Computer and Information Security Handbook (2-Volume Set)
- 4th Edition - August 28, 2024
- Editor: John Vacca
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 3 - 1 3 2 2 3 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 3 - 1 3 2 2 4 - 7
Computer and Information Security Handbook, Fourth Edition offers deep coverage of an extremely wide range of issues in computer and cybersecurity theory, along with applic… Read more

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Request a sales quoteComputer and Information Security Handbook, Fourth Edition offers deep coverage of an extremely wide range of issues in computer and cybersecurity theory, along with applications and best practices, offering the latest insights into established and emerging technologies and advancements. With new parts devoted to such current topics as Cyber Security for the Smart City and Smart Homes, Cyber Security of Connected and Automated Vehicles, and Future Cyber Security Trends and Directions, the book now has 104 chapters in 2 Volumes written by leading experts in their fields, as well as 8 updated appendices and an expanded glossary.
Chapters new to this edition include such timely topics as Threat Landscape and Good Practices for Internet Infrastructure, Cyber Attacks Against the Grid Infrastructure, Threat Landscape and Good Practices for the Smart Grid Infrastructure, Energy Infrastructure Cyber Security, Smart Cities Cyber Security Concerns, Community Preparedness Action Groups for Smart City Cyber Security, Smart City Disaster Preparedness and Resilience, Cyber Security in Smart Homes, Threat Landscape and Good Practices for Smart Homes and Converged Media, Future Trends for Cyber Security for Smart Cities and Smart Homes, Cyber Attacks and Defenses on Intelligent Connected Vehicles, Cyber Security Issues in VANETs, Use of AI in Cyber Security, New Cyber Security Vulnerabilities and Trends Facing Aerospace and Defense Systems, and much more.
Chapters new to this edition include such timely topics as Threat Landscape and Good Practices for Internet Infrastructure, Cyber Attacks Against the Grid Infrastructure, Threat Landscape and Good Practices for the Smart Grid Infrastructure, Energy Infrastructure Cyber Security, Smart Cities Cyber Security Concerns, Community Preparedness Action Groups for Smart City Cyber Security, Smart City Disaster Preparedness and Resilience, Cyber Security in Smart Homes, Threat Landscape and Good Practices for Smart Homes and Converged Media, Future Trends for Cyber Security for Smart Cities and Smart Homes, Cyber Attacks and Defenses on Intelligent Connected Vehicles, Cyber Security Issues in VANETs, Use of AI in Cyber Security, New Cyber Security Vulnerabilities and Trends Facing Aerospace and Defense Systems, and much more.
- Written by leaders in the field
- Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the latest security technologies, issues, and best practices
- Presents methods for analysis, along with problem-solving techniques for implementing practical solutions
Information Security Professionals, IT Professionals, Computer and Information Systems Managers, Systems Administrators, Application Developers, Network Administrators, Security Managers, Security Analysts, Directors of Security, Security Auditors, Security Engineers, Compliance Specialists. One of the primary markets for the Handbook is as a continuing education text/ref for government agencies and Infosec consultants who are charged with maintaining system security and integrity for large organizations, governments, and enterprises. As such, it is an indispensable complete reference for these sectors. The secondary audience includes industry executives, policy-makers, regulators, urban planners, utility network specialists, Chief Information Officers, Heads of Economic Development, Heads of Sustainability, Heads of Planning, Heads of Transport, Heads of Innovation
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contributors to Volume I
- Contributors to Volume II
- About the editor
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Contents to Volume I
- Part I. Overview of System and Network Security: A Comprehensive Introduction
- Chapter 1. Information Security in the Modern Enterprise
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Challenges Facing Information Security
- 3. Assessment and Planning
- 4. Policies and Procedures
- 5. Training
- 6. Summary
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- Chapter 2. Building a Secure Organization
- 1. Introduction: Navigating the Labrynthe World of Cybersecurity and Its Multifaceted Imperatives
- 2. ISO/IEC 27002:2022 and the Broader Landscape of Standards
- 3. Integrating Standards Within a Risk-Based Data Protection Framework
- 4. Cultivating a Cybersecurity Culture: The Bedrock of a Robust Risk-Based Approach
- 5. Conclusion: A Convergence of Standards, Culture, and Trust—The Way Forward in Cybersecurity and Data Protection
- 6. Summary
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- Chapter 3. A Cryptography Primer
- 1. What Is Cryptography? What Is Encryption?
