Computational Neuroscience
Trends in Research 1999
- 1st Edition - July 8, 1999
- Editor: J.M. Bower
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 0 3 0 7 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 2 9 2 8 - 6
This volume includes papers originally presented at the 7th annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS'98) held in July of 1998 at the Fess Parker Doubletree Inn in Santa… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThis volume includes papers originally presented at the 7th annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS'98) held in July of 1998 at the Fess Parker Doubletree Inn in Santa Barbara, California. The CNS meetings bring together computational neuroscientists representing many different fields and backgrounds as well as many different experimental preparations and theoretical approaches. The papers published here range from pure experimental neurobiology, to neuro-ethology, mathematics, physics, and engineering. In all cases the research described is focused on understanding how nervous systems compute. The actual subjects of the research include a highly diverse number of preparations, modeling approaches, and analysis techniques. Accordingly, this volume reflects the breadth and depth of current research in computational neuroscience taking place throughout the world.
Editorial. Committees. Reviewers. Subcellular. Brief pauses are signals for depressing synapses (Matthias Bethge, Klaus Pawelzik, Theo Geisel). Presynaptic facilitation: Quantal analysis and simulations (Maria Bykhovskaia, Mary Kate Worden, John T. Hackett). Consequence of morphological alterations on synaptic function (Taraneh Ghaffari-Farazi, Jim-Shih Liaw, Theodore W. Berger). Decoding time-varying calcium signals by the postsynaptic biochemical network: computer simulations of molecular kinetics (Yoshihisa Kubota, James M. Bower). Limitations on detection of gradients of diffusible chemicals by axons (J.S. Urbach, Geoffrey J. Goodhill). Cellular. Active dendrites regulate spatio-temporal synaptic integration in hippocampal dentate granule cells (Ildikó Aradi, William R. Holmes). A cellular model of directionally selective visual motion detection in crayfish tangential cells (Annemarie Bartels, Raymon M. Glantz). Dynamics of light-induced current in Hermissenda (K.T. Blackwell). A genetic algorithm study on the influence of dendritic plateau potentials on bistable spiking in motoneurons (Victoria Booth). Finding unstable periodic orbits in electroreceptors, cold receptors and hypothalamic neurons (Hans A. Braun, Mathias Dewald, Karlheinz Voigt, Martin Huber, Xing Pei, Frank Moss). Is there a problem matching real and model CV(ISI)? (David Brown, Jianfeng Feng). New technique for analyzing integrate and fire neurons (A.N. Burkitt, G.M. Clark). Activity-dependent regulation of excitability in rat visual cortical neurons (Niraj S. Desai, Sacha B. Nelson, Gina G. Turrigiano). Effects of dopaminergic modulation of persistent sodium currents on the excitability of prefrontal cortical neurons: a computational study (J.G. Dilmore, B.G. Gutkin, G.B. Ermentrout). Origin of firing varibility of the integrate-and-fire model (Jianfeng Feng). Local cortical injections of glutamate and noradrenaline alter high-frequency (245 Hz) neuronal activity in rat cortex (Brent A. Field, Alexander R. Pico, Richard T. Marrocco). Including a second inward conductance in Morris and Lecar dynamics (Walter G. Gall, Ying Zhou). Motion detection and characterization by an excitable membrane: the "bow wave" model (Donald A. Glaser, Davis Barch). Decorrelation of spike trains by synaptic depression (Mark S. Goldman, Sacha B. Nelson, L.F. Abbott). Homogeneous distribution of excitatory and inhibitory synapses on the dendrites of the cat surea triceps a-motoneurons increases