Editor’s Preface
Alphabetical List of Articles
Actuator Materials for Small-scale Devices
Advanced Automotive Powertrains: Materials
Amorphous Semiconductor Solar Cells
Automotive Engine Materials
Batteries: Glassy Electrolytes
Batteries, Rechargeable
Battery Carbons
Burnable Poisons in Nuclear Fuels
Composites for Sensors and Actuators
Creep Design and Life Extension of Large-scale Plant
Creep-resistant Materials for Steam Turbines
Direct Borohydride Fuel Cell
DUPIC Fuel Cycle
Electrochemical Light Emitting Cells from Semiconducting Polymers
Electroluminescent Phosphors
Electrostrictive Ceramics for Sonar Projectors
Fast Breeder Reactors: Fuels
Fast Reactor Cores, Austenitic Steels for
Fast Reactor Cores, Ferritic–Martensitic Steels for
Fuel Cells: Electrochemical Reactions
Fuel Cells: Materials
Fuel Cells: Microsystems
Fusion Conditions: Radiation Damage Correlation
Fusion Reactors (Magnetically Confined)-Tokamaks: Materials
Fusion Reactors: Low-activation Structural Materials
GaN-based Optoelectronic Devices
Heavy Water Reactor Fuel Design and Performance
Hot Cells, Glove Boxes, and Shielded Facilities
Hydrogen–Metal Systems: Applications of Gas–Solid Reactions
Hydrogen–Metal Systems: Basic Properties (1)
Hydrogen–Metal Systems: Electrochemical Reactions (Fundamentals and Applications)
Hydrogen–Metal Systems: Fluorinated Metal Hydrides
Hydrogen–Metal Systems: Hydride Forming Alloys (Properties and Characteristics, Database Information)
Hydrogen–Metal Systems: Technological and Engineering Aspects
Inert Matrix Fuels
In-reactor Creep Testing: Techniques
Jet Engine Materials
Light Conversion: Organized Lanthanide-containing Molecular Systems
Light Emitting Diodes
Light Emitting Diodes from Molecular and Polymer Semiconductors
Light Water Reactor Fuel Design and Performance
Magnetic Fields: Thermoelectric Power
Magnetic Materials: Domestic Applications
Magnetic Micro-actuators (MAGMAS)
Magnetic Refrigerator: Design and Performance
Magnetostrictive Materials
Metal Amides: New Hydrogen Storage Systems
Micro Devices and Micro Systems, Materials for
Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel
Molecular Motors
Multilayer Ceramic Actuators
Nanoelectromechanical Systems: Experiments and Modeling
NDT for Non-Nuclear Power Generation: Pressure Vessels, Piping, and Turbines
NDT of Components in Nuclear Installations
Novel Nitride Phosphors
Nuclear Applications: Zirconium Alloys
Nuclear Fuel Cycles
Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing
Nuclear Fuels: Behavior at High Burnup
Nuclear Graphite and Radiation Effects
Nuclear Reactor Fuel Fabrication (Including Quality Control)
Nuclear Reactor Materials
Nuclear Reactor Materials: Irradiation Effects
Nuclear Reactors: Coolant Materials
Nuclear Reactors: Moderator and Reflector Materials
Nuclear Reactors: Pressure Vessel Steels
Nuclear Reactors: Shielding Materials
Nuclear Waste Management, Materials Aspects of
Organic Electrolytes and Electrodes for Batteries
Oxide Fuels, Nonaqueous Reprocessing of
Petroleum Industry: Corrosion
Photovoltaic Devices from Organic Semiconductors
Photovoltaics: Advanced Inorganic Materials
Piezoelectric Thin Films for MEMS
Polymer-based Electrophosphorescent Devices
Polymer Light Emitting Diodes, Inkjet Printing of
Polysilicon and EDF Silicon (Shaped) for Solar Applications
Power Industry: Corrosion
Purex and Thorex Processes (Aqueous Reprocessing)
Radiation Damage Theory
Radiation Effects in Carbon–Carbon Composites
Radiation Effects in Polymers
Rare Earth Phosphors: Fundamentals and Applications
Rotary and Linear Machines
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Spacecraft Materials
Stirling Engine: Micro-CHP System for Residential Application
Stress Coupled Phenomena: Piezoelectric Effect
Superconducting Machines: Energy Distribution Components
Superconducting Machines: Energy Storage
Superconducting Wires and Cables: High-field Applications
Superconducting Wires and Cables: Low-field Applications
Superconducting Wires and Cables: Materials and Processing
Targets for Inertial Confinement Fusion
Thermoelectric Devices: Refrigeration and Power Generations With No Moving Parts
Thermoelectric Materials: Principles, Structure, Properties, and Applications
Thin-film Materials for Solid-state Rechargeable Batteries
Thorium Fuel Cycles
Twin Cell Technology for Hydrogen Generation
Zirconia Electrolyte-based Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
List of Contributors