- 2. Famous Cryptographic Devices
- 3. Ciphers
- 4. Modern Cryptography
- 5. The Computer Age
- 6. How Advanced Encryption Standard Works
- 7. Selecting Cryptography: the Process
- 8. Summary
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- Chapter 4. Verifying User and Host Identity
- 1. Introduction: Verifying the User
- 2. Identity Access Management: Authentication and Authorization
- 3. Synthetic or Real User Logging
- 4. Verifying a User in Cloud Environments
- 5. Verifying Hosts
- 6. Verifying Host Domain Name System and Internet Protocol Information
- 7. Summary
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- Chapter 5. Detecting System Intrusions
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Developing Threat Models
- 3. Securing Communications
- 4. Network Security Monitoring and Intrusion Detection Systems
- 5. Installing Security Onion to a Bare-Metal Server
- 6. Putting It All Together
- 7. Securing Your Installation
- 8. Managing an Intrusion Detection System in a Network Security Monitoring Framework
- 9. Setting the Stage
- 10. Alerts and Events
- 11. Sguil: Tuning Graphics Processing Unit Rules, Alerts, and Responses
- 12. Developing Process
- 13. Understanding, Exploring, and Managing Alerts
- 14. Summary
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- Chapter 6. Intrusion Detection in Contemporary Environments
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Mobile Operating Systems
- 3. Mobile Device Malware Risks
- 4. Cloud Computing Models
- 5. Cloud Computing Attack Risks
- 6. Source of Attacks on Mobile Devices
- 7. Source or Origin of Intrusions in Cloud Computing
- 8. Classes of Mobile Malware
- 9. Types of Cloud Computing Attacks
- 10. Malware Techniques in Android
- 11. Cloud Computing Intrusions Techniques
- 12. Examples of Smartphone Malware
- 13. Examples of Cloud Attacks
- 14. Types of Intrusion Detection Systems for Mobile Devices
- 15. Types of Intrusion Detection Systems for Cloud Computing
- 16. Intrusion Detection System Performance Metrics
- 17. Summary
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- Chapter 7. Preventing System Intrusions
- 1. So, What Is an Intrusion?
- 2. Sobering Numbers
- 3. Know Your Enemy: Hackers Versus Crackers
- 4. Motives
- 5. The Crackers' Tools of the Trade
- 6. Bots
- 7. Symptoms of Intrusions
- 8. What Can You Do?
- 9. Security Policies
- 10. Risk Analysis
- 11. Tools of Your Trade
- 12. Controlling User Access
- 13. Intrusion Prevention Capabilities
- 14. Summary
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- Chapter 8. Guarding Against Network Intrusions
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Traditional Reconnaissance and Attacks
- 3. Malicious Software
- 4. Defense in Depth
- 5. Preventive Measures
- 6. Intrusion Monitoring and Detection
- 7. Reactive Measures
- 8. Network-Based Intrusion Protection
- 9. Summary
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- Chapter 9. Fault Tolerance and Resilience in Cloud Computing Environments
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Cloud Computing Fault Model
- 3. Basic Concepts of Fault Tolerance
- 4. Different Levels of Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing
- 5. Fault Tolerance Against Crash Failures in Cloud Computing
- 6. Fault Tolerance Against Byzantine Failures in Cloud Computing
- 7. Fault Tolerance as a Service in Cloud Computing
- 8. Summary
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- Chapter 10. Securing Web Applications, Services, and Servers
- 1. Setting the Stage
- 2. Basic Security for HTTP Applications and Services
- 3. Basic Security for SOAP Services
- 4. Identity Management and Web Services
- 5. Authorization Patterns
- 6. Security Considerations
- 7. Challenges
- 8. Summary
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- Chapter 11. UNIX and Linux Security
- 1. Introduction
- 2. UNIX and Security
- 3. Basic UNIX Security Overview
- 4. Achieving UNIX Security
- 5. Protecting User Accounts and Strengthening Authentication
- 6. Limiting Superuser Privileges
- 7. Securing Local and Network File Systems
- 8. Network Configuration
- 9. Improving the Security of Linux and UNIX Systems
- 10. Additional Resources
- 11. Summary
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- Chapter 12. Eliminating the Security Weakness of Linux and UNIX Operating Systems
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Establishing Secure Configurations
- 3. Managing System Updates
- 4. Hardening Access Controls for Linux/UNIX
- 5. Firewalls and Intrusion Prevention
- 6. Malware Prevention
- 7. Ongoing Vigilance
- 8. Summary
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- Chapter 13. Internet Security
- 1. Internet Protocol Architecture
- 2. An Internet Threat Model
- 3. Defending Against Attacks on the Internet
- 4. Internet Security Checklist
- 5. Summary
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- Chapter 14. The Botnet Problem
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Internet of Things
- 3. Software
- 4. Botnets
- 5. Botnet Attacks
- 6. The Problem With Botnets
- 7. Summary
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- Chapter 15. Intranet Security
- 1. Smartphones and Tablets in the Intranet
- 2. Security Considerations
- 3. Plugging the Gaps: Network Access Control and Access Control
- 4. Measuring Risk: Audits
- 5. Guardian at the Gate: Authentication and Encryption
- 6. Wireless Network Security
- 7. Shielding the Wire: Network Protection
- 8. Weakest Link in Security: User Training
- 9. Documenting the Network: Change Management
- 10. Rehearse the Inevitable: Disaster Recovery
- 11. Controlling Hazards: Physical and Environmental Protection
- 12. Know Your Users: Personnel Security
- 13. Protecting Data Flow: Information and System Integrity
- 14. Security Assessments
- 15. Risk Assessments
- 16. Intranet Security Implementation Process Checklist
- 17. Summary
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- Chapter 16. Local Area Network Security
- 1. Identify Network Threats
- 2. Establish Network Access Controls
- 3. Risk Assessment
- 4. Listing Network Resources
- 5. Threats
- 6. Security Policies
- 7. The Incident-Handling Process