synaptic efficacy: computer model (G. Gradwohl, R. Nitzan, Y. Grossman). Correlation and neural information coding fidelity and efficiency (Charlotee M. Gruner, Don H. Johnson). A PDF model of populations of Purkinje cells: non-linear interactions and high variability (Shahin Hakimian, Charles H. Anderson, W. Thomas Thach). Mathematical description of ionic currents of the Kenyon cell in the mushroom body of honeybee (Hidetoshi Ikeno, Shiro Usui). Control of burst proportion and frequency range by drive-dependent modulation of adaptation (Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski, Jesper Tegnér, Sten Grillner, Anders Lansner). Location-dependent differences between somatic and dendritic IPSPs (Máté Lengyel, Ádám Kepecs, Péter Érdi). Dynamic synapse: harnessing the computing power of synaptic dynamics (Jim-Shih Liaw, Theodore W. Berger). A microscopic nervecell analysis theory for elucidating membrane potential dynamics using boundary element method (Shingo Murakami, Akira Hirose). Low threshold calcium T-current IV curve geometry is alterable through the distribution of T-channels in thalamic relay neurons (Mike Neubig, Alain Destexhe). Modelling the firing pattern of bullfrog vestibular neurons responding to naturalistic stimuli (Michael G. Paulin, Larry F. Hoffman). Bandpass properties of integrate-fire neurons (Hans E. Plesser, Theo Geisel).Towards the memory capacity of neurons with active dendrites (Panayiota Poirazi, Bartlett W. Mel). The relation between V1 neuronal responses and eye movement-like stimulus presentations (Barry J. Richmond, John A. Hertz, Timothy J. Gawne). A minimal model for metabotropic modulation of fast synaptic transmission and firing properties in bullfrog sympathetic B neurons (Hermann Schobesberger, Boris S. Gutkin, John P. Horn). A dendritic model of coincidence detection in the avian brainstem (Jonathan Z. Simon, Catherine E. Carr, Shihab A. Shamma). Adaptive leaky integrator models of cerebellar Purkinje cells can learn the clustering of temporal patterns (Volker Steuber, David J. Willshaw). Categorization of Gerbil auditory fiber responses (Bilin Z. Stiber, Edwin R. Lewis, Michael Stiber, Kenneth R. Henry).A model of temporal and activity-dependent mechanisms underlying the phylogenetic development of cerebellar molecular interneuron morphology (Fahad Sultan). Cholinergic modulation of spike timing and spike rate (Akaysha C. Tang, Jonathan Wolfe, Andreas M. Bartel). Spiking statistics in noisy hippocampal interneurons (P.H.E. Tiesinga, Jorge V. José). Modeling the natural variability in the shape of dendritic trees: application to basal dendrites of small rat cortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons (Jaap van Pelt, Harry B.M. Uylings). Network. A statistical neural field approach to orientation selectivity (Péter Adorján, György Barna, Péter Erdi, Klaus Obermayer). An oscillating cortical model of auditory attention and electrophysiology (Bill Baird).A statistical approach to neural population dynamics: theory, algorithms, simulations (Fülöp Bazsó, Krisztina Szalisznyó, Szabolcs Payrits, Péter Érdi). Generation of various rhythms by thalamic neural network model (Vladimir E. Bondarenko, Teresa Ree Chay). Functional connectivity in auditory cortex using chronic, multichannel unit recordings (Ryan S. Clement, Russell S. Witte, Patrick J. Rousche, Daryl R. Kipke). A realistic computational model of formation and variability of tonotopic maps in the auditory cortex (Marilene de Pinho, Antônio C. Roque-da-Silva). Analysis and modeling of population dynamics in the visual cortex (Gideon Dror, Misha Tsodyks). Theory of non-classical receptive field phenomena in the visual cortex (Udo Ernst, Klaus Pawelzik, Fred Wolf, Theo Geisel). A biophysical simulation of intrinsic and network properties of entorhinal cortex (Erik Fransén, Gene V. Wallenstein, Angel A. Alonso, Clayton T. Dickson, Michael E. Hasselmo). Lateral connectivity as a scaffold for developing orientation preference maps (David H. Goldberg, Harel Shouval, Leon N. Cooper). The importance of nonlinear dendritic processing in multimodular memory networks (David Horn, Nir Levy, Eytan Ruppin). The neural model of nucleus laminaris and integration layer accomplishing hyperacuity in sound location in the barn owl (Satoru Inoue, Yoshiki Kashimori, Osamu Hoshino, Takeshi Kambara). A neural mechanism of AM frequency selectivity of pyramidal cell circuit in electrosensory lateral-line lobe of weakly electric fish (Yoshiki Kashimori, Osamu Hoshino, Takeshi Kambara). Model of the propagation of synchronous firing in a reduced neuron network (Pawel Kudela, Piotr J. Franaszczuk, Gregory K. Bergey). Serotonergic modulation of the cerebellar granule cell network (Linda J. Larson-Prior, Huo Lu).An analysis of connectivity and function in hippocampal associative memory (Miguel Maravall). Computational model of topographic reorganization in somatosensory cortex in response to digit lesions (Marcelo B. Mazza, Antonio C. Roque-da-Silva). Model- and scale-independent performance of a hippocampal CA3 network architecture (Elliot D. Menschik, Shih-Cheng Yen, Leif H. Finkel). A coupled neural oscillator model for recruitment and annihilation of the degrees of freedom of oscillatory movements (H. Nagashino, M. Kataoka, Y. Kinouchi). Pattern analysis with spiking neurons using delay coding (Thomas Natschläger, Berthold Ruf). Response-locked changes in auto- and cross-covariations in parietal cortex (J.S. Pezaris, M. Sahani, R.A. Andersen). Effects of lateral competition in the primary visual cortex on the development of topographic projections and ocular dominance maps (Christian Piepenbrock, Klaus Obermayer). Pyramidal arborizations and activity spread in neocortex (Adrian Robert). Geometric analysis of neuronal firing patterns in network models with fast inhibitory synapses (Jonathan Rubin, David Terman). Correlated firing and the information represented by neurons in short epochs (Simon R. Schultz, Stefano Panzeri, Alessandro Treves, Edmund T. Rolls). Synchrony and delay activity in cortical column models (Peggy Seriès, Philippe Tarroux). fMRI studies of visual cortical activity during noise stimulation (E. Simonotto, F. Spano, M. Riani, A. Ferrari, F. Levrero, A. Pilot, P. Renzetti, R.C. Parodi, F. Sardanelli, P. Vitali, J. Twitty, F. Chiou-Tan, F. Moss). Gap junctions are needed to stabilize slow bursting behaviour (F.K. Skinner, L. Zhang, J.L. Perez Velazquez, P.L. Carlen). Long-range connections synchronize rather than spread intrathalamic oscillatory activity: computational modeling and in vitro electrophysiology (Vikaas S. Sohal, John.R Huguenard). Traveling waves in a ring of three inhibitory coupled model neurons (Susanne Still, Gwendal Le Masson). Network model of synaptic modification induced by time-structured stimuli in the hippocampal CA1 area (Masami Tatsuno, Yoji Aizawa). Comparison of two models for pattern generation based on synaptic depression (Joél Tabak, Walter Senn, Michael J. O'Donovan, John Rinzel). The synaptic NMDA component desynchronizes neural bursters (Jesper Tegnér, Jeanette Hellgren-Kotaleski). The isthmo-optic nucleus:a possible neural substrate for visual competition (Hiroyuki Uchiyama). Gamma-oscillations support optimal retrieval in associative memories of two-compartment neurons (Thomas Wennekers, Friedrich T. Sommer). How imprecise is neuronal synchronization? (Thomas Wennekers, Günther Palm). A model for biological winner-take-all neural competition employing inhibitory modulation of NMDA-mediated excitatory gain (Simon A.J. Winder). Pursuing dynamic reorganization in auditory cortex using chronic, multichannel