Computer Animation
Algorithms and Techniques
- 1st Edition - August 22, 2001
- Author: Rick Parent
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 0 2 5 0 - 2
Whether you're a programmer developing new animation functionality or an animator trying to get the most out of your current animation software, Computer Animation: Algorithms an… Read more

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Request a sales quoteWhether you're a programmer developing new animation functionality or an animator trying to get the most out of your current animation software, Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques will help work more efficiently and achieve better results. For programmers, this book provides a solid theoretical orientation and extensive practical instruction-information you can put to work in any development or customization project. For animators, it provides crystal-clear guidance on determining which of your concepts can be realized using commercially available products, which demand custom programming, and what development strategies are likely to bring you the greatest success.
* Expert instruction from a pace-setting computer graphics researcher.* Provides in-depth coverage of established and emerging animation algorithms.* For readers who lack a strong scientific background, introduces the necessary concepts from mathematics and physics.* Illustrates advanced programming techniques with highly detailed working examples.* Via the companion Web site, provides lecture notes from the author's course for professors, example animations based on the programs covered in the book, Java applets, and links to relevant Web sites.* Special contributions from Dave S. Ebert on Natural Phenomena in Chapter 5* Special contributions from Scott King, Meg Geroch, Doug Roble, and Matt Lewis on Articulated Figures in Chapter 6.
Computer graphics programmers, animators
ForewordPrefaceChapter 1 - Introduction1.1 Perception1.2 The Heritage of Animation1.2.1 Early Devices1.2.2 The Early Days of "Conventional" Animation1.2.3 Disney1.2.4 Contributions of Others1.2.5 Other Media for Animation1.2.6 Principles of Computer Animation1.3 Animation Production1.3.1 Computer Animation Production Tasks1.3.2 Digital Editing1.3.3 Digital Video1.4 A Brief History of Computer Animation1.4.1 Early Activity1.4.2 The Middle Years1.5 Chapter SummaryReferencesChapter 2 - Technical Background2.1 Spaces and Transformations 2.1.1 The Display Pipeline 2.1.2 Homogeneous Coordinates and the Transformation Matrix 2.1.3 Compounding Transformations: Multiplying Transformation Matrices 2.1.4 Basic Transformations 2.1.5 Representing an Arbitrary Orientation 2.1.6 Extracting Transformations from a Matrix 2.1.7 Description of Transformations in the Display Pipeline 2.1.8 Round-off Error Considerations2.2 Orientation Representation2.2.1 Fixed Angle Representation2.2.2 Euler Angle Representation2.2.3 Angle and Axis 2.2.4 Quaternions2.3 Chapter Summary ReferencesChapter 3 - Interpolation and Basic Techniques3.1 Interpolation 3.1.1 The Appropriate Function3.2 Controlling the Motion Along a Curve 3.2.1 Computing Arc Length 3.2.2 Speed Control3.2.3 Ease-in/Ease-out 3.2.4 Constant Acceleration: Parabolic Ease-In/Ease-Out 3.2.5 General Distance-Time Functions3.2.6 Curve Fitting to Position-Time Pairs3.3 Interpolation of Rotations Represented by Quaternions 3.4 Path Following 3.4.1 Orientation along a Path 3.4.2 Smoothing a Path 3.4.3 Determining a Path along a Surface3.5 Key-Frame Systems 3.6 Animation Languages 3.6.1 Artist-Oriented Animation Languages 3.6.2 Articulation Variables 3.6.3 Graphical Languages 3.6.4 Actor-Based Animation Languages3.7 Deforming Objects 3.7.1 Warping an Object 3.7.2 Coordinate Grid Deformation3.8 Morphing (2D) 3.8.1 Coordinate Grid Approach 3.8.2 Feature-Based Morphing3.9 3D Shape Interpolation 3.9.1 Matching Topology 3.9.2 Star-Shaped Polyhedra 3.9.3 Axial Slices 3.9.4 Map to Sphere 3.9.5 Recursive Subdivision 3.9.6 Summary3.10 Chapter Summary ReferencesChapter 4 - Advanced Algorithms4.1 Automatic Camera Control 4.2 Hierarchical Kinematic Modeling 4.2.1 Representing Hierarchical Models 4.2.2 Forward Kinematics 4.2.3 Local Coordinate Frames 4.2.4 Inverse Kinematics 4.2.5 Summary4.3 Rigid Body Simulation 4.3.1 Bodies in Free Fall 4.3.2 Bodies in Contact4.4 Enforcing Soft and Hard Constraints 4.4.1 Flexible Objects 4.4.2 Virtual Springs 4.4.3 Energy Minimization 4.4.4 Space-Time Constraints4.5 Controlling Groups of Objects 4.5.1 Particle Systems 4.5.2 Flocking Behavior 4.5.3 Autonomous Behavior4.6 Implicit Surfaces 4.6.1 Basic Implicit Surface Formulation 4.6.2 Animation Using Implicitly Defined Objects 4.6.3 Collision Detection 4.6.4 Deforming the Implicit Surface as a Result of Collision 4.6.5 Summary4.7 Chapter Summary ReferencesChapter 5 - Natural Phenomena5.1 Plants 5.1.1 A Little Bit of Botany 5.1.2 L-Systems 5.1.3 Animating Plant Growth5.1.4 Summary5.2 Water5.2.1 Still Waters and Small-Amplitude Waves 5.2.2 The Anatomy of Waves 5.2.3 Modeling Ocean Waves 5.2.4 Finding Its Way Downhill 5.2.5 Summary5.3 Gaseous Phenomena5.3.1 General Approaches to Modeling Gas 5.3.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics 5.3.3 Clouds - Dave S. Ebert 5.3.4 Fire 5.3.5 Summary5.4 Chapter Summary ReferencesChapter 6 - Modeling and Animating Articulated Figures6.1 Reaching and Grasping 6.1.1 Modeling the Arm - Meg Geroch 6.1.2 The Shoulder Joint - Meg Geroch 6.1.3 The Hand - Meg Geroch 6.1.4 Coordinated Movement - Meg Geroch 6.1.5 Reaching Around Obstacles 6.1.6 Strength6.2 Walking 6.2.1 The Mechanics of Locomotion 6.2.2 The Kinematics of the Walk6.2.3 Using Dynamics to Help Produce Realistic Motion 6.2.4 Forward Dynamic Control 6.2.5 Summary6.3 Facial Animation - Scott King6.3.1 Types of Facial Models 6.3.2 Creating the Model 6.3.3 Textures 6.3.4 Approaches to Animating the Face6.4 Overview of Virtual Human Representation - Matt Lewis6.4.1 Representing Body Geometry 6.4.2 Geometry Data Acquisition 6.4.3 Geometry Deformation 6.4.4 Clothing 6.4.5 Hair 6.4.6 Surface Detail6.5 Layered Approach to Human Figure Modeling 6.6 Cloth and Clothing 6.6.1 Simple Draping 6.6.2 Getting into Clothes6.7 Motion Capture - Doug Roble6.7.1 Processing the Images 6.7.2 Camera Calibration 6.7.3 3D Position Reconstruction 6.7.4 Fitting to the Skeleton 6.7.5 Modifying Motion Capture 6.7.6 Summary6.8 Chapter Summary ReferencesAppendix A - Rendering IssuesA.1 Double Buffering A.2 Compositing A.2.1 Compositing without Pixel Depth Information A.2.2 Compositing with Pixel Depth InformationA.3 Displaying Moving Objects: Motion Blur A.4 Drop Shadows A.5 Summary ReferencesAppendix B - Background Information and TechniquesB.1 Vectors and Matrices B.1.1 Inverse Matrix and Solving Linear Systems B.1.2 Singular Value DecompositionB.2 Geometric Computations B.2.1 Components of a Vector B.2.2 Length of a Vector B.2.3 Dot Product of Two Vectors B.2.4 Cross Product of Two VectorsB.2.5 Vector and Matrix Routines B.2.6 Closest Point between Two Lines in Three-Space B.2.7 Area Calculations B.2.8 The Cosine Rule B.2.9 Barycentric Coordinates B.2.10 Computing Bounding ShapesB.3 Transformations B.3.1 Transforming a Point Using Vector-Matrix Multiplication B.3.2 Transforming a Vector Using Vector-Matrix Multiplication B.3.3 Axis-Angle Rotations B.3.4 QuaternionsB.4 Interpolating and Approximating Curves B.4.1 Equations: Some Basic Terms B.4.2 Simple Linear Interpolation: Geometric and Algebraic Forms B.4.3 Parameterization by Arc Length B.4.4 Computing Derivatives B.4.5 Hermite Interpolation B.4.6 Catmull-Rom Spline B.4.7 Four-Point Form B.4.8 Blended Parabolas B.4.9 Bezier Interpolation/Approximation B.4.10 De Casteljau Construction of Bezier Curves B.4.11 Tension, Continuity, and Bias Control B.4.12 B-Splines B.4.13 Fitting Curves to a Given Set of PointsB.5 Randomness B.5.1 Noise B.5.2 Turbulence B.5.3 Random Number GeneratorB.6 Physics Primer B.6.1 Position, Velocity, and Acceleration B.6.2 Circular Motion B.6.3 Newton's Laws of Motion B.6.4 Inertia and Inertial Reference Frames B.6.5 Center of MassB.6.6 Torque B.6.7 Equilibrium: Balancing Forces B.6.8 Gravity B.6.9 Centripetal force B.6.10 Contact Forces B.6.11 Centrifugal Force B.6.12 Work and Potential Energy B.6.13 Kinetic Energy B.6.14 Conservation of Energy B.6.15 Conservation of Momentum B.6.16 Oscillatory Motion B.6.17 Damping B.6.18 Angular Momentum B.6.19 Inertia TensorsB.7 Numerical Integration TechniquesB.7.1 Function IntegrationB.7.2 Integrating Ordinary Differential EquationsB.8 Standards for Moving PicturesB.8.1 In the Beginning, There Was AnalogB.8.2 In the Digital WorldB.9 Camera CalibrationReferencesIndexAbout the Author
- No. of pages: 552
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: August 22, 2001
- Imprint: Morgan Kaufmann
- eBook ISBN: 9780080502502
Rick Parent
Rick Parent is a Professor Emeritus in the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Ohio State University (OSU). As a graduate student, Rick worked at the Computer Graphics Research Group (CGRG) at OSU under the direction of Charles Csuri. In 1977, he received his Ph.D. from the Computer and Information Science (CIS) Department, majoring in Artificial Intelligence. For the next three years, he worked at CGRG first as a Research Associate, and then as Associate Director. In 1980 he co-founded and was President of The Computer Animation Company. In 1985, he joined the faculty of the CIS Department (now the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, or CSE) at Ohio State. Rick's research interests include various aspects of computer animation with special focus on animation of the human figure.
Affiliations and expertise
Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Ohio StateRead Computer Animation on ScienceDirect