- 8. Secure Design Through Network Access Controls
- 9. Intrusion Detection System Defined
- 10. Network Intrusion Detection System: Scope and Limitations
- 11. A Practical Illustration of Network Intrusion Detection System
- 12. Firewalls
- 13. Dynamic Network Address Translation Configuration
- 14. The Perimeter
- 15. Access List Details
- 16. Types of Firewalls
- 17. Packet Filtering: Internet Protocol Filtering Routers
- 18. Application-Layer Firewalls: Proxy Servers
- 19. Stateful Inspection Firewalls
- 20. Network Intrusion Detection System Complements Firewalls
- 21. Monitor and Analyze System Activities
- 22. Signature Analysis
- 23. Statistical Analysis
- 24. Signature Algorithms
- 25. Local Area Network Security Countermeasures Implementation Checklist
- 26. Summary
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- Chapter 17. Wireless Network Security
- 1. Cellular Networks
- 2. Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
- 3. Security Protocols
- 4. Wired Equivalent Privacy
- 5. Secure Routing
- 6. Authenticated Routing for Ad Hoc Networks
- 7. Secure Link State Routing Protocol
- 8. Key Establishment
- 9. Ingemarsson, Tang, and Wong
- 10. Management Countermeasures
- 11. Summary
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- Chapter 18. Wireless Sensor Network Security: The Internet of Things
- 1. Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks
- 2. Threats to Privacy
- 3. Cryptographic Security in Wireless Sensor Networks
- 4. Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
- 5. Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
- 6. Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things
- 7. Summary
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- Chapter 19. Security for the Internet of Things
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Security Challenges in the Internet of Things
- 3. Authentication and Access Control
- 4. Attribute-Based Access Control
- 5. Data Integrity and Confidentiality
- 6. Secure Communication Protocols
- 7. Secure Software Development Practices
- 8. IoT Security Standards and Frameworks
- 9. Emerging Trends and Future Directions
- 10. Conclusion
- 11. Summary
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- Chapter 20. Cellular Network Security
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Overview of Cellular Networks
- 3. The State of the Art of Cellular Network Security
- 4. Cellular Network Attack Taxonomy
- 5. Cellular Network Vulnerability Analysis
- 6. Summary
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- Chapter 21. Radio Frequency Identification Security
- 1. Radio Frequency Identification Introduction
- 2. Radio Frequency Identification Challenges
- 3. Radio Frequency Identification Protections
- 4. Summary
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- Chapter 22. Optical Network Security
- 1. Optical Networks
- 2. Securing Optical Networks
- 3. Identifying Vulnerabilities
- 4. Corrective Actions
- 5. Summary
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- Chapter 23. Optical Wireless Security
- 1. Optical Wireless Systems Overview
- 2. Deployment Architectures
- 3. High Bandwidth
- 4. Low Cost
- 5. Implementation
- 6. Surface Area
- 7. Summary
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- Part II. Managing Information Security
- Chapter 24. Information Security Essentials for IT Managers: Protecting Mission-Critical Systems
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Living in an Hybrid World
- 3. It Takes a Village
- 4. Identifying Your Assets
- 5. Protecting Your Assets
- 6. Cyber Hygiene
- 7. Risk Management
- 8. NIST Cybersecurity Framework
- 9. MITRE CVE and CWE
- 10. Security by Design
- 11. Incident Response
- 12. Summary
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- Chapter 25. Security Management Systems
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Security Management Systems Standards
- 3. Training Requirements
- 4. Principles of Information Security
- 5. Roles and Responsibilities of Personnel
- 6. Security Policies
- 7. Security Controls
- 8. Network Access
- 9. Risk Assessment
- 10. Incident Response
- 11. Summary
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- Chapter 26. Policy-Driven System Management
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Security and Policy-Based Management
- 3. Classification and Languages
- 4. Controls for Enforcing Security Policies in Distributed Systems
- 5. Products and Technologies
- 6. Research Projects
- 7. Summary
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- Chapter 27. Information Technology Security Management
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Alignment With Business Strategy
- 3. Cybersecurity Management Frameworks
- 4. People, Process, Technology
- 5. Organizational Structure and Alignment
- 6. Security Management Execution
- 7. Risk-Oriented Security Management
- 8. Developing a Security Strategy
- 9. Summary
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- Chapter 28. The Enemy (The Intruder's Genesis)
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Active Reconnaissance
- 3. Enumeration
- 4. Penetration and Gain Access
- 5. Maintain Access
- 6. Defend Network Against Unauthorized Access
- 7. Summary
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- Chapter 29. Social Engineering Deceptions and Defenses
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Counter-Social Engineering
- 3. Vulnerabilities
- 4. Using a Layered Defense Approach
- 5. Attack Scenarios
- 6. Suspect Everyone: Network Vector
- 7. Policy and Training
- 8. Physical Access
- 9. Summary
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- Chapter 30. Hacking in an Ethical Way
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Ethical—Who Decides?
- 3. Can it be Ethical if it is Illegal?
- 4. Vulnerability Disclosure Policy
- 5. Hacker Tools
- 6. Responsible Disclosure
- 7. Targets of Hacking
- 8. How to Prevent Hacking
- 9. Top Hacks
- 10. Defcon (
- 11. Summary
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- Chapter 31. What Is Vulnerability Assessment?
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Reportin
- 3. The “It Will Not Happen to Us” Factor
- 4. Why Vulnerability Assessment?
