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Computational Geo-Electromagnetics: Methods, Models, and Forecasts, Volume Five in the Computational Geophysics series, is devoted to techniques for building of geoelectr… Read more
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Computational Geo-Electromagnetics: Methods, Models, and Forecasts, Volume Five in the Computational Geophysics series, is devoted to techniques for building of geoelectrical models from electromagnetic data, featuring Bayesian statistical analysis and neural network algorithms. These models are applied to studying the geoelectrical structure of famous volcanoes (i.e., Vesuvio, Kilauea, Elbrus, Komagatake, Hengill) and geothermal zones (i.e., Travale, Italy; Soultz-sous-Forets, Elsace). Methodological recommendations are given on electromagnetic sounding of faults as well as geothermal and hydrocarbon reservoirs. Techniques for forecasting of petrophysical properties from the electrical resistivity as proxy parameter are also considered.
Computational Geo-Electromagnetics: Methods, Models, and Forecasts offers techniques and algorithms for building geoelectrical models under conditions of rare or irregularly distributed EM data and/or lack of prior geological and geophysical information. This volume also includes methodological guidelines on interpretation of electromagnetic sounding data depending on goals of the study. Finally, it details computational algorithms for using electrical resistivity for properties beyond boreholes.
Researchers working in electromagnetic sounding of the Earth, applied geophysics and computational electrodynamics