unit recordings in awake, behaving cats (R.S. Witte, K.J. Otto, J.C. Williams, D.R. Kipke). Enhancing the performance of a hippocampal model by increasing variability early in learning (Xiangbao Wu, William B. Levy). Perceptual grouping in striate cortical networks mediated by synchronization and desynchronization (Shih-Cheng Yen, Elliot D. Menschik, Leif H. Finkel). Systems. A system model of the primate neocortex (Alan H. Bond). Investigation of cooperative cortical dynamics by multivariate autoregressive modeling of event-related local field potentials (Steven L. Bressler, Mingzhou Ding, Weiming Yang). Neuronal regulation: a biologically plausible mechanism for efficient synaptic pruning in development (Gal Chechik, Isaac Meilijson, Eytan Ruppin). Decomposition of neural systems with nonlinear feedback using stimulus--response data (Martin T. Chian, Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, Theodore W. Berger). Evidence for neural wavelet packet computations (Steven P. Dear, Corey B. Hart). Rapid processing of complex natural scenes: a role for the magnocellular visual pathways? (A. Delorme, G. Richard, M. Fabre-Thorpe). A latent attractors model of context selection in the dentate gyrus--hilus system (Simona Doboli, Ali A. Minai, Phillip J. Best). Phase-based storage of information in the cerebellum (Witali L. Dunin-Barkowski, Donald C. Wunsch). Modeling the interplay of short-term memory and the basal ganglia in sequence processing (Tomoki Fukai). Relations among neural activities recorded in premotor and motor cortex of trained monkeys during visually guided hand and arm movement tasks (Gyöngyi Gaál). A model of the rodent head direction system that accounts for unique properties of anterior thalamic head direction cells (Jeremy P. Goodridge, A. David Redish, David S. Touretzky). Incorporating path integration capabilities in the TAM-WG model of rodent navigation (Alex Guazzelli, Mihail Bota, Michael A. Arbib). Simultaneous self-organization of place and direction selectivity in a neural model of self-localization (J. Michael Herrmann, Klaus Pawelzik). A neural mechanism of feature binding based on the dynamical map theory in distributed coding scheme (Osamu Hoshino, Yoshiki Kashimori, Takeshi Kambara). Cortical and thalamic components of augmenting responses: a modeling study (Arthur R. Houweling, Maxim Bazhenov, Igor Timofeev, Mircea Steriade, Terrence J. Sejnowski). A quantitative model relating visual neuronal activity to psychophysical thresholds (Laurent Itti, Christof Koch, Jochen Braun). Brain-spinal feedforward--feedback interactions affect output pattern and intracellular properties of motor networks in the lamprey (Ranu Jung, James T. Buchanan, Dan Li). A neural mechanism of adaptive suppression of background signals arising from tail movements in the Gymnotid electrosensory system (Yoshiki Kashimori, Takeshi Kambara). A solution to the feature correspondence problem inspired by visual scanpaths (Jeffrey L. Krichmar, Kim T. Blackwell, Garth S. Barbour, Alexander B. Golovan, Thomas P. Vogl). Stable lamprey swimming on a skeleton of unstable periodic orbits (S. Lesher, M.L. Spano, N.M. Mellen, L. Guan, S. Dykstra, A.H. Cohen). Odor recognition and segmentation by coupled olfactory bulb and cortical networks (Zhaoping Li, John Hertz). A continuum theory of electro-cortical activity (David T.J. Liley, Peter J. Cadusch, James J. Wright). A neural model of landmark navigation in insects (Ralf Möller, Marinus Maris, Dimitrios Lambrinos). Cortico-thalamic interactions in response to whisker stimulation in a computer model of the rat barrel system (K.A. Moxon, J.K. Chapin). Psychophysical determination of the spatial connectivity function in a model of contour salience (John S. Nafziger, Shih-Cheng Yen, Leif H. Finkel). Dymods: a framework for