- 5. Penetration Testing Versus Vulnerability Assessment
- 6. Vulnerability Assessment Goal
- 7. Mapping the Network
- 8. Selecting the Right Scanners
- 9. Central Scans Versus Local Scans
- 10. Defense in Depth Strategy
- 11. Vulnerability Assessment Tools
- 12. Security Auditor's Research Assistant
- 13. Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool
- 14. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
- 15. Scanner Performance
- 16. Scan Verification
- 17. Scanning Cornerstones
- 18. Network Scanning Countermeasures
- 19. Vulnerability Disclosure Date
- 20. Proactive Security Versus Reactive Security
- 21. Vulnerability Causes
- 22. Do It Yourself Vulnerability Assessment
- 23. Summary
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- Chapter 32. Introduction to Vulnerabilities Below the Operating System
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Firmware: A Hidden Attack Vector
- 3. Conclusion
- 4. Summary
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- Chapter 33. Security Metrics: An Introduction and Literature Review
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Why Security Metrics?
- 3. The Nature of Security Metrics
- 4. Getting Started With Security Metrics
- 5. Metrics in Action: Toward an Intelligent Security Dashboard
- 6. Security Metrics in the Literature
- 7. Summary
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- Chapter 34. Security Education, Training, and Awareness
- 1. Security Education, Training, and Awareness (SETA) Programs
- 2. Users, Behavior, and Roles
- 3. Security Education, Training, and Awareness (SETA) Program Design
- 4. Security Education, Training, and Awareness (SETA) Program Development
- 5. Implementation and Delivery
- 6. Technologies and Platforms
- 7. Summary
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- Chapter 35. Risk Management
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Concept of Risk
- 3. Expressing and Measuring Risk
- 4. The Risk Management Methodology
- 5. Integrating Risk Management Into the System Development Life Cycle
- 6. Risk Management Methods
- 7. Risk Management Standards
- 8. Summary
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- Chapter 36. Insider Threats
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Defining Insider Threat
- 3. Motivations of the Insider Threat Actors
- 4. Examples of Insider Treats
- 5. Impacts
- 6. Analysis
- 7. Manage and Mitigate the Insider Threat
- 8. Conclusion
- 9. Summary
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- Part III. Disaster Recovery Security
- Chapter 37. Disaster Recovery
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Measuring Risk and Avoiding Disaster
- 3. The Business Impact Assessment
- 4. Summary
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- Chapter 38. Disaster Recovery Plans for Small and Medium Business (SMB)
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Identifying the Need for a Disaster Recovery Plan
- 3. Recovery
- 4. Threat Analysis
- 5. Methodology
- 6. Train and Test the Plan
- 7. Communication
- 8. Recovery
- 9. Conclusion
- 10. Summary
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- Part IV. Security Standards And Policies
- Chapter 39. Security Certification and Standards Implementation
- 1. Introduction: The Security Compliance Puzzle
- 2. The Age of Digital Regulations
- 3. Security Regulations and Laws: Technology Challenges
- 4. Implementation: The Compliance Foundation
- 5. Summary
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- Chapter 40. Security Policies and Plans Development
- 1. Introduction: Policies and Planning: Security Framework Foundation
- 2. CIA: Not the Central Intelligence Agency
- 3. Security Policy Structure
- 4. Security Policy: Sign Off Approval
- 5. Summary
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- Part V. Cyber, Network, and Systems Forensics Security and Assurance
- Chapter 41. Cyber Forensics
- 1. What Is Cyber Forensics?
- 2. Analysis of Data
- 3. Cyber Forensics in the Court System
- 4. Understanding Internet History
- 5. Temporary Restraining Orders and Labor Disputes
- 6. First Principles
- 7. Hacking a Windows XP Password
- 8. Network Analysis
- 9. Cyber Forensics Applied
- 10. Tracking, Inventory, Location of Files, Paperwork, Backups, and So on
- 11. Testifying as an Expert
- 12. Beginning to End in Court
- 13. Summary
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- Chapter 42. Cyber Forensics and Incidence Response
- 1. Introduction to Cyber Forensics
- 2. Handling Preliminary Investigations
- 3. Controlling an Investigation
- 4. Conducting Disc-Based Analysis
- 5. Investigating Information-Hiding Techniques
- 6. Scrutinizing Email
- 7. Validating Email Header Information
- 8. Tracing Internet Access
- 9. Searching Memory in Real Time
- 10. Summary
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- Chapter 43. Securing e-Discovery
- 1. Information Management
- 2. Legal and Regulatory Obligation
- 3. Summary
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- Chapter 44. Network Forensics
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Network Forensic Analysis
- 3. Email Investigations
- 4. Validating Process
- 5. Summary
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- Chapter 45. Microsoft Office and Metadata Forensics: A Deeper Dive
- 1. Introduction
- 2. In a Perfect World
- 3. Microsoft Excel
- 4. Exams!
