Relevant logic (S. Read). Singular/general proposition (M. Crimmins). Type/token distinction (M. Crimmins). Formal Semantics. Categories and types (H.L.W. Hendriks). Categorial grammar (M. Steedman). De Dicto/De Re (G. Forbes). Formal Semantics (J. van Eijck). Game theoretical semantics (Ö. Dahl). Intension (J. van der Does). Intensionality (J. van der Does). Metalanguage vs object language (J. van Eijck). Modal logic (M. Davies). Possible worlds (J. van der Does). Presupposition (P.A.M. Seuren). Semantics versus syntax: shifting perspectives on natural language content (R.M. Kempson). Situation semantics (P.J.E. Dekker, H.L.W. Hendriks). Truth and paradox (J. van Eijck). Pragmatics and Speech Act Theory. Conversational maxims (J. Thomas). Cooperative principle (J. Thomas). Felicity conditions (K. Allan). Indirect speech acts (K. Allan). Irony (M. Marino). Performative clauses (K. Allan). Pragmatics (J.L. Mey). Presupposition, pragmatic (C. Caffi). Relevance (M.M. Talbot). Speech act classification (K. Allan). Speech act hierarchy (K. Allan). Speech acts and grammar (K. Allan). Speech acts: literal and non-literal (K. Allan). Speech act theory: overview (K. Allan). Key Figures–Pre-20th Century. Aristotle and the stoics on language (F.W. Householder). Descartes, Rene (J. Cottingham). Herder, Johann Gottfried (P.B. Salmon). Humboldt, Wilhelm von (J.A. Kemp). Kant, Immanuel (R.C.S. Walker). Leibniz G. W. (R.C. de Vrijer). Locke, John (T.J. Taylor). Mill, John Stuart (V. Sanchez Valencia). Peirce, Charles Sanders (C.J. Hookway). Plato and his predecessors (F.W. Householder). 20th Century. Austin, John Langshaw (P.V. Lamarque). Carnap, Rudolf (D. Bell). Chomsky's philosophy of language (F.J. Newmeyer). Davidson, Donald (E.M. Fricker). Dummett, Michael (D.E.B. Pollard). Frege, Gottlob (D. Bell). Geach, Peter (J. van Eijck). Husserl, Edmund (D. Bell). Kripke: philosophy of language (J.A.G. Groenendijk, M.J.B. Stokhof). Meinong, Alexius (D.E.B. Pollard). Putnam, Hilary (D.E.B. Pollard). Quine, Willard van Orman (C.J. Hookway). Russell, Bertrand (R.M. Sainsbury). Saussurean tradition in twentieth century linguistics (J.E. Joseph). Strawson, P.F. (D.E.B. Pollard). Tarski, Alfred (F. Veltman). Wittgenstien, Ludwig (C. Travis).