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Properties of chemical compounds and their mixtures are needed in almost every aspect of process and product design. When the use of experimental data is not possible, one of the… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
PART II. Models for Properties.
Pure component property estimation: Models and databases (Jorge Marerro, Rafiqul Gani).
Models for liquid phase activity coefficients-UNIFAC
(Jens Abildskov et al.).
Equations of state with emphasis on excess Gibbs energy mixing rules (E.C. Voutsas et al.).
Association models &dashv The CPA equation of state (G.M. Kontogeorgis).
Models for polymer solutions (G.M. Kontogeorgis).
Property estimation for electrolyte systems (M.L. Pinsky, Kiyoteru Takano).
Diffusion in multicomponent mixtures (A. Shapiro et al.).
Modelling of phase equilibria in systems with organic solid solutions (Joao Coutinho et al.).
An introduction to modeling of gas hydrates (E. Hendriks, H. Meijer).
Part III: Application of property models and databases.
Molecular simulation of phase equilibria for industrial applications (I.G. Economou).
Property models in computation of phase equilibria
(Rafiqul Gani, G.M. Kontogeorgis).
Application of property models in chemical product design (G.M. Kontogeorgis et al.).
Computational algorithms for electrolyte system properties (Rafiqul Gani, Kiyoteru Takano).
PART IV: Challenges and Opportunities.
Challenges and Opportunities for Property Modelling
(G.M. Kontogeorgis, Rafiqul Gani).