- 5. Items Outside of Office Metadata
- 6. Summary
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- Chapter 46. Hard Drive Imaging
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Hard Disc Drives
- 3. Solid State Drives
- 4. Hardware Tools
- 5. Software Tools
- 6. Techniques
- 7. Summary
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- Part VI. Encryption Technology
- Chapter 47. Data Encryption
- 1. Need for Cryptography
- 2. Mathematical Prelude to Cryptography
- 3. Classical Cryptography
- 4. Modern Symmetric Ciphers
- 5. Algebraic Structure
- 6. The Internal Functions of Rijndael in Advanced Encryption Standard Implementation
- 7. Use of Modern Block Ciphers
- 8. Public-Key Cryptography
- 9. Cryptanalysis of Rivest–Shamir–Adleman
- 10. Diffie–Hellman Algorithm
- 11. Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems
- 12. Message Integrity and Authentication
- 13. Triple Data Encryption Algorithm Block Cipher
- 14. Summary
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- Chapter 48. Satellite Encryption
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Need for Satellite Encryption
- 3. Implementing Satellite Encryption
- 4. Pirate Decryption of Satellite Transmissions
- 5. Satellite Encryption Policy
- 6. Satellite Encryption Service (SES)
- 7. The Future of Satellite Encryption
- 8. Summary
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- Chapter 49. Public Key Infrastructure
- 1. Cryptographic Background
- 2. Overview of Public Key Infrastructure
- 3. The X.509 Model
- 4. X.509 Implementation Architectures
- 5. X.509 Certificate Validation
- 6. X.509 Certificate Revocation
- 7. Server-Based Certificate Validity Protocol
- 8. X.509 Bridge Certification Systems
- 9. X.509 Certificate Format
- 10. Public Key Infrastructure Policy Description
- 11. Public Key Infrastructure Standards Organizations
- 12. Pretty Good Privacy Certificate Formats
- 13. Pretty Good Privacy Public Key Infrastructure Implementations
- 14. World Wide Web Consortium
- 15. Is Public Key Infrastructure Secure?
- 16. Alternative Public Key Infrastructure Architectures
- 17. Modified X.509 Architectures
- 18. Alternative Key Management Models
- 19. Summary
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- Chapter 50. Password-Based Authenticated Key Establishment Protocols
- 1. Introduction to Key Exchange
- 2. Password-Authenticated Key Exchange
- 3. Concrete Protocols
- 4. Summary
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- Chapter 51. Context-Aware Multifactor Authentication Survey
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Classic Approach to Multifactor Authentication
- 3. Modern Approaches to Multifactor Authentication
- 4. Comparative Summary
- 5. Summary
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- Chapter 52. Instant-Messaging Security
- 1. Why Should I Care About Instant Messaging?
- 2. What Is Instant Messaging?
- 3. The Evolution of Networking Technologies
- 4. Game Theory and Instant Messaging
- 5. The Nature of the Threat
- 6. Common Instant Messaging Applications
- 7. Defensive Strategies
- 8. Instant-Messaging Security Maturity and Solutions
- 9. Processes
- 10. Summary
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- Contents to Volume II
- Part VII. Privacy and Access Management
- Chapter 53. Online Privacy
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Quest for Online Privacy
- 3. Market and Industry
- 4. On Regulatory Frameworks
- 5. Privacy and Technologies
- 6. Summary
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- Chapter 54. Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Privacy-Enhancing Techniques
- 3. Data Obfuscation
- 4. Encrypted Data Processing
- 5. Federated and Distributed Analytics
- 6. Data Accountability Tools
- 7. Summary
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- Chapter 55. Personal Privacy Policies
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Information to be Provided to Data Subjects
- 3. Concise, Transparent, Intelligible, and Easily Accessible Information
- 4. DATA Protection Icons
- 5. Conclusion
- 6. Summary
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- Chapter 56. Detection of Conflicts in Security Policies
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Conflicts in Security Policies
- 3. Conflicts in Executable Security Policies
- 4. Conflicts in Network Security Policies
- 5. Query-Based Conflict Detection
- 6. Semantic Web Technology for Conflict Detection
- 7. Summary
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- Chapter 57. Supporting User Privacy Preferences in Digital Interactions
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Basic Concepts and Desiderata
- 3. Cost-Sensitive Trust Negotiation
- 4. Point-Based Trust Management
- 5. Logical-Based Minimal Credential Disclosure
- 6. Privacy Preferences in Credential-Based Interactions
- 7. Fine-Grained Disclosure of Sensitive Access Policies
- 8. Open Issues
- 9. Summary
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- Chapter 58. Privacy and Security in Environmental Monitoring Systems: Issues and Solutions
- 1. Introduction
- 2. System Architectures
- 3. Environmental Data
- 4. Security and Privacy Issues in Environmental Monitoring
- 5. Countermeasures
- 6. Summary
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- Chapter 59. Virtual Private Networks
- 1. Introduction
- 2. History
- 3. Who is in Charge?