modularizing dynamical neuronal structures (Chris Roehrig, Catharine H. Rankin). Retinotopic coding and neural grouping in tilt illusion (Ko Sakai, Shigeru Tanaka). Striatal dopamine in attentional learning: a computational model (Cristiane Salum, Antonio Roque da Silva, Alan Pickering). Are object shape primitives learnable? (Ladan Shams, Christoph von der Malsburg). Recruitment of binding and binding-error detector circuits via long-term potentiation (Lokendra Shastri). Lateralization in a bihemispheric neural model of letter identification (Natalia Shevtsova, James Reggia). Cerebellar adaptive control of a biomimetic manipulator (Jacob Spoelstra, Michael A. Arbib, Nicolas Schweighofer). Functional prefrontal cortical circuitry for visuospatial working memory formation: a computational model (Shoji Tanaka, Shuhei Okada). Attention, intention and salience in the posterior parietal cortex (Kathleen Taylor, John Stein). Spatial attention in asynchronous neural networks (Rufin VanRullen, Simon J. Thorpe). Odor recognition in an artificial nose by spatio-temporal processing using an olfactory neuronal network (Joel White, John S. Kauer). Learning invariance manifolds (Laurenz Wiskott). Models of paradoxical lesion effects and rules of inference for imputing function to structure in the brain (Malcolm P. Young, Claus Hilgetag, Jack W. Scannell). From local features to global perception -- a perspective of Gestalt psychology from Markov random field theory (Song Chun Zhu, Ying Nian Wu). Methodology. Multi-channel spike detection and sorting using an array processing technique (Steven M. Bierer, David J. Anderson). On artefactual spike train cross-correlations (Carlos D. Brody). Neuroscholar 1.00, a neuroinformatics databasing website (Gully A.P.C. Burns). Exploring the brain forest (B.P. Burton, T.S. Chow, A.T. Duchowski, W. Koh, B.H. McCormick). Virtual microscopy of brain tissue (Brent P. Burton, Bruce H. McCormick). SpikeNET: A simulator for modeling large networks of integrate and fire neurons (Arnaud Delorme, Jacques Gautrais, Rufin van Rullen, Simon Thorpe). See -- a framework for simulation of biologically detailed and artificial neural networks and systems (Mikael Djurfeldt, Anders Sandberg, Örjan Ekeberg, Anders Lansner). Exploration of a dialog-based tunable retina encoder for retina implants (Rolf Eckmiller, Ralph Hunermann, Michael Becker). Developing and applying a toolkit from a general neurocomputational framework (Chris Eliasmith, Charles H. Anderson). Can the synchronization of cortical areas be evidenced by fMRI? (F. Frisone, P. Vitali, G. Iannò, M. Marongiu, P.G. Morasso, A. Pilot, G. Rodriguez, M. Rosa, F. Sardanelli). Design of a brain tissue scanner (Bruce H. McCormick). Cross-channel correlations in tetrode recordings: implications for spike-sorting (Sergei P. Rebrik, Brian D. Wright, Alfred A. Emondi, Kenneth D. Miller).A protocol-based simulation for linking computational and experimental studies (Ying Shu, Xiaping Xie, Jim-Shih Liaw, Theodore W. Berger). One cortex -- many maps: an introduction to coordinate-independent mapping by Objective Relational Transformation (ORT) (Klaas E. Stephan, Rolf Kötter). A spike train analysis for detecting temporal integration in neurons (David C. Tam). Simultaneous paired intracellular and tetrode recordings for evaluating the performance of spike sorting algorithms (M. Wehr, J.S. Pezaris, M. Sahani). Stability of chronic multichannel neural recordings: implications for a long-term neural interface (Justin C. Williams, Robert Rennaker, Daryl R. Kipke). Author index. Subject index.
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: July 8, 1999
- Imprint: Elsevier Science
- Hardback ISBN: 9780444503077
- eBook ISBN: 9780080929286
J.M. Bower
Affiliations and expertise
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA