Numerical simulations of dynamical metal forming (F. Arnaudeau, J. Zarka). Numerical computing technique for predicting thickness changing in deep drawing of autobody sheet (D. Bauer). An eulerian finite element method for the thermal and visco plastic deformation of metals in industrial hot rolling (J.H. Beynon et al.). Surface defects in hot rolling of copper based alloys heavy ingots: three dimensional simulation including failure criterion (O. Branswyck et al.). Analysis of the profile of the local necking in sheet metal deformation processes (J.D. Bressan). A finite element analysis of springback in plane strain folding with binders of high strength steel sheets (M. Brunet). Prévision des défauts de géométrie au course du laminage a chaud des aciers (S. Cescotto et al.). Influence of strain gradients in sheet metal forming (J.P. Cordebois, Ph. Quaegebeur). Surface defects and failure of adhesion in polymer melt extrusion (M.M. Denn). Large strain formulation of anisotropic elasto-plasticity for metal forming (A. Dogui, F. Sidoroff). Drawing of viscoplastic tubes through rotating conical dies (D. Durban). Influence of the blank contour on the thickness variation in sheet metal forming (P. Duroux et al.). Characterization and modeling of spread in rolling anisotropic strip (A.S. El-Gizawy et al.). Numerical analyses of strain rate and temperature effects on localization of plastic flow and ductile fracture - Applications to metal forming processes (J.C. Gelin). Some physical defects arising in laser, plasma and water jet cutting (S.K. Ghosh et al.). Theoretical prediction of the limit curves for simulation of plastic instability (J.J. Gracio et al.). Homogenization of a plastic porous media. Influence of secondary cavities (T. Guennouni, D. Francois). A note on adiabatic flow localization in viscoplastic solids (K.H. Kim, L. Anand). A computational method to estimate the formability of cold forging steels (S. Kivivuori et al.). Stresses and dislocation density during growth of single III-V semiconductor crystals from the melt (J.C. Lambropoulos). Numerical analysis of the influence of various defects on superplastic fracture under uniaxial tension (J. Lian et al.). Finite element simulation of bending process of steel-plastic laminate sheets (A. Makinouchi et al.). Defects in the processing of metals and composites (A.G. Mamalis, W. Johnson). Damage evolution modeling in bulk forming processes (K.K. Mathur, P.R. Dawson). Prediction of the wrinkling instabilities by long wavelength perturbations in thin sheet metalforming (P. Mazilu). Critical damage and ductile fracture: quantitative experimental determination (F.H. Moussy, P. Lefebure). Method of calculation of curve of deformability of K18 steel (J. Pospiech). Finite strain plasticity analysis of damage effects in metal forming processes (M. Predeleanu). Plastic instability of prestrained materials (J.H. Schmitt et al.). Taking into account the forging process in computer aided design to increase the life of the dies (S. Tichkiewitch). Damage arrest by closure of voids in dilatant solids subjected to compressive load (J. Tirosh). Temperature distribution in strip rolling of rate sensitive material (Z.K. Yao, Y. Chen). Damage during forming of coated sheet steel (J.Z. Gronostajski). Defects at interfaces in coextruded metals (C.S. Hartley et al.).