- 4. Virtual Private Network Types
- 5. Authentication Methods
- 6. Symmetric Encryption
- 7. Asymmetric Cryptography
- 8. Edge Devices
- 9. Passwords
- 10. Security Tips for VPN Systems
- 11. Mobile Virtual Private Networks
- 12. Virtual Private Network Deployments
- 13. Summary
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- Chapter 60. Identity Theft
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Definition and Types of Identity Theft
- 3. Historical Background and Evolution of Identity Theft in the Digital Age
- 4. Technical Details of Identity Theft Techniques, Prevention, and Protection
- 5. Summary
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- Chapter 61. VoIP Security
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Overview of Threats
- 3. Security in Voice Over Internet Protocol
- 4. Future Trends
- 5. Summary
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- Part VIII. Storage Security
- Chapter 62. SAN Security
- 1. Organizational Structure
- 2. Access Control Lists and Policies
- 3. Physical Access
- 4. Change Management
- 5. Password Policies
- 6. Defense-in-Depth
- 7. Vendor Security Review
- 8. Data Classification
- 9. Security Management
- 10. Auditing
- 11. Security Maintenance
- 12. Host Access: Partitioning
- 13. Data Protection: Replicas
- 14. Encryption in Storage
- 15. Application of Encryption
- 16. Summary
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- Chapter 63. Storage Area Networking Security Devices
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Storage Area Network Device Security
- 3. Introduction to SANs
- 4. Conclusion
- 5. Summary
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- Part IX. Cloud Security
- Chapter 64. Securing Cloud Computing Systems
- 1. Introduction
- 2. General Cloud Security Domains
- 3. Illustration of Cloud Security Standards: CSA Cloud Controls Matrix
- 4. Summary
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- Chapter 65. Cloud Security
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 66. Cloud Security Trends
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Encryption
- 3. Self-Regulatory Frameworks
- 4. EUCS—Cloud Services Scheme
- 5. Summary
- 6. Create New Questions
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 67. Private Cloud Security
- 1. Introduction: Private Cloud System Management
- 2. From Physical to Network Security Base Focus
- 3. Benefits of Private Cloud Security Infrastructures
- 4. Private Cloud Security Standards and Best Practices
- 5. “As-a-Service” Universe: Service Models
- 6. Private Cloud Service Model: Layer Considerations
- 7. Privacy or Public: The Cloud Security Challenges
- 8. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 68. Virtual Private Cloud Security
- 1. Introduction: Virtual Networking in a Private Cloud
- 2. Security Console: Centralized Control Dashboard Management
- 3. Security Designs: Virtual Private Cloud Setups
- 4. Security Object Group Allocations: Functional Control Management Practices
- 5. Virtual Private Cloud Performance Versus Security
- 6. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Part X. Virtual Security
- Chapter 69. Protecting Virtual Infrastructure
- 1. Virtualization in Computing
- 2. Virtual Data Center Security
- 3. Hypervisor Security
- 4. Enterprise Segmentation
- 5. Active Containerized Security
- 6. Virtual Absorption of Volume Attacks
- 7. Open Source Versus Proprietary Security Capabilities
- 8. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 70. Software-Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization Security
- 1. Introduction to Software-Defined Networking
- 2. Software-Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization Overview
- 3. Software-Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization for Internet Service Providers
- 4. Software-Defined Networking Controller Security
- 5. Improved Patching With Software-Defined Networking
- 6. Dynamic Security Service Chaining in Software-Defined Networking
- 7. Future Virtualized Management Security Support in Software-Defined Networking
- 8. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Part XI. Cyber Physical Security
- Chapter 71. Physical Security
- 1. Overview
- 2. Physical Security Threats
- 3. Physical Security Prevention and Mitigation Measures
- 4. Recovery From Physical Security Breaches
- 5. Threat Assessment, Planning, and Plan Implementation
- 6. Example: A Corporate Physical Security Policy
- 7. Integration of Physical and Logical Security
- 8. Physical Security Checklist
- 9. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 72. Biometrics
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Type of Biometrics in Use Today
- 3. Privacy and Security of Biometrics
- 4. Legal and Ethical Considerations
- 5. The Future of Biometrics
- 6. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Optional Team Case Project
- Part XII. Practical Security
- Chapter 73. Online Identity and User Management Services
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Evolution of Identity Management Requirements
- 3. The Requirements Fulfilled by Identity Management Technologies
- 4. Identity Management 1.0
- 5. Social Login and User Management
- 6. Identity 2.0 for Mobile Users
- 7. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 74. Intrusion Prevention and Detection Systems
- 1. What Is an “Intrusion” Anyway?
- 2. Physical Theft
- 3. Abuse of Privileges (the Insider Threat)
- 4. Unauthorized Access by Outsider
- 5. Malicious Software Infection
- 6. Role of the “Zero-Day”
- 7. The Rogue's Gallery: Attackers and Motives
- 8. A Brief Introduction to Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
- 9. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Data Architecture and Data Encapsulation
- 10. Survey of Intrusion Detection and Prevention Technologies
- 11. Antimalicious Software
- 12. Network-Based Intrusion Detection Systems
- 13. Network-Based Intrusion Prevention Systems
- 14. Host-Based Intrusion Prevention Systems
- 15. Security Information Management Systems
- 16. Network Session Analysis
- 17. Digital Forensics
- 18. System Integrity Validation
- 19. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 75. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Packet Analysis
- 1. The Internet Model
- 2. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 76. Firewalls
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Network Firewalls
- 3. Firewall Security Policies
- 4. A Simple Mathematical Model for Policies, Rules, and Packets
- 5. First-Match Firewall Policy Anomalies
- 6. Policy Optimization
- 7. Firewall Types
- 8. Host and Network Firewalls
- 9. Software and Hardware Firewall Implementations
- 10. Choosing the Correct Firewall
- 11. Firewall Placement and Network Topology
- 12. Firewall Installation and Configuration
- 13. Supporting Outgoing Services Through Firewall Configuration
- 14. Secure External Services Provisioning
- 15. Network Firewalls for Voice and Video Applications
- 16. Firewalls and Important Administrative Service Protocols
- 17. Internal IP Services Protection
- 18. Firewall Remote Access Configuration
- 19. Load Balancing and Firewall Arrays
- 20. Highly Available Firewalls
- 21. Firewall Management
- 22. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 77. Penetration Testing
- 1. What Is Penetration Testing?
- 2. Why Would You Do It?
- 3. How Do You Do It?
