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Computational Materials Science provides the theoretical basis necessary for understanding atomic surface phenomena and processes of phase transitions, especially crystalli… Read more
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Computational Materials Science provides the theoretical basis necessary for understanding atomic surface phenomena and processes of phase transitions, especially crystallization, is given. The most important information concerning computer simulation by different methods and simulation techniques for modeling of physical systems is also presented. A number of results are discussed regarding modern studies of surface processes during crystallization. There is sufficiently full information on experiments, theory, and simulations concerning the surface roughening transition, kinetic roughening, nucleation kinetics, stability of crystal shapes, thin film formation, imperfect structure of small crystals, size dependent growth velocity, distribution coefficient at growth from alloy melts, superstructure ordering in the intermetallic compound.
Computational experiments described in the last chapter allow visualization of the course of many processes and better understanding of many key problems in Materials Science. There is a set of practical steps concerning computational procedures presented. Open access to executable files in the book make it possible for everyone to understand better phenomena and processes described in the book.
Master and PhD students, young scientists in Materials Science, Physics, Solid State Physics, Physics of Nanosystems, Theoretical Physics and Physical Chemistry.
1. Computer Modeling of Physical Phenomena and Processes
1.1 Application of Computers in Physics
1.2 Determination of Statistical Characteristics of Systems by the MC Method
1.3 The MD Method and Its Application
2. Basic Concepts of Theory of Phase Transformations
2.1 The Method of Thermodynamic Functions
2.2 Thermodynamic Functions of One-Component Systems
2.3 Conditions of Equilibrium in the Thermodynamic System
2.4 Equilibrium Conditions for Multiphase Systems
2.5 Different Types of Phase Transformations
2.6 Influence of the Interfacial Tension on Crystallization of Liquids
2.7 Phenomena Connected with Formation of Solutions
3. Diffusion Problems of Crystal Growth: Methods of Numerical Solutions
3.1 Differential Equations for the Heat and Mass Transport Processes
3.2 Boundary Value Problems
3.3 Analytical Solutions of Heat and Mass Transport Problems for Crystal Growth
3.4 Numerical Solutions for the Heat and Mass Transport Problems
4. Structure of the Boundary Surfaces
4.1 Surface Phenomena
4.2 The Major Discoveries Contributing to the Development of Surface Science
4.3 On the Experimental Research Techniques of Surfaces
4.4 Features of the Surface Phase Transitions
4.5 Reconstruction
4.6 Transition from an Atomically Smooth to an Atomically Rough Surface Structure
4.7 Surface Melting
5. Adsorption. The Gibbs Adsorption Equation
5.1 Adsorption on Solid Surfaces
5.2 The Gibbs Adsorption Equation
6. Simulation Techniques for Atomic Systems
6.1 Nonclassical Potentials of Atomic Interaction
6.2 Finding the Equilibrium Structures by the MC Method and Their Analysis
6.3 Kinetic MC Modeling
6.4 Particularities in Application of the Molecular Dynamics Method in the Case of Phase Transitions
7. The Surface Processes During Crystallization
7.1 Surface Energy and Equilibrium Forms of Crystals
7.2 Atomic Structure of Crystal Surfaces
7.3 The Surface Kinetics
7.4 Formation of Thin Films
7.5 Shapes of Crystal Growth and Their Stability
7.6 Development of Cellular Structure During Directional Solidification
8. Modern Simulations by the Molecular Dynamics Method
8.1 Cluster Structure of Supercooled Liquids and Glasses
8.2 Nucleation Kinetics
8.3 Imperfect Structures of Small Crystallization Centers
8.4 Crystal Growth Kinetics in MD Models
8.5 Recent MD Results on Crystallization from Alloy Melts
9. Computational Experiments in Materials Science
9.1 Diffusion in Solids
9.2 Stefan’s Problem of Ice Growth
9.3 Growth of a Spherical Crystals from a Binary Melt
9.4 Crystallization After Laser Processing of a Metal Surface
9.5 Directional Solidification
9.6 Ising’s Model
9.7 Adsorption
9.8 Determination of the Equilibrium Structure by the Monte Carlo Method
9.9 Modeling of Crystal Growth by the Monte Carlo Method
9.10 The Method of Molecular Dynamics
9.11 Fractal Dimension and Renormalization
9.12 Complex Analysis of Microstructures
9.13 How to Prepare Directives for Simulations with LAMMPS