- 5. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 78. System Security
- 1. Foundations of Security
- 2. Basic Countermeasures
- 3. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 79. Access Controls
- 1. Infrastructure Weaknesses: Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Mandatory Access Control (MAC), and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- 2. Strengthening the Infrastructure: Authentication Systems
- 3. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 80. Endpoint Security
- 1. Introduction: Endpoint Security Defined
- 2. Endpoint Solution: Options
- 3. Standard Requirements: Security Decisions
- 4. Endpoint Architecture: Functional Challenges
- 5. Endpoint Intrusion Security: Management Systems
- 6. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Network Logging Tools: Seek and Target (the Offender)
- 7. Endpoint Unification: Network Access Control (NAC) Design Approach (From the Ground-Up)
- 8. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Endpoint Security
- 9. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 81. Assessments and Audits
- 1. Assessing Vulnerabilities and Risk: Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments
- 2. Risk Management: Quantitative Risk Measurements
- 3. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 82. Fundamentals of Cryptography
- 1. Assuring Privacy With Encryption
- 2. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Part XIII. Critical Infrastructure Security
- Chapter 83. Securing the Infrastructure
- 1. Communication Security Goals
- 2. Attacks and Countermeasures
- 3. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 84. Cyberattacks Against the Grid Infrastructure
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Why is There a Threat to the Power Grid
- 3. How Power Grids Can be Hacked
- 4. How Hackers Can Shut Down the Power Grid
- 5. What Would Happen if the us Power Grid Went Down
- 6. Why the Power Grid is so Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks
- 7. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 85. Energy Infrastructure Cyber Security
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Energy Sector Cyber Security Program as it Relates to the Electric Power Grid and Pipelines Subsectors
- 3. Summary of Risks to Computer-Based Control Systems Used in Energy Sector Subsectors and Recent Cyber Attacks
- 4. Review of Legislative Authorities and Policy Guidance Directing US Department of Energy Cybersecurity Programs and Activities and it’s Relationship With National Laboratories and Other Federal Agencies With Cybersecurity Roles
- 5. Concluding Discussion of Key Policy Issues for Congress
- 6. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 86. Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Defining Homeland Security
- 3. 9/11 Commission Report and the “New Terrorism”
- 4. The Organization of Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
- 5. Typology of Cyberthreats and Homeland Security
- 6. Homeland Security Organization and Key Agencies in Cybersecurity
- 7. Legislation Influencing Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
- 8. The Future of Homeland Security
- 9. Summary and Conclusion
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 87. Cyber Warfare
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Primary Components of Cyber Warfare
- 3. Intelligence Gathering in Cyber Warfare
- 4. Technical Aspects of Cyber Warfare
- 5. Strategic Aspects of Cyber Warfare
- 6. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 88. Cyber Attack Process
- 1. Introduction
- 2. What is a Cyber Attack
- 3. The Cyber Attack Process
- 4. Attack Difficulty and Complexity
- 5. Attack Vectors
- 6. Beginning the Cyber Attack Process
- 7. Cyber Attack Impacts
- 8. Defending Against Cyber Attacks
- 9. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Part XIV. Cyber Security for the Smart City And Smart Homes
- Chapter 89. Smart Cities: Cybersecurity Concerns
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Understanding Smart Cities
- 3. Cybersecurity Challenges
- 4. Types of Cyberthreats
- 5. Current Cybersecurity Measures
- 6. Future Considerations
- 7. Open Problems
- 8. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 90. Disaster Management Cycle, Smart Technologies, Urban Form, Traditional Developments, and Sprawl
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Disaster Management and the Disaster Management Cycle
- 3. Smart Technology and Disasters
- 4. Human Behavior and Disaster Management
- 5. Disaster Management Cycle and Urban Form
- 6. Conclusions
- 7. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 91. Cyber Security in Smart Homes
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Organization
- 3. Background
- 4. Security Challenges of Smart Homes
- 5. Threats on Smart Home Layers
- 6. Security Solutions and Best Practices
- 7. Conclusion
- 8. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 92. Future Trends for Cyber Security for Smart Cities and Homes
- 1. Introduction
- 2. “Smart City” Dispersion and Centralization Attributes: Stakeholders, Implications
- 3. “Smart Cities”—A Modern Day “Panopticon” Writ Large
- 4. Complex Systems Analysis—A Tool for “Smart City” Development
- 5. The Basics of Smart City Infrastructure, Buildings, and “OPEN Spaces”
- 6. Public–Private Partnerships
- 7. Societal Resilience Enhancement
- 8. The Rudiments of “the Technology Side” to “Smart Cities”
- 9. “Smart-City” Perimeters and Borders
- 10. Smart City Policing
- 11. The City-Scape Security Typology—a First Pass
- 12. City-Scape Matrices
- 13. Final Reflections
- 14. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Part XV. Cyber Security Of Connected And Automated Vehicles
- Chapter 93. An Overview of Cyber Attacks and Defenses on Intelligent Connected Vehicles
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Background
- 3. Challenges
- 4. AV Forensics
- 5. Communications
- 6. Over-the-Air Updates
- 7. Open Problems
- 8. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Part XVI. Advanced Security
- Chapter 94. Security Through Diversity
- 1. Ubiquity
- 2. Example Attacks Against Uniformity
- 3. Attacking Ubiquity With Antivirus Tools
- 4. The Threat of Worms
- 5. Automated Network Defense
- 6. Diversity and the Browser
- 7. Sandboxing and Virtualization
- 8. Domain Name Server Example of Diversity Through Security
- 9. Recovery From Disaster Is Survival
- 10. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 95. Online e-Reputation Management Services
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Reputation in the Online ERA
- 3. Online Reputation Management Architectures
- 4. Privacy Issues in Online Reputation Management
- 5. Conclusion
- 6. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 96. Content Filtering
- 1. Defining the Problem
- 2. Why Content Filtering Is Important
- 3. Content Categorization Technologies
- 4. Perimeter Hardware and Software Solutions
- 5. Categories
- 6. Legal Issues
- 7. Circumventing Content Filtering
- 8. Additional Items to Consider: Overblocking and Underblocking
- 9. Related Products
- 10. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 97. Data Loss Protection
- 1. Precursors of DLP
- 2. What Is Data Loss Protection (DLP)?
- 3. Where to Begin?
- 4. Data Is Like Water
- 5. You Don't Know What You Don't Know
- 6. How Do Data Loss Protection (DLP) Applications Work?
- 7. Eat Your Vegetables
- 8. IT's a Family Affair, Not Just IT Security's Problem
- 9. Vendors, Vendors Everywhere! Who Do You Believe?
- 10. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 98. Satellite Cyber Attack Search and Destroy
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Historical Perspective and Changing Threat Landscape
- 3. Threats to Satellite Security
- 4. International Cooperation and Challenges
- 5. Limited Security Inclusion
- 6. Future Perspectives and Challenges
- 7. Hacks and Attacks
- 8. Satellites in Orbit
- 9. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 99. Verifiable Voting Systems
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Security Requirements
- 3. Verifiable Voting Schemes
- 4. Building Blocks
- 5. Survey of Noteworthy Schemes
- 6. Threats to Verifiable Voting Systems
- 7. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 100. Advanced Data Encryption
- 1. Mathematical Concepts Reviewed
- 2. The RIVEST, SHAMIR, AND ADELMAN Cryptosystem
- 3. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 101. Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Cybersecurity
- 1. Introduction
- 2. AI Fundamentals
- 3. Impact of AI on Cybersecurity
- 4. Dark Side of AI
- 5. AI-Powered Cybersecurity Adoption and its Future
- 6. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 102. AI Abuse: Investigating the Threat Landscape
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Background
- 3. Attack Models
- 4. Case Studies
- 5. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Part XVII. Future Cyber Security Trends And Directions
- Chapter 103. Future Trends for Cyber Attacks in the Healthcare Industry
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Internet of Medical Things
- 3. Rural and Small-Sized Hospitals are at a Greater Risk of Suffering a Cyber Attacked
- 4. What Cyber Threats or Attacks is the Healthcare Most at Risk Off?
- 5. Autocratic Regimes and the Healthcare Industry
- 6. The Threat Landscape of the Future: Digital Healthcare and Integrated Healthcare
- 7. Mitigating Healthcare Data Breaches in the Healthcare Industry
- 8. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Chapter 104. Future Trends in Maritime Cybersecurity
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Factors of Change in the Maritime Industry
- 3. Cybersecurity Solutions and Approaches
- 4. Future Directions and Trends
- 5. Summary
- Chapter Review Questions/Exercises
- Exercise
- Part XVIII. Appendices
- Appendix A. List of Top Information and Network Security Implementation and Deployment Companies
- Appendix B. List of Security Products
- Appendix C. List of Security Standards
- Appendix D. List of Miscellaneous Security Resources
- Appendix E. Frequently Asked Questions
- Appendix F. Case Studies
- Appendix G. Answers to Review Questions/Exercises, Hands-on Projects, Case Projects, and Optional Team Case Project by Chapter
- Appendix H. Glossary
- Index
- Index
- No. of pages: 1968
- Language: English
- Edition: 4
- Published: August 28, 2024
- Imprint: Morgan Kaufmann
- Hardback ISBN: 9780443132230
- eBook ISBN: 9780443132247
John Vacca
John Vacca is an independent information technology consultant and researcher, professional writer, editor, reviewer, and author based in Pomeroy, Ohio, USA. Since 1982, John has authored, edited, and published more than 85 books, including Smart Cities Policies and Financing: Approaches and Solutions, Elsevier; Cloud Computing Security: Foundations and Challenges, Taylor and Francis/CRC Press; Solving Urban Infrastructure Problems Using Smart City Technologies: Handbook on Planning, Design, Development, and Regulation, Elsevier; Online Terrorist Propaganda, Recruitment, and Radicalization, Taylor and Francis/CRC Press; Nanoscale Networking and Communications Handbook, Taylor and Francis/CRC Press; Handbook of Sensor Networking: Advanced Technologies and Applications, Taylor and Francis/CRC Press; Network and System Security 2/e, Elsevier/Syngress; Cyber Security and IT Infrastructure Protection, Elsevier/Syngress; and Managing Information Security 2/e, Elsevier/Syngress; among many others.
John was a Configuration Management Specialist, Computer Specialist, and the Computer Security Official (CSO) for NASA’s space station program (Freedom) and the International Space Station Program from 1988 until his retirement from NASA in 1995. John has also been a security consultant for major motion pictures, including AntiTrust, Collateral, and Identity Theft: The Michelle Brown Story. He received his M.Sc. from Kansas State University and an MBA from Emporia State University and served in the United States Air Force from 1967-1971.
Affiliations and expertise
Information Technology Consultant and Researcher, Pomeroy, OH, USA.Read Computer and Information Security Handbook (2-Volume Set) on